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— My Book Pick —


Noγwa’mkisk (Where the Sand Blows…) – Vignettes of Bay St. George Micmacs

Dorothy Anger

My 1988 book, published with the Bay St. George Regional Band Council, is now available as an Amazon reprint. It is in both paperback and Kindle formats. A collection of annotated historical sources, it tells the story of the Mi’kmaq in Bay St. George and elsewhere on the island of Newfoundland. (Tap title to see more.)

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posts Newfoundland Mi'kmaq

Newfoundland and Mi’kmaq. Links and discussion at Newfoundland Mi’kmaq Family History and Genealogy.

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Family trees and photos (ON) Anger, Burwell, Lymburner, Mabee, McConkey. (KY) Smock, McDonald, Stewart, Brown. C H Burwell Poems. Finding the Rivers by Marjorie Smock Stewart

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Coronation Street is was my must-see tv. Sunday’s Corrie Scene of the Week goes from 2010 to June 2018 in Canadian air time.

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This Post Has 212 Comments

  1. Also Dorothy,
    I have some information that could be helpful to you and others on other possible mi’kmaq/indigenous families of Newfoundland. This is just some as it is a lot of typing because I have it written in a notebook.

    Throughout my research I have found information about the mi’kmaq Joe’s (Thomas joe born abt 1760 in Indian Brook ns), a possible mi’kmaq woman named ann warrick who married a French?/Irish Breen/Breene man from fogo (no one will do the dna testing or something) and a possible Beothuk/Mi’kmaq woman who goes by the name of Emma “Amy” (the Rowsell descendants).
    I am a descendant of these three and possibly of a 4th indigenous family of Newfoundland.

    Emma “Amy” was born in 1777 and passed june 4, 1840. She was married to John Rowsell (1776 south brook – June 4 1840). It is said that the parents of John Rowsell were John George Rowsell and Sarah Payton (a black woman) of Surrey, England who immigrated to nippers harbour and made it their home. William (G or R) Rowsell (one of the sons of Emma Amy and John Rowsell) was born December 31 1806, in change island NL and passed April 17 1893 in leading tickles, he married a Martha bowers. They had multiple children including a Harriet Rowsell 1834-1920, who married a rideout from Beaumont NL. (This is who I decend from)
    There is a Facebook group on the Rowsell s of Newfoundland, a good source of info and the people on there are always more than happy to help and give info out.

    Thomas joe.
    Son of Peter Joe and Mary Ann Francis of Indian brook NS, came to Newfoundland with his wife, Mary Frances Cabish and children. He was born abt 1760 and passed 1816 NL. He had many children but those of the white Bay Area mostly decend from Elizabeth joe (daughter) and William Blanchard. Among them they had serval children, one in particular, Eliza Blanchard whom married a William John Gale. I believe another daughter named Elizabeth Blanchard may have also married a Gale man.

    Ann warrick.
    When I search up ann warrick and do some deep diving it brings me to “the rooms”, so I believe they have a lot more information. But Ann Warrick was born in tilting NL 1831, and married William breen Nov 30 1854. they had 9 children including Margaret Agnes breen, Bridget breen and Sylvester breen.
    She passed away March 19 1900 in coachman’s cove nl. The breens originally come from Ireland who married Bryan’s and Murphy’s, and there is not much known information about Ann’s parents. But this one is still a working process till dna testing is approved

    1. Hi A Matthews. Would like to connect. My moms’ family is from Coachmans Cove, NL and I know of many of the people you talk about.

  2. Hi Dorothy,
    I was just wondering if you had any information about a Thomas matthews born abt 1875 in broad cove, passed away Dec 15 1919 near tiltcove due to exposure. He married a Mary J domalian (later remarried to a brown) his father is possibly a John matthews but his mother could be three different ladies (Bridget hartery, ann/anne Sparkes or Sarah pippy) I was also wondering if he had any connections to the mi’kmaq Matthews of Newfoundland as my family members seem to think so, but what I’ve found out is that there were two matthews families back when John matthews and Sarah Bagg settled in Burgeo

    The information on John matthews and Sarah Bagg I’ve found:
    John “old man” matthews was born Oct 27 1770 in la hune, (his parents are possibly William matthews and elver langfer/lanfeer, but not 100% on that) he died Feb 17 1856 in Burgeo, buried in st-cyprien-de-napierville Quebec
    They had a lot of children: Jane matthews/brake,
    John “uncle John” matthews, William Bagg matthews, Sarah Elizabeth Bagg matthews/organ, Thomas matthews, Samuel matthews Elizabeth matthews, Frances matthews (possibly male), Joseph matthews, Maria matthews, Eleanor “Ellen” matthews, Charlotte ann matthews, Susan matthews, Annie matthews (possibly Ann Harriet matthews), and Hugh matthews.

    Sons of old man matthews:

    John “uncle John” matthews, Nov 6 1804 Burgeo – Nov 20 1866 Burgeo. Married to Fanny/Frances Dicks in 1825, Fanny was born in 1809 Lamaline and passed oct 26 1885. I found 14 children Joseph (1826-dec5,1865), John III (1827-1855 or after 1900 from other resources), Henry (march1830-nov9,1859), Sarah (1831-oct9,1881 in England), Susan (1832-nov8,1857), george (1835-1838 4y/o),
    Ellen (1835-?), Deborah (March 29,1842-dec9,1904), Christopher (may 3,1844-Feb 7,1915), Samuel (oct8,1846-Nov 23,1867), James “Jim” capt. (July 25, 1850-January 20 1921), William (July 21,1864-apr4,1950) and george (a second george) who passed away when he was 21 (1838-mar 17,1859).

    *I jotted this all down from online so I’m not 100% sure if this is correct. *

    **Uncle John Matthews’s son John III married a keeping of west Burgeo and had 2 sons (John and George) it says john (assuming the youngest john) then passed away after 1900, leaving behind a wife and a son named Rupert.**

    William matthews was born 12 mar 1814 in Burgeo, married a Mary vatcher and had the following children:
    It says William then married Susan Dicks on Aug 9 1855 in Burgeo and they had a son named Hugh and a daughter named susannah.

    Thomas matthews was born abt 1815 in Burgeo, he married a Deborah? They had 4 children named Sarah (born 14 Nov 1841), Roseanne (born 2 oct 1843), Ellen (born 22 Feb 1846) and john (born 31 mar 1848)

    Hugh matthews -no info yet

    Possibly a Frances matthews -no info yet

    1. Hi A. Matthews. It looks like we have common ancestors – John Matthews was my 5th great grandfather. I am also so curious about my ancestry and if there is any connections to the mi’kmaq. Would love to get in touch. Thanks! Hailey (hdw226@mun.ca)

  3. Hello Dorothy,

    Do you have any info on the Boones? I was told that my family is from Bay Roberts area, there was a Rueben Boone (also called Abraham Boone on a different record) have a son with Mary ann Mercer, their son John Simon Boone (b.1882-d. 1948). Rueben has no records anywhere, and Mary is shown in later census records as a wife to John fifield (b.1964- d.1935), with her son John simon Boone, and moved to Trenton Nova Scotia. The only records of Rueben is on John’s death and marriage record. It lists their areas as Bay roberts and port au port.

    Ive been stuck on this dead end in my family tree for years, any info would be deeply appreciated

  4. Looking for information on
    John Matthews 1753 Hants County Nova Scotia

  5. Looking for information on
    John Matthews 1822 Petities Newfoundland and Labrador death 1882 Shoals Newfoundland and Labrador…

  6. Jane Matthews 1773 Burgeo newfoundland wife of Ralph Brake 1784 England .. (Looking for Jane Matthews 1773 parents??)

  7. Hi,
    I went back in my history and found the names Anna or known as Hannah brown 1826-1914, Alice (Elize or Elise) Williams brown 1860-1841, Norville Deerchild 1800-1914 and Elizabeth brown Williams 1830-1893 also known as sally brown. To my understanding many people get their status through them. I am trying to find more information on them

  8. Hello. I am wondering if you might have any information on the following families.
    Carew (Crewe)
    I can follow my tree back to the Lamaline and Codroy Valley area. You seem to have some great information. I have been told there are connections to Mi’kmaq (possibly) on the Gill branch of our family tree. Any help or direction would be so appreciated. Regards!

    1. Hi there, i don’t know if you ever found out much about the Gales, but they do indeed have mi’kmaq.
      On my family tree I have a Selina and a Sophia gale (mother and daughter) gale comes from a William, whom married an Eliza Blanchard. Eliza’s grandfather father was a mi’kmaq man named Tom/Thomas joe from Indian brook NS. A lot of people from the white Bay Area of newfoundland are descendants of Thomas joe.
      William gales father, John gale came from bridport Dorset England

  9. You have a very interesting site, and I have enjoyed spending the last few hours reading various offerings on it. I found your site by doing a search for my great grandmother. Here is how the link showed up:
    Begin quote:
    Genealogy sites Newfoundland Mi’kmaq | dorothystewart.net
    https://dorothystewart.net › Newfoundland Mi’kmaq
    Mar 29, 2011 — (1872 – 1953) from Margaree, NL. Her father is believed to be George Osbourne. She married Thomas Strickland (Isle-aux-Morts, NL).
    End Quote
    Phoebe Osbourne was married to my Great Grandfather, Thomas Strickland. I am working on family trees focusing more on the women’s linage, but that includes their male relatives. I can’t find anything on Phoebe’s parents. My Grandmother Alice May Strickland was born in Isle aux Morts. DNA at 23 and Me indicates I have Osbourne relatives in and around Port aux Basques. Are you able to provide any more information about Phoebe’s family?

    1. Hi Ethel, and thanks. The quote you give is from my Nfld Mi’kmaq Family History page. It’s way back in the comments section – look for Paul Desveaux in Feb and Mar 2018. He has more on Thomas Strickland in May 2020 and May 2021 comments. I don’t have anything else on Thomas or Phoebe, and couldn’t find anything googling them. Sorry!

    2. Hello Ethel , My Mom was from Port Aux Basques and I have cousins with the last name Osborne.

  10. Hi Dorothy, I am looking for info on John White born around 1760, he married Anne& had a daughter Martha White born 1796 & married Robert Cox born Abt 1788 & had a son Robert Cox. Can’t find no info to where they lived . Need help please.

  11. Hi Dorothy,

    I have according to my father & uncle one of my great-grandparents was Mi’kmaq. I was wondering if you might be able to find information that might confirm this. Their mother (my grandmother) was Olive (Kendall) Madore b. 7/31/06 Codroy, NF; her parents were Elizabeth Young b. 7/15/1878 NF and Abraham Kendall b. 12/23/1859 Codroy, NF; Elizabeth Young’s parents were Reubin Young & Eleanor Galpin and Abraham’s parents were Samuel Kendall & Annie Duncan all born in NF according to uncorroborated records. …My grandfather John Herbert Madore b. 5/11/1897 in NF to Alfred Madore & Irene Gallant and had siblings Alfred & Mary (who Married Leslie Barnes). Most of this is confirmed. Any additional info especially about our cultural heritage would be great. Thanks in advance, Laura

    1. Hi Laura, you may already have this information, so sorry if I’m not adding anything new. I have Alfred Madore as s/o George Madore (1826 Corner Brook – 1912 Woods Island) and Mary Cammie b 1846 to Francois Camus (1808) and Nathalie Dion. Alfred’s wife Irene Gallant was d/o Simon Gallant (1848 Margaree) and Josephine Boissel (1844 Bay St George) marr 1860 Sandy Point BSG. I don’t have parents for Simon. For Josephine I have Jean Boissel and Rosalie Marche (abt 1825 Bras d’Or Cape Breton – 1862 Bay St George). Rosalie may have been d/o Vincent Francois Marche and Sophie Adelaide Jesseau. The Bay St George Genealogical Society and family trees linked to on my Nfld Mi’kmaq genealogy page may help track them down – Jasen Benwah’s and Lark Szick’s especially. I have nothing more than what you already have on Olive’s family.

      1. Dorothy,

        I can’t thank you enough for all those names/dates!! I did not have information on my great-grandparents Alfred or Irene’s ancestors, so that is a huge help. Fortunately I had my nana Olive’s info directly from her and on her parents death certificates….. One correction of a typo in my previous e-mail is Samuel Kendall’s wife was Annie Donovan(not Duncan). Do you know if there is a Mi’kmaq link to any of these ancestors?

        Thanks again,

        1. Hi, I’m glad it was useful. I can’t say for sure which of your ancestors have Mi’kmaq connections but there are within many of these families. Going through online family trees should help you find them. Have fun!

  12. Hi Dorothy..
    Curious if you may know more information on Ellen (Hollet)? Been doing my family tree and came to a dead end with her. Thank you

    1. Hi Cory, sorry, I have nothing and googling brought me to a dead end too. She and husband William are on Geni and a genealogy.com page, but nothing about her. Maybe the people who manage those pages could help – or readers here?

  13. Hey Dorothy,

    A friend of mine(Olivia Ralph) has some question for you about her Mi’kmaq heritage. Her grandmother was Mary Webb who was pretty well know in the Stephenville area. But her question has to do with her deceased husband.

    Is this the best place to contact you?

    Also my apologies for not sending you the bottled moose I promised you the last time we connected. I’m not sure what happened there. I probably simply forgot. But as I’m retired now I have plenty of time to remember so if you send your address to my email I promise to send you two cans of moose.


    1. Hi Vince, nice to hear from you. Yes, this is a good place to ask her question because if I can’t help out, someone else might be able to. I’ll email you about the moose!!!! 🙂

  14. Two great articles on Rwanda.
    Can I request your kind permission to reproduce them for a museum project I am getting started on for donation to a Canadian Forces Museum on Navy and Military History?
    Trying to package with the help of our Rwanda visit team and the PAO’s that were with us.
    I can supply you with a couple of examples if I can get your email address.

    1. Will do, James, and thanks!

  15. Looking for info such as birth certificates to back up john matthews 1770-1855 and a Jane Matthews 1773 Burgeo nf information …is a rumour that Jane is the daughter of “Old Man” Matthews. I do not believe this to be true because from my research I have read that “Old Man” Matthews is John Matthews (c 1770-1850), married to Sarah Bagg (c 1770-1860). John Matthews is said to have been born in Cape La Hune and moved to Burgeo with his family around 1796. I believe that John may be Jane’s brother but I have not found any information to back it up.

    1. Wrong John Matthew. This John Matthew was born 1845 and died Dec. 1 1932. His wife was Monica Saulis (Solis) of Tobique. Children Annie (Anastasia), Lizzie and Frank Matthew. On John Matthew’s death certificate is says he was born “Restigouche Ind.” (Indian territory). He was Mi’kmaq. Both his parents Frank and Bertha were Mi’kmaq as he states on the 1900’s Census when he lived in Monticello Maine as a migrant worker. He’d joined a bunch of other Wabanaki migrant workers and they’d called themselves “Amerisee” which comes from the Mi’kmaq word amasi’jijg meaning “from far away” or “some distance” and it referred to their migratory travel for work. He was also a basket maker and sold baskets in Tobique. I think you may actually have the wrong John Matthew. I know everything there is to know about that’s John Matthew. I’m a tribal member. That John Matthew (sometimes spelled Mathieu, Mathew, Matthews on different church documents along with his kids and spouse) is my great-great-grandfather.

      1. Hi Mr T Morey, can you please tell me what John Matthews your talking about please? I also have a John Matthews as my 3 Rd great-grandfather who lived around Burgeo area, my ,2 nd greatgrandmother was Ann Matthews who married a William Guy.
        Thank you

      2. There are mutual John matthews who are of mi’kmaq, I am after finding two so far just on ancestry. There are also a lot of John matthews in general especially back in them days so who knows which is the right john

  16. Looking for info on Captain Mathieu Toney 1772
    7th great-grandfather.

  17. Looking for info on James Fizzard 1887 23 July 1887 Grand le Pierre Newfoundland trying find who he married..

  18. Looking for info on Anne Matin 23 Mars 1645 Notre Dame Quebec death 14 January 1717 married Jacques Rate 23 March 1630 Laleu Saint Hilaire de Ville Franche death 8 April 1699 Saint Pierre de Lile d Orleans Quebec

  19. Looking for any info that someone is willing to share.
    My 5th great-grandmother Catherine Jane Biquenet April 1771
    Lunenburg Nova scotia and 6th great-grandmother Marie Calame 1734 Montbeliard France. April 1771.

    1. An alphabetical list of Lunenburg Foreign Protestants can be found online at Lunenburg County, NSGenWeb-Passenger Lists. They are some of the best documented people in Nova Scotia who were brought in after the expulsion of the French Catholic Acadians. Your story probably starts with Jacques Biguenot (Bigney) (farmer) who arrived on the Ship Betty in 1752 and Abram Calame (mason) who arrived on the Ship Speedwell in 1752. This is the year a peace treaty was signed with the Mi’kmaq that is at the core of the modern day lobster fishery story.

  20. Does anyone have any information about the EREAUT family line from burgeo and surrounding? I’m wondering if there is any mi’kmaq connection, or by Strickland’s..Fanny Strickland? I’m related through mariah jane Strickland by grandpa and Ereaut is my grandmother

    1. Cheers Heather

  21. Hello, Looking for Burwell family history in the US. Found a lot and now this Canadian branch. I am part of the small offshoot of the Burwell family that moved to New Zealand in about 1886.
    My mother was Gillian Burwell originally from Kaimata , Taranaki, NewZealand.
    Thanks for you website .
    G. Thorby

    1. Hi Glenda, I found your great-grandfather on WikiTree. You’ve probably seen it, but it may be of interest to others looking to trace the family from England to Massachusetts to NZ. Even if not, there’s so much interesting info in all the family members’ entries! I can’t find a link between your Burwells and mine but I will keep looking. Thanks so much for writing.

      1. Hi Dorothy just found your amazing site I was not able to find how to post a comment.

        Not sure if you are able to help. I am trying to unravel my great grandmother Lucille Robichaud/Thibodeau lineage. The Robichaud line is said to go back to Marie LeBornge d’belisle the granddaughter of Chief Madockawando . My g grandmother father was a Damien Robichaud . The information I keep seeing from so many people is often incorrect.

        Next via my great grand mothers maternal line it goes to Agatha Lejeune and her father Eustace Lejune who are said to have Indigenous blood. Thank you for your time and consideration

        1. Hi Harold, thanks. Yes, google showed lots of info on these names but I don’t know what’s accurate and what’s not. I have nothing about them in my database. Except for Agathe LeJeune born 1748, as either d/o Eustace, b 1715 Grand Pre, s/o Martin LeJeune dit Briard, 1661-1719, and Ann Marie Gaudet, abt 1682-1719. Or as d/o Eustace, 1732-1760, s/o Jean Baptiste LeJeune, 1697-1759, and Francoise Guedry, 1703-1780.

          On Robichaud and Chief Madockawana, from Geni.com I found Marie LeBorne d’Belisle marr Pierre Robichaud. She is listed as d/o Alexandre LeBorgne d’Belisle and Anastasie d’Abbadie. Anastasie (b abt 1685 Penobscot ME d 1744 Fredericton NB) as d/o Jean Vincent d’Abbadie and Pidiwammiskwa. Anastasie’s sister is Marie Therese Mius d’Entremont. Pidiwammiskwa is d/o Chief Madockawando. You know that, and whether it’s correct, already, but it helped me sort it out.

          So best I can suggest is Stephen White’s genealogies and Muise family trees as well as Lark Szick’s online genealogy or book on the LeJeune family (links are here). For more sources, I found a Halifax Public Libraries blog post from 2019 The Lives of Acadie.

  22. Hi Dorothy,

    I am interested in your photos of the Willow Grove Baptist Church replica and the cross. Can you send me an email as soon as possible and I’ll give you more info?


    1. Will do.

  23. Hi, Dorothy, my name is Daphney Kendall, was looking for info on my GGGRANDMOTHER & GGGrandfather, Ann Matthews & William Guy, & my GGrandmother Elizabeth Guy who I think married John Northcott. Is there any native ancestry among us here. Thank you

    1. Hi Daphney, I have William Guy as born in England and died 1859 in Small’s Island. His wife Ann Matthews (ca 1894-1859 Burgeo) was d/o John “Old Man” Matthews and Sarah Jane Baggs. Theirs was a very large family that you can read about in Joseph Small’s Diary of Burgeo 1925. William and Anne’s daughter Elizabeth Guy was born abt 1827 in Burgeo and died in Burgeo about 1870. Her husband, John Northcott, was born abt 1821 in Hermitage, Fortune Bay, and died 1906 in Deer Island, Burgeo. He was s/o Valentine Northcott, b 1820 in Dorset England, and Elizabeth McDonald, b abt 1822 in Gaultois NL. I have no parents for her. That’s all I have, but maybe readers can add more.

  24. Brian Pittman
    AUGUST 6, 2019 AT 8:38 PM
    Hi Looking for info on the pittman’s of sops island..I have a william pittman that lived there in 1810 but can’t seem to have any record until 1830;s(Margaret Pittman)…not sure if this william pittman was margaret;s husband. she did have a son William. Margaret owned a fishing vessel that she used to transport fish back to England.. Would like to know where those pitman’s actually came from???

  25. Dorthy!

    Is the myers clan from Chapell’s cove related to the myers clan from the Great Northern Peninsula, Bartlett’s Harbour, Bird Cove, and Port au Choix area? If you don’t know and you do find out would you please email me at this email address myersdavid1 @hotmail.com. If you need any information from me i will help you if i can

  26. Looking for info on Deborah Frances L’NU born 1767 1867 Lamaline Newfoundland

    1. Jamie
      Do you have any connection to the Noel family of Newfoundland.
      My grandmother, Agnes Andrews (Noel) indicated she had a half brother, Jim Rose, in Montreal.
      Thanks – Sheila

  27. Look for info on : James kearley married Eleanor Kearley (born Saunders) in 1884, at age 24 at marriage place. Eleanor was born in 1861, in Terenceville, Newfoundland.

    1. Hi, according to MyHeritage, James Kearley was born in 1860 s/o Edward Kearley and Sarah Ann Bolt. That’s what I have too, and that he was baptised 12 Sept 1860 in English Harbour. He died 1934 in Grand Le Pierre. Edward Kearley was born 23 Nov 1828 in Grand Beach, Burin Peninsula, and died in English Hr East. His parents were Thomas Kearley (1795-1847 both Garnish) and Rachel Lake (1800 Burin-1875 Belleoram). I don’t have parents for Sarah Ann Bolt.

      I have Eleanor Saunders as d/o Joseph Saunders and Mary Jane Myles (b 1835 Fortune Bay d/o James Myles 1778 and Elizabeth). James was son of James Myles (b 1753 Dorset, England; d Terrenceville) and Mary Pardy (b 1785 Lancashire, England; d Terrenceville).

      1. Thank you Dorothy
        Jamie Rose

      2. Hi Dorothy this is not related to this post but I can’t find an email address for you. I am Annie Elizabeth Lymburner’s granddaughter.
        I can add I fo to your Lymburner tree.

        1. Hi Jo-Anne, thanks, I will email you.

  28. Looking for James Kearley 1860 married to Eleanor Saunders Terenceville NF 1861?

    1. Hi Jamie, I have James as baptized 12 Sep 1860 in English Harbour and died 1934 in Grand Le Pierre, son of Edward Kearley b 1828 and Sarah Ann Bolt 1824-1906. I also found him on MyHeritage and an Ancestry message board “Kearley, circa 1853” where there’s discussion about his sister Rachel and others. Hope this helps.

  29. Hi Dorothy

    Family lore has been passed down as below, form the Harbour Grace areas of Newfoundland
    NOSEWORTHY – that this family is related to the Beothuk population, and also the pirate Easton, other surnames being Pike, Ash, Canning, Foley,
    My father was Ruben Noseworthy, son of Alfred Noseworthy
    and Mary Canning
    NOEL – this family related to the Mic Mac population, other surnames being Andrews, Verge, Pynn, Rose.
    My mother was Agnes Andrews, daughter of Lorenzo Andrews and Agnes Noel

    1. Hi Sheila, maybe readers will be able to add to your family history. I have nothing about them, I’m sorry to say.

    2. Hi Sheila, You are my 2nd-3rd cousin according to Ftdna. II would love to exchange info and explore our connection or connections as it may be.

  30. Looking for info on: George Rose 1841-1911 Belleoram nf married Frances Miles 1854-1903

  31. Looking for info on: Ella Maria Rose 1855 Belleoram nf married Richard Mallard 1847-1907

  32. Looking for info on…George Rose 1791-1859 settled in Little Bay West NF

  33. Dorothy,

    I stumbled across your web site and I have always wondered why I am supposed to be related to Florence Nightingale, the lady with the lamp and how.

    My grandfather was Charles H. Hutchings CMG OBE KC who was the inspector general of Newfoundland in the Liberal Government from 1904-1908. He married Annie Maude White in 1893 and he died in 1946, my grandmother in 1962. My grandmother’s, family was William and Annie (nee Nightingale) White. From here the trail is cold and so I have no idea if Florence Nightingale is related to my great grandmother and if so how? I would like to pass this information on to my grandchildren before it is too late.

    1. Hi Thomas, sorry but I have nothing on your grandmother’s family. I found your grandparents in the 1921 St. John’s census. It says she was born in 1871 in St. John’s in case that helps anyone reading who might know her family. Thank you for writing and I hope we can find out more.

    2. her name was Florence Nightingale White. Nightingale was a surname passed down thru middle names. I guess, at the time, it was trendy to be able to name a child after a famous person…hence Florence

      1. Hi Jackie
        I am taking this up several years later, but I didn t understand your comment and wondered if you can clarify. My Dad had written to see how he might be related, if at all and I am still unclear. Many thanks foryour help
        Wendy Potter

  34. Looking for info on William Anderson Burgeo nf 1775-1856 married Susannah last name unknown 1794-1858 Burgeo nf

  35. Hi Dorothy, do you have any information on the William Isaacs and Jane Fewer line in Newfoundland? I believe they had 13 children. some of who moved and settled in Halifax / Dartmouth area.

    1. Hi Sharon, sorry but I don’t. Googling them, I see on Ancestry that William (1855-1909) was son of Thomas Isaacs, born in England. Three children are listed for them: Stella, Dorothy and Elizabeth. With luck, someone reading will be able to add more.

  36. Hi Dorothy

    I am wondering why the Harvey family tree is included in the NL Mi’qmak Family history pages? Can you tell me the connection?


    1. Hi Bobbi, it’s there because of the geographical location (SW coast of Nfld) and so there are a lot of connections with other families of the west and south coast. That’s the case with other links on that page too. If I come across a genealogy that helps me out, I figure it might help other people too. Thanks for asking.

  37. Wondering if you have any information on Jason Benwal as I don’t have any contact for him. I am part of the Jean Joseph March family and seeking information. A lot of Jason’s family tree applies to my family tree. May also involve Marie Martha LeJeune.

    1. Hi Patsy, Jasen has a number of his family trees at benoitfirstnation.ca. There’s also a huge Marche family tree at the Bay St. George Genealogy Society. You have to join to see it, but it’s only $10 a year (I think) and lots of other documents and family trees are then available to you. For LeJeunes, there’s Lark Szick’s work online and in book form. Google these names or go to my Nfld Mi’kmaq Family History for links.

      1. Thanks for your help. I am in the process of getting the membership. (The fee is $10.00 ) I have some information from Kirk Butt who is also a relative of my husband.

        Our family tree is so extensive and I am only just breaking the surface.

        I am using My Heritage website for some information and Ancestry for other information.

        1. Hi Patsy, oh you’re lucky! If anyone can help, it’s Kirk Butt. I use My Heritage and Ancestry a lot too. And, yes, you’ve got a huge family tree. I think BSGGS will be useful. Nice people in the group.


      1. Hi Francis, I have Martha Marche (about 1796 Cape Breton-1831 BSG) as d/o Jean Joseph Marche and Marie Theotiste Babin, and wife of Alexander Young.

        1. Hi Dorothy.Thank u…

  38. Looking for info on James Matthews 1812-1869 Burgeo NF Sandbanks

  39. Look for info on …James Matthews 1812~1869 burgeo Sandbanks nf…..

  40. Looking for info on:
    William Matthews 1845-1917
    Sarah Jane Bagg 1785-1860
    Grace Sarah Matthews 1850-1893

    1. Hi Dorothy. I couldn’t see where to post, so, am tagging along with this one. I’m looking for info on my 3x grandfather, named John Matthews. Born about 1822 in Petites, NL. He married Elizabeth Davidge. Apparently, he was a Mi’kmaq Indian, but I am not able to find any other info. Do you have any information on his ancestry, pictures, etc? Thanks

      1. Hi Lisa, I have that John Matthews as died in 1882 Shoal Brook, and Ann Elizabeth Davidge as born 1827 Fortune, died date unknown in Bay St. George. I am not sure about their parents, maybe someone reading will know. Married in Burgeo (date unknown), 5 children: James b 1843, William 1845-1914, Thomas Francis abt 1848-1932, Edward b 1857, and Fanny Jane 1859-1882. There’s info on them in parish records for Burgeo online (Nfld Grand Banks site for example). But there are a lot of Matthews, as you know, so it can be very confusing.

        1. Thanks, Dorothy

        2. Hi Dorothy. I’m confused…when I search for your website, this is what I see, however, when I go to our conversation, I don’t see the same response. Could you please clarify and perhaps email the info to me? Thanks

          Home – dorothystewart.net | Newfoundland Mi’kmaq, family history, Coronation Street, etc.
          Hi Lisa, I have that John Matthews as died in 1882 Shoal Brook, and Ann Elizabeth Davidge as born 1827 … both mentioned in Caraquet RC records as Mi’kmaq (see Maliseet and Micmac Vital Statistics link on my Nf

        3. Hi Lisa, I’m not sure what you mean. But if you’re unable to see my whole reply, here it is: “I have that John Matthews as died in 1882 Shoal Brook, and Ann Elizabeth Davidge as born 1827 Fortune, died date unknown in Bay St. George. I am not sure about their parents, maybe someone reading will know. Married in Burgeo (date unknown), 5 children: James b 1843, William 1845-1914, Thomas Francis abt 1848-1932, Edward b 1857, and Fanny Jane 1859-1882. There’s info on them in parish records for Burgeo online (Nfld Grand Banks site for example). But there are a lot of Matthews, as you know, so it can be very confusing.”

  41. George Matthews (1849) Bay du Nord married Mary Perham

  42. Looking for info Rose family Belleoram and Fortune Bay …..

    Lucy Rose 1875 married William Webb 1872

    Emily Ella Rose1875 married Gordon Rideout

    Elise May Rose 1883~1955 married Issac Bond 1879~1961

    Ella Maria Rose 1855 married Richard Mallard 1847~1907

    Irene Rose 1896 married William James Buffett 1894~1943

    Joshua Rose 1898~1968 married Janet Blagdon 1900~1985

    Lillian Rose 1957married Edward Hynes

    Beverly Rose 1957 married Jerry Rideout

    Elizabeth Rose 1838 married William Foote

  43. Looking for info John Strickland mCatherine
    Crant Lwr Burgeo NF..James Matthews 1813 sandbanks Burgeo nf (Matthews family)

  44. Hi Dorothy my mom is also a Lymburner. Her father was Roland Lymburner and they lived in the Castor area. Any relation that you may know about?

    1. Hi Kim, I just found a Roland Lymburner on Ancestry born 1900, son of Curt, married to Era Rahn. If that’s him, I have his grandparents in my database. It’s a line of the family I’ve been working on. So thanks.

    2. Hey Kim we are cousins please contacted me.

  45. Hi Dorothy just wondering if you have any info on the shelmuck family in labrador and if you have any info on who George morris father was. He was from seal islands labrador. And was wondering what happened to the link for labrador family history?

    1. Hi Nick, sorry, I have nothing useful for you. The Shelmuck family, I see, may also be known as Stevens. The MUN Labrador family history page may have information but, as you say, it’s down for some reason. I can’t find anything on George Morris, other than a reference to him in Mina Hubbard’s book. Maybe someone reading can help?

  46. Hi Dorothy
    Do you have any information or proof that the Companion’s from Woods Island,Nf are of Indian ancestry ? If so where does the Indian lineage come from ? Thanks

    1. Hi Gerald, in all likelihood yes, if you’re talking about descendants of Jean Companion (ca. 1815-1885). He was married to Marie Brake and to Mary Elizabeth Blanchard. The Loder Gen Pages is a good place to start for info on his children.

  47. Look for Info ( Snook Family )Sarah Priscilla Lake formerly Snook
    Born 5 Nov 1765 in Fortune,Newfoundland Colonymap
    Daughter of Morgan Snook and [mother unknown]
    [sibling(s) unknown]
    Wife of John Lake — married [date unknown] [location unknown]
    DESCENDANTS descendants
    Mother of George Lake

  48. Hello trying to find Hannah Maria Williams woody island nf 1802 ( last name ) wife of John Williams pools cove nf…..


  49. Looking for info on Hannah Mariah Placentia nl born … married John Williams pools cove

  50. Samuel Williams and Mary Polly Vardy Children names pools cove nl

    1. Hi Jamie – I don’t know if this is correct but I just found it on an Ancestry message board from 2003 about Samuel Williams and Mary Vardy: “Their children were John Thomas Williams, George Williams, (my grandfather, born in Pool’s Cove 1890) Alice Williams, William (Bill) Williams and Bridgett Williams.” She attached a family photo too.

      1. Greetings Dorothy
        Grateful if you can assist
        In your paper on the Lymburner family tree you mention a relative of mine James Quinlan married to Marietta Lymburner May 9 ,1848 in Caistor Ontario
        Do you have a copy of the marriage registration or know where I can find a copy
        Grateful if you can assist
        Kind regards Patrick

        1. Hi Patrick, I don’t have anything else. Googling them, I found that marriage date but no sources. Their son Arthur Joseph is in the Haldimand Co. 1913 marriages on rootsweb. But it seems records back to James and Maretta’s marriage year aren’t online. Maybe they’re in physical archives though? Sorry I can’t be of more help.

  51. Looking for info on Hannah Ann Muriah that married John Williams pool cove nl

  52. Hello Dorothy,
    I am wondering if you have any information on Pearl Mosher (nee Patey). She was born to John W. Mosher (1919-2006) and died in 1992. I have heard that she may be from Conne River although I have also heard that she could be from St. Anthony or somewhere in between St. Anthony and Corner Brook. It is to believed that her family tree may be affiliated with the Mitchell’s, although. Apologies, I know that is not much to go on but any sort of info would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

    1. Hi J, sorry but I have nothing on Pearl Patey or John W Mosher. If she was born Patey, should “born to” read “married to”? Did they live in Nfld?

      1. Oops, yes that was a typo! You are correct. She was married to John W. Mosher, not born to. I will keep checking your website and digging further…

        Thanks again.

      2. Yes, my mistake – ‘married to’ John W. Mosher not ‘born to’. She was adopted by the Patey’s in Deer Lake. That’s the only information I have found. Thanks again.

      3. Apologies for the typo and the late reply. Yes, she was married, not born to, John Mosher. Both of them lived in Corner Brook in the later part of their lives, although I’m not sure if they were there all of their years. John’s parents were George Absalom Mosher (b.1974, Nova Scotia?) and Annie White (b.1886, Trinity Bay). Additionally, do you know if the Patey’s and Mitchell’s were associated at all? Or where I could read up on either of these families? Any sources would be appreciated. Thanks again.

      4. Any updates or resources you could direct me to to find out more information? Conne River archives? St Anthony records? Or contacts of people who may have some insight?

        Thank you very much Dorothy,

        1. Hi J, you could try contacting Conne River or west coast band councils to see if they can help or know of anyone who could. Also genealogical societies. The Bay St. George Genealogical Society, if they can’t help, might be able to direct you to another or to individuals. I don’t have current contact info for the others, but Google would, I think. Sorry, can’t think of anything else. Good luck!

  53. One can assume that the west coast in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s was still mostly Mi’kmaq or French on till Joey started to resettle the white man!

    1. Hi D – yes, although I don’t know if Smallwood’s resettlement was such a big factor. There was also it being part of the French Shore and later, in WWII, building the American base at Stephenville. Interesting history in the area for sure.

  54. Hi Dorothy
    I just found out my grandmother was Micmac from Nfld, her name was Susan Moulton and my grandfather’s name is John Clark they lived in Lewins Cove. I have just ordered a geno testing kit so hopefully I will see what comes up. Do you have any info. on them.

    1. Hi Joan, I have nothing on Susan Moulton or John Clark. But did they have a daughter Maude?

      1. Dorothy sorry to piggy back here but i couldn’t find where to post a comment. how do i go about finding out if my family geneology has an indigenous background? On my dad’s patriarchal side,my great great great grandfather was Alexander Roberts but that is where the trail stops that anyone can find from the family research. On dad’s matriarchal side the furthest back i could find is Uriah Blake and his wife’s last name was Besse(anglicized from the French name Bessau). I am sure especially with the physical features of my daughter.myself,and my grand parents that there has to be an indigenous background whether it be mi’kmaq,beothuk,inuit etc. I know they all settled in an around Quirpon,nfld 5 minute drive from Lanse aux meadows nfld.I hope you can help.I give you my husband’s email.names are all i have i’m afraid.and i do know the salvation army church was burned down in quirpon,nfld many years ago so parish records gone there and i know if a child was born out of wedlock it was not recorded in parish records.And being a merchants and fishing port there could have been babies born to fathers from indigenous or European descent.Also being so close to Lanse aux meadows I know there is a possibility of a beothuk heritage.And knowing that the fisherman from my family often sailed to labrador ,greenland etc the possibility is there for inuit or an eskimo background.But it is frustrating not getting a full informative history an I do very much want to know where my father’s father’s side of the family came from because i’m positive the clue lies there.

        1. Hi Lynette, I have no information on the people you name. A quick google came up with them in the St. Anthony Anglican marriage records. I’m sure you already know this, but maybe it will help readers who can tell you more about them. Walter Roberts, 23, son of Alex Roberts, married Mary J. Blake, 19, daughter of Uriah Blake, on Nov. 16 1894.

          Walter’s brother Levi, 29, married Melvina Pynn, 21, d/o Fred Pynn, on Jan 21 1904. Also Mary Blake’s brother William, 25, married Emma Decker, 16, d/o Samuel Decker, on July 7 1906.

        2. Hi, I just stumbled across this site while still searching for the Blake ancestry.
          Uriah Blake is my great grandfather,was married to Alfreda Pynn, her headstone is in Quirpon.
          I cannot get past him for anymore information, my uncle told me he came from Herring Neck NL to the northern peninsula.
          Before I was interested in my ancestry, I remember my dad telling me his grandfather (Uriah) came from Jersey, Channel Island.
          Walter Roberts married my grandfathers sister Mary Grace Blake which probably is your great grandparents.
          Hope this can get you to some information.

  55. Hey Corrie ..I have some information on the Strickland in Burgeo nl.

    Here is my email:

    1. Hi Dorothy, i am looking for any help, you may be able to share with me in find any info on Catherine Bumbo-Benoit.I know she was the daughter of Danial Bumbo and Susan John?. Catherine was batised on July 18, 1839, along with eight other children in the Roman Catholic Parish of Burin, NL.I wondering if she may have been born a few years befor this.Did she marry, and if so were the children. Thank you Ron.

      1. Hi Ron, I found the baptisms of Daniel Benoit (aka Bumbo) and Susan John’s children but I have no more info on them. Maybe readers will be able to help. Hope so.

        1. Hi Dorothy, thank you for your time and help. Ron.

  56. Hi Dorothy,
    my name is AL COLLIER I was wondering if you could help me with something , I am looking for information on and or documents of the MI’KMAW ship builders of St.Georges NFLD 1824 , I know it was Francios Benoit, and Charles Albert Benoit, I am in need of something like a document or something from that timeline in writing , could you help me out
    thank you in advance. The Benoits are in my bloodline !

    1. Hi Al, I have nothing but maybe readers will be able to help.

      1. Hi Dorothy , I was wondering if you had anything on Francios Benoit or Charles Albert Benoit stating they were Mi’kmaw
        Al Collier

        1. Hi Al, I have only one Charles Albert Benoit, and he was born 1859 so I doubt he’s the one you’re looking for. But I have loads of Charles Benoits and Francois/Francis Benoits. I’d need some more info on them to narrow it down. Who they married, parents, dates of birth/death. I have no documents, the best I could do is tell you who I figure they’re related to.

        2. Hi Dorothy,
          Charles Albert Benoit born Feb 28, 1859 Cow head NL,
          married in 1877 to Celina Madore she was born in 1860.
          parents of Charles Albert was Francios Joseph Benoit and Marie Anne Duffeny / Dauphinee , any information would be great !!!!!

        3. Hi Al, I have Charles Albert Benoit as son of Francois Benoit (b abt 1820) and Marie Duffney (b 1822). And Francois Benoit as s/o Francois Benoit (b abt 1764) and Anne L’Official (b abt 1771). Anne was d/o Henri L’Official and Elizabeth Chego or Shegone. Elizabeth was d/o Paul Chego/Shegone and Marie, both mentioned in Caraquet RC records as Mi’kmaq (see Maliseet and Micmac Vital Statistics link on my Nf Mi’kmaq Fam History & Gen page). Also info on the L’Officials in Kirk Butt’s Bay St. George book.

          Celina Madore was d/o Nicholas Madore (1838-1908 St. George’s) and Victoria LeBlanc (1835 Cape Breton-1861 Sandy Point). Nicholas was s/o George Madore (1797-1859) and Marie Jesseau (1798-1858). George was s/o Jean Madore (b 1775 NS) and Genevieve LeBlanc (b 1775). Marie was d/o Jean Jesseau (1744-1800) and Marie Anne Fournier (1754-1843). Mary Anne was d/o Jean Fournier and Genevieve Roy. Genevieve Roy was d/o Charles Roy and Marie Charlotte Chauvet. Just google their names and you’ll find lots on them. Hope this helps.

  57. Hi Dorothy,

    You are a wealth of information! I really enjoy reading your posts. I have a query on my ancestors, if you can provide any input or info I would very much appreciate your assistance. I have DND proof of Mi’kmaq mtDNA proven haplogroup X2a2. This haplogroup directly places our bloodline to the Newfoundland region. I am a descendant of Marguerite Francoise Benoit. However, I have limited info on my beautiful Mi’kmaq grandmothers, specifically:

    • My maternal great-grandmother – Mary Francis (Fannie) Young (Lejeune) born May 1899 married Alfred Frederick Gaudet .
    • My paternal great-grandmother – Sarah Ann White (LeBlanc) born October 1876? married William Bourgeois.

    On the Young (Lejeune) side it becomes very confusing because both my GG grandparents were Young’s (Lejeune) they married each other however they were not biologically related.

    I don’t have very much info on the White (LeBlanc) side due to lack of records.

    I would very much appreciate any info you can find on each of my grandmothers: Mary Francis (Fannie) Young (Lejeune) and Sarah Ann White.

    Thank you for all that you do!

    1. Hi Deborah, and thank you kindly! 🙂 On Sarah Ann White, maybe a bit of help. I have her as born Oct 1876 in Stephenville, Bay St. George. I have her parents as Anthony White and Elizabeth Hynes – and I have nothing more on them. Her husband William Bourgeois, I have as born Jan 1873 also in Stephenville, son of Alexander Bourgeois (b 1845 Magdelen Islands) and Harriet White (b abt 1846 – nothing on her parents).

      I have an Arthur Gaudet, but I have no wife entered for him so I don’t know if he’s the right one. He was born Oct 1901, son of Amadee Gaudet (b 1855 in BSG) and Julia (b 1868). Amadee was s/o Jean Ignace Gaudet (d bef 1911) and Helene Marche (b 1829 Stephenville). I haven’t got a Mary Frances or Fannie Young who seems likely to be yours. But maybe readers can help out. Hope this gives you some new avenues..

      1. Thank you so much Dorothy, I am grateful. I did not have all that information.

        Mary Francis (Fannie) Young (Lejeune) born May 1899 married Alfred Frederick (Fred) Gaudet. She had a brother Andrew Young and a sister Delia Simon (nee Young). If that helps anyone to provide more info.

        I am so pleased with your info and quick response.

  58. Hi, Dorothy & Betty Thanks you for your help .

  59. Hi Dorothy , my name is Rosemary Rowe , I have been looking into my family heritage . I found some information my Grandpareats had Mi’Kmaq Background . my mom is Cecilia Rowe . Her parents were Anthony Joseph Rowe & Lillian Rowe (Campbell ) how lived in port au port Newfoundland . Anthony parents where James Walter Rowe & Marie Elizabeth Young . Lillian’s parents were Frank Campbell & Angelina Jesso . If you have any information would be greatly appreciate thank you Rosemary

    1. Hi Rosemary, I have James Walter Rowe as son of Victor Reault (b 1858 St. George’s, Bay St. George) and Ellen Benoit. Victor was s/o Auguste Reault (b 1832 France d 1913 Port au Port) and Marie Osithe Gaudet (b 1835 Cheticamp Cape Breton). I have a few Francis/Frank Campbells and Angelina Jessos but none married to each other. Approximate dates or siblings or anything might narrow down the right ones. And maybe someone reading this might be able to help.

      1. Hi, This is for Rosemary. As she stated, Lillian’s parents were Frank Campbell & Angelina Jesso. Frank Campbell ‘s parents were John Campbell and Marcelline LeJeune. On the 1945 Census, Marcelline’s brother, John D. Young (LeJeune) declared he was French Indian. Today, many descendants are registered under the Indian Act, who are presently holding and will also maintain their Status Cards. My husband’s mother was Bertina Campbell-Simon. Sister to Lillian.

    2. Hi again, Rosemary. As you can see, Betty Cornec-Simon has some information for you. Also I found a Facebook post that says that your Angelina Jesso was the daughter of Charles Jesso and Felicite Poirier. Hope this helps.

  60. Hello…I was wondering if you had any information on George Rose 1750 and Rachel Rose Belleoram NF

    1. Hi Jamie, I just found this on Ancestry trees. George Rose b 1750 England or Scotland, d 20 Mar 1850 Belleoram NL. Most of the trees have his wife only as Rachel, but one has her as Rachel Adams, b 1755 d 1859 in Belleoram. Three sons, George (1791-1873), Thomas (1803-1897) and Robert (1805-1887). Nothing, unfortunately, on parents of George or Rachel.

      1. Thank you dorothy

      2. Hello Dorothy, You may remember me , I have a lot of information on the Matthews, Crant and Hinks families i took a break for health reasons but will get things organized and post what i have on here if you would like?

        1. Hi Sharon, I’m so glad you are feeling better. And, yes, please do post the info you have. It will be of help to a lot of people, I’m sure. Thanks.

        2. Hi, what info do you have on the matthews.

    2. hi Jamie my grandmother is Gertrude Joan Rose, daughter of William rose and Hazel Hill. The rest of my line is not 100%, but it looks like it matching what I see you have. Is there any way you can share some info with me. My email is randy_amiro@yahoo.ca



  61. Hey dorothy looking for james Matthews abt 1812 b1869 Sand Banks burgeo nf..looking for parents?

  62. Hey dorothy looking for information

    Oct 09 1887 ANDERSON Edward, fisherman 28 B Sand Banks H.W. Cunningham

    BENOIT Elizabeth 22 S Sand Banks George Dicks and William Anderson

    1. Hi Jamie, the only ones you asked about that I could find anything on are Edward Anderson and Elizabeth Benoit. I have him as Edward James Anderson, b Oct 1859 Burgeo, son of William Anderson, b 1826, and Elizabeth Farrell, b in LaPoile Nf. I have his wife Elizabeth Benoit as born Dec 1866 in Burgeo, d 16 Apr 1957 in Burgeo. Marriage date 9 Oct 1887 in Burgeo. Her father may be Lawrence Benoit, b 1848 White Bear Bay d 1921. Her mother may be Frances Strickland, but I’m not sure.

      1. Hi Dorothy, I’m also looking for info on the Matthews from Burgeo. My great grandfather was a James Matthews born 1846, his father was John but not sure who his mother was because there are other John Matthews there. Would you have any info has to who she was and where his father came from? James moved to the Bonne Bay area and married Matilda Payne. Thank You Rowena Neville (Park)

        1. Hi Rowena, maybe your James Matthews was son of John Matthews (b 1822 Petites, d 1882 Shoal Brook) and Ann Elizabeth Davidge (b 1827 Fortune Bay, d Bay St. George). I say maybe because I had James marr. Matilda Payne as son of Samuel Matthews (b abt. 1823 Lower Burgeo, d 1886 at sea) and Frances Currie. After checking online, I’m still confused. The Loder family tree has the family entered, with James, born 1846, as s/o Samuel and Frances but with a note at bottom about James as being born abt 1843, s/o John and Elizabeth (here’s their entry). Maybe readers can help?

  63. Hello,
    I was wondering if you have heard of or found any DNA evidence that shows any lines of the Benoit’s having Mi’kmaq in them? Has anyone had their DNA checked? (Paternal or Maternal)

    Thank you.

    1. Hi Bill, I don’t know what DNA results have shown so maybe someone will write and tell us. Thanks for writing.

  64. Hey Dorothy trying to find information on Frances Fanny Strickland 1855 abt burgeo ?

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      I have traced a line back to George Lomond through his daughter Florence Hannah and see that you have a link to a page on his family listed in your Newfoundland Mi’kmaq Family History Section. Could you please tell me what the connection is between this family and the Mi’kmaq? Was he Mi’kmaq? Or Sarah? Or both? And how do we know?

      Thank you so much. A very interesting site – I’m enjoying it.

      1. Hi Heather, and thanks. I have George Lomond and Sarah Marshall’s children but no parents for either of them. I’m glad you saw the Lomond family tree link. The family trees that I have links to are ones that I have found helpful due both to their content and their layout. They are of family names that are common in west coast and central Newfoundland. Therefore there may or may not be Mi’kmaq connections, but they may be useful for anyone researching those families.

        1. Thank you very much

      2. George Lomond and Sarah Marshall would be my 2nd great grandparents

  65. Hey Dororhy look for informarion John Matthews, a Mi’kmaq Indian born in 1780 in Cape La Hune 

    Also have John Matthews listed India notes and monograph has micmac …

    1. Hi Jamie, I have a John Matthews born 1770 in Cape La Hune , he moved to Burgeo in 1796 . He married Sarah Baggs who i think may have been native not sure on John Matthews,, He was called ” Old man Matthews” and his son John was ” UncleJohn”
      Uncle John married Frances ( Fanny) Dicks .

      1. Sharon can I get your email address please. My GGGrandparents are Ann Matthews & William Guy.

  66. Hi Dorothy, I was wondering if you could help me, could tell me anything about the Indigenous Heritage of these families/people below.
    Anthony Joseph Rowe (interrelated to Young, Benoit, Gadet family)
    Beatrice Lilian Rowe(Campbell) (Interrelated to Jesso, Young family)
    James Lacosta (interrelated to, Kenndall, Counne,Felix family)
    Nora Lacosta(Gale)

    I know my great grandfather(Anthony Joseph Rowe) was a caribou tribe member before they joined the 7 nations. The thing I don’t understand is why they have denied my mothers status due my her parents not being registered…. my grandmother applied back in 2011 and has been fighting for it ever since, and her father and mother were apart of the original caribou tribe when Newfoundlands indigenous people weren’t considered with the rest of Canada. (Sir John MacDonald signed the maritimes over to Canada without even considering the Aboriginal/indigenous people living in their). How are the indigenous suppose break free from assimilation/return to their ancestral way of life when the government savagely denies/suppresses of their indigenous rights,even after the U.N has confronted them on committing Cultural/literal Genocide. Canada is the only 1st world country with 3rd world policies/views.
    listen to the lyrics of
    “Neil Young-Keep on rockin in the freeworld”
    theres a lot of truth in his song.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

    1. Hi James and Rosemary, the only thing I have on any of the names you give is the parents of James Michael LaCosta as John Augustus Lacosta (1884-1965 Port au Port Peninsula) and Emma Jane Kendall (1895-1984). And you probably know that already.

  67. Hey dorothy… do you have any information on Matthews and Sarah Bagg. He was born Abt. 1812.
    Where would find court documents and baptism certificate’s on John Matthews or Sarah Baggs.

  68. Hey Dorothy…I think the name was spelled wrong …your right has to be Skeard….

    1. Hi, It is Skeard.

  69. Hello dorothy….any information on John Matthews 29 Mar 1857 and Sarah Baggs?

  70. Hey sorry spelled Sarah last name wrong ….Skead

    1. Hi Jamie, are you sure it’s Skead? I have nobody with the name spelled that way, and googling that spelling gave me nothing from Nfld. There is a place in Ontario called Skead. Under either spelling, I have nothing more on Sarah than what I’ve told you. Same with your John Matthews and Gabriel Billard.

    2. Dorothy that’s what I have ..Sarah Skead born
      1818 in upper Burger nf

  71. Hey Dorothy….was wondering
    If you come across a
    John Matthews. He was born on 29 Mar 1857…..

  72. Hey Dorothy

    Gabriel Billard (married Miriam Durnford (abt 1798 – 08 Aug 1886) abt 1815)

  73. James Matthews..son John Matthews..and Sarah Baggs..he was born b 1812 b1869 in Sandbags nf

    Hannah 1817

    Amelia Mathews b 04 Feb 1847 d 25 Feb 1929 in burgeoning nf

    Grace Sarah Matthews b 24 April 1850 married John Bobbitt m 14 Sept 1869

    1. Hi Jamie, I have Grace Sarah and Amelia Matthews as daughters of Hannah Kendall, born abt 1818, and a James Matthew. But I am not sure which he is. I don’t have one who matches the info you give. Maybe someone else can help?

  74. I’m looking for anybody that has any information on the surname strickland burgeo Newfoundland mikqam

    Looking for Kearly mikqam Rachel Fizzard née Kearly newfoundland

    Look for any surname Rose mikqam

    Jamie Rose

    1. Hi Jamie, I have Rachel Kearley married to Wm. James Fizzard (b 1846 Mortier Bay NL s/o James Fizzard). Rachel was born 1852 in English Hr East, d/o Edward Kearley (b 1828) and Sarah Ann Bolt (1824 St. John’s-1906 Garnish). Edward was s/o Thomas Kearley (1795-1847 Garnish) and Rachel Lake (1800 Burin-1875 Belleoram). Hope this helps.

      1. Hey Dorothy….I was wondering if you had any information on native ancestry on Strickland surname. …I just found out about this …my Grandmother is
        Doreen Strickland b1910b1999
        Born in Burge Newfoundland …her father was James Strickland b1873b1966
        Born Burge Newfoundland
        Jamie Rose

        1. Hi Jamie, I can give you some names in your family line but I don’t know if there’s any Mi’kmaq connection. Your great-grandfather James Edward Strickland was the son of Henry Strickland (1842-1928 Burgeo) and Amelia Matthews (1847-1929 Burgeo). Henry was s/o Henry Strickland (abt 1815 Hermitage-1874 Lwr Burgeo) and Sarah Skeard (1815-1874 Burgeo). Henry Sr. was s/o Thomas Strickland (b abt 1785) and Elizabeth surname unknown. His wife Sarah was d/o Thomas Skeard.

          James Edward Strickland married Eva Anderson (1881-1982 Burgeo), d/o Joseph Anderson (1854 Burgeo-1919) and Frances Billard (1855-1942). Joseph was s/o William Anderson (1810-1856 Burgeo) and Susannah Poole (abt 1822-1858 Burgeo d/o William Poole and Elizabeth). William was s/o William Anderson (1772-1856 Burgeo, s/o William Anderson) and Susanna Poole (1791-1858, d/o John Poole).

          Frances Billard was maybe d/o William Billard (b 1819 Wreck Is, Connoire Bay nr Burgeo d 1906) and Susanna surname unknown. William was s/o Gabriel Billard (b 1784 St. Malo, France d 1863 Wreck Island NL) and Miriam Durnford (b abt 1798 Francois d 1886 Grand Bruit). Miriam was d/o Samuel Durnford (b abt 1775 Poole, Dorset, England) and Anne surname unknown.

          You might look further into the Matthews. I found parents listed in Ancestry for Amelia Matthews but there were inconsistencies in dates. So, I don’t know about her. Hope this helps a bit.

        2. Hi Jamie, we share the same great grandfather. James Edward Strickland (married Eva Anderson)

  75. Hi Dorothy, I came across your website while searching for my native roots and was wondering if you might know where I can find information on Suzy Stevenson/ Lopez. She’s my grandmother. She pasted away in springhill/collingwood Nova scotia in the 70’s. Her Fathers name was John Stevenson, Stephenson or stephens. She was a Mi’kmaq native. We believe she was born in either Newfoundland or Nova Scotia, as she spent a lot of time in bothe provinces. My family has been searching for her descendants and are not able to come up with much.

    1. Hi Robert, I’ve had no luck finding your Suzy Stevenson. Do you know approx. when she was born? Do you know her mother’s name? That, I hope, would help find the right John Stevens/Stephenson.

      1. do you have any info on one Susannah Eastman mother of john Stevenson born 1881 died 1961 was married to Violet pretty dead also the same year john Stevenson was mic mac Indian i think the last name Stevenson infect is not native but the Eastman is.

        1. Hi Don, the only Susannah Eastman I have was born 1845 in Grandy’s Passage and died 1913 in Burnt Islands. She married Henry Smurridge (1844-1908 Burnt Islands) in 1860. She was daughter of Robert Eastman and Sarah Eliza Gillam. I looked for something linking to your Susannah, but no luck.

    2. i have came up with lots.

    3. Hello Robert O’Toole. I see you have been searching for Stephenson’s! I know that some Stephenson’s used to live in a small rural area of Newfoundland called Beachy Cove, NL. This are is out around Springdale, NL in the Halls Bay area. It is said that Steve Stevenson, they have spelled in a newspaper clipping, was the last Mi’kmaq man who lived in South Brook. South Brook is out around Halls Bay area but I do know that Stephenson’s/Stevenson’s did settle in Beachy Cove, NL. I have reason to believe that it was once an Indian Reserve. This is where my grandmother was born and most of her siblings. Her mother was also a mi’kmaq woman known as Annie Joe, who married a John Barker. I don’t know if this will help or even if it is the same Stephenson family, but you never know.

  76. Hello,

    This is German Alvarado, I’m a postgraduate student at the Universidad de Costa Rica, I’m currently getting my masters in “Sustanaible Development” and my thesis is about the history of the Refugio de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo. I noticed that you did some research on this topic, specifically on the communities’ response. I know that research was published by Alternatives Journal, however I have not been able to find it because apparently is not in Costa Rica and the web says it’s not been printed anymore. That’s why I want to kindly ask you if can send that article to me via e-mail, I would really appreciate it because it would be important for my investigation.

    Thank you very much.

    Anger, D. (1989) `No Queremos el Refugio”: Conservation and Community in Costa Rica’, Alternatives 16(3): 18-22.

    1. Hola, German. I am happy to send you the paper. As soon as I can find it, I’ll scan it and email it to you. Do you know of a book by Paula Palmer called What Happen: A folk-history of Costa Rica’s Talamanca Coast (1977 Ecodesarrollos, San Jose)? She writes about the establishment of the Cahuita National Park, among other things. Might be of interest to you. Thanks for writing. I’m delighted that you’re doing research on this, and say hello to Manzanillo for me. 🙂

  77. Hi Dorothy,
    I was wondering if there is a Mi’kmaq connection in the William James Hynes (1854 – 1920) family tree. His parents were George Haynes and Jane Dufennis/Dafenias? He married Caroline Young (Lejeune) and I don’t know who her parents were.

    1. Hi Kathy, short answer is yes but both families, William’s parents and his wife Caroline’s, are very large and complicated. William James Hynes goes back, through his mother Genevieve/Jane Duffenais/Duffney, to the LeJeunes, Roys and Gallants.

      Caroline Young was b 1861 in Kippens, Port au Port, d/o Peter *Victor* Alexis LeJeune/Young, b Jan 1829 Cape Breton, and Elizabeth Ann Marche, b Mar 1840 Port au Port. Victor LeJeune/Young was s/o Alexander LeJeune/Young and Martha Marche. Alexander’s paternal grandmother was Louise-Marguerite Gallant dit Hache.

      The LeJeune, Marche, Jesso and Gallant sites on my Nfld Mi’kmaq Family History page have lots of information.

  78. hi I am looking for info on my grandfather from harbour grace nfld . Was wondering if he is native. He came to cape breton and married my grandmother Mamie grace and they had 13 children their names are Ernest Martin stansty martin, Mary Martin, reggiemartin, Lloyd Martin ,John Saunders Martin, Lawrence Martin, Irene Martin, Gladys Martin ,Adeline Martin, Mamie Martin ,Robert martin assize Martin. The only one living is my uncle Lloyd heis 71 would appreciate any info.

    1. Hi Karen, sorry, I don’t have anything on them. In case anyone can help, what was your grandfather’s full name? Was your grandmother’s surname Grace?

    2. Hi Karen.

      I am a great granddaughter to one of the 13. I was looking for more information on my Great Grandma Mamie as she was quite remarkable. Do you have anything? I did find Robert’s birth record in newfoundland & their marriage certificate but no birth records for any of their 13 children. Mamie had a couple of last names as she was adopted and they lived and died in Gabaruse Nova Scotia.

    3. Hi Karen, I am looking for the family of a young lady from Nova Scotia who passed away back years ago. I think she was about 39 yrs old. She had 6 small children who were separated and ended up in foster care after her passing. It’s quite possible she was related to the people you mentioned above. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  79. Hi Dorothy:
    I am in the process of tracing back my husbands family. Actually I have been working on this for several yrs. I am drawing a blank in every direction… wondering if you could help
    my husbands name: Dale Pittman
    father : Thomas Norman Pittman
    mother: Melvina G. Ralph
    grand father (Fathers side) Thomas Pittman
    grand mother (fathers side) Bertha E. Burton

    bertha was adopted by charles and metilda weeks (WICKS) as this was changed over the year by ministers pronouncation.

    bertha birth parents: was Henry Albert Burton
    mother : Mary Jane Burton

    records show mary jane was married here and that
    Mary Jane’s fathers name is Joseph Osborne (osmond) as this may have gotten changed as well
    other than this
    I know that mary jane died here but was not burried in the cemetery she has an unmarked grave somewhere????
    I was told by ministers that the only way she could have been married is if she was baptized, and the only way she would not have been burried in the cemetery is if she was native??? this is were we are???

    any help would be awesome
    thanks in advance
    ps. we have been to the rooms in st. johns
    on ansestory.ca
    and to our local church records

    where else is there or can you provide any info… oh by the way we are from Jackson’s arm NL

    1. Hi Victoria, sorry but I don’t have anything on anyone you’re looking for. If the records for Bertha or her birth parents can’t be found, I’d go at it through her adoptive parents and possible adoptive siblings. Or her birth mother. If her dad’s name was Joseph Osborne/Osmond, what was her mother’s surname? Maybe Bertha was recorded with it (if her parents weren’t married, say). If I come across anything useful, I’ll let you know. If anyone else can help, please do.

  80. Hi Dorothy,

    I just noticed that you replied to my query in Dec. 2012 about the Hart’s. Elizabeth Keats married Benjamin Hart. You said you have info on Elizabeth Keats. Can you tell me if it is her mother that was Mikmaq? She is listed under Musgravetown and she moved to the USA after Benjamin died. If you can give me any info on Elizabeth, it would be greatly appreciated. I passed on this page to Elizabeth’s decendants.


    1. Hi Diane, nice to hear from you again. The only additional info I found looking now is the Elizabeth Keats I mentioned in 2012 to you, born abt 1772 d/o William Keats and Mary Durdle, married George Welshman according to one Ancestry tree. I can’t find anything else on her or the Hart brothers. Sorry!

  81. Hi Dorothy,
    I have a question but I don’t know how to get it to you. Could you please email me.


  82. I have been trying to get my green card and when it came back it said wrong tribe.MY dad was george Vivian who married Susanna wiseman from hare bay.My grandparents were Arthur and gear tie Vivian and Samuel and Mae wiseman.If you can help me out much appreciated.Thanks Janie Jestican Vivian.

    1. Hi Janie, I can’t find anything on your Vivians. I did find Samuel T. Wiseman’s parents (John Wiseman and Rachel Wilkins) and his wife Mae’s parents (James Taylor and Susannah Ralph). Not much, but I hope it’s of some help.

  83. Hector Pearce
    I assume you are looking for the John Matthews 1780? from Cape LaHune?
    Not the one who settled in Burgeo. I also am trying to find information on the former. If you find something please post and I will promise to do the same. Also, have you posted a family tree? I think that would be interesting to see.


  84. I was wondering if you or your readers could recommend to me, books, articles etc where I could get information on John Matthews.

    1. Hi Hector, the only source I know for any information on who John Matthews of Burgeo was is Joseph Small’s diary (link to it on my Nf Mi’kmaq Family History page). If anyone has any good sources on him, his parents or siblings, I too would appreciate hearing from you. Thanks for writing.

  85. Hi
    I was looking for info on my family, suppose to be from fortune nl and i came across the following on your website from an email you had rec’d, was wondering if this maybe my great great grandfather as Saul was my great great grandfathers name, do you know if he had a child with a Susannah |Thornhill named wesley Wilson mosher ?
    “Saul Mosher, aka Malzard, was born 1840 in Burin Nfld and died 21 Nov 1901 Halifax NS. His parents were Francis Malzard or Mulzard (b abt 1805 Jersey, Channel Islands or possibly 1790 Lamaline, Burin Nfld and died 31 Jan 1865 Halifax NS) and Mary Deborah Bonnell (b abt 1812 Jersey, Channel Islands, d 20 Feb 1864 Lamaline Nfld).rom someone else

    1. Hi Charmaine, I did some digging and I think I figured out your Saul Mosher. Saul, father of Wm Wesley, would be the nephew of Saul b 1840. Your gr-gr-grandfather Saul, or Solomon, was born 20 Sep 1861 (some trees have 1862 or 1863) and died 24 Oct 1942. He married Susannah Thornhill Nov 4 1882 in Fortune and their son William Wesley was born 1882 in Fortune. Saul’s parents were possibly Henry Malzard/Mosher, b 1835 Burin d 1898 Lamaline, and Mary Ann Major, b 1835 d 1919. Henry was s/o Francis Malzard, b abt 1805 Jersey in Channel Islands d 1865 Halifax NS, and Mary Deborah Bonnell, b abt 1812 Jersey d 1864 Lamaline. They are also parents of the Saul you saw in my comment, b 1840 in Burin.

      Some family trees have your Saul as s/o Francis, another son of Francis and Mary Deborah. But I thought it looked more likely that he was Henry’s son. If anyone knows for sure, please let us know.

  86. Dorothy I see you have a George Wheeler born in Tizzard’s Hr. in 1843 died on May 18 1931. You may have the right birth date at birth place for him but the wrong death date and death place so therefore the wrong person big error. The George Wheeler who died in Greenspond on May 31, 1931 is my Grandfather nothing to do with Tizzard’s Harbour whatsoever. His father was John and his grandfather was Richard they came from Trinty. I have had numerous calls on this wondering about our heritage, bad info.

    1. Hi Melvin, thanks for the correct information on George Wheeler. I’ve searched the comments on this site and my database and cannot find anything on George Wheeler born or died on these dates. Was the reference to him in this website or elsewhere?

  87. Hiya Dorothy. Hope you get this message in the near future. I put up a blog award post and you found your way in there… it was a neat award idea and I have a few more wee heads, so I figured I’d do it relatively properly. Of course you can never get into my blog to comment, but just wanted to let you know it’s there. 🙂

    1. Hi Carrie – thank you! So this means I should do the same thing? Choose posts of mine in different categories? That sounds hard, but fun to think about. I enjoyed reading about your daughter’s first day of school – glad she enjoyed herself. Also your poor little tomato and pepper – so sad, yet so funny!

  88. Hello Dorothy…no need to apologize for listing me amongst the deceased. I know how difficult geneology searches are. I gave up in frustration but your information has me quite excited. I have bits of information scattered about and, once I gather it all up, I will be able, hopefully,to provide a few more dates for us. The photo is wonderful and, after scanning the Anger family tree to see how you connected to the Burwells, it would appear that we could be quite closely related through our grandparents. My grandfather was Merritt (in the photo), brother of Charles, Ruby’s father.

    Regarding Earl Leroy, his first marriage was to my mother, Julia Evelyn Irwin (I may have the date somewhere). My sister Judith Anne, was born […]. She, too, is alive and well (tee,hee). His second marriage was to Lorene (my sister refers to her as Lorraine, so not sure of the spelling). More dates later after I dig a little deeper. I have a few old family photos if you are interested. Is there some way I could email them to you?

    Cheers for now, Patricia

    1. Hi again, and thanks for the info on your parents. I’ll update my database and I’ll send you my email address so you can send the pictures. I want to start a photos page, but haven’t got around to scanning those I have. So yours can be the beginning of it. Thanks!

  89. P.S. – I, too, am a dedicated fan of Coronation Street.
    Cheers, Patricia Stuart

  90. Hello Dorothy,
    How fortuitous it was that I stumbled upon your website today and was thrilled to find such an extensive documentation of the Burwell family tree. I was born Patricia Lee Burwell in Mount Forest, but did not grow up with my father, Earl Leroy Burwell, of Tillsonburg, ON and did not meet my sister Judith until I was 13. I had to giggle when I found my name and the note indicating that I died before 1975. I am here to tell you that I am alive and well (…) and would love to fill in a couple of the gaps and a few changes in the tree you have created. After my limited research, I thought that the best thing for me would be to visit the St. Thomas archives to, hopefully, learn more about the Burwells. I will keep it short for now, but would love to connect with you in this regard. Although, from the copious amount of information on your website, you must be an extremely busy person. Please let me know if you would be willing to communicate with me.
    Regards and Happy New Year, Patricia

    1. Hi Patricia, how nice to hear from you. Indeed it is fortuitous that you found this site since I have you entered as dead! I will fix that immediately. Unfortunately it’s very easy to make mistakes in genealogy. I started the Burwell tree in Family Tree Maker to learn the programme. I didn’t realize at the beginning how important it is to put in sources! I found out when I’d find new info that conflicted with the old and didn’t know which was likely to be more accurate. If you get any sympathy cards, you’ll know why 😉 I’d be delighted to hear from you further and would love to have whatever updates, corrections and additions that you can give me.

      So nice to know there’s another Corrie fan in the family too. I’m waiting for CBC to put the past week’s episodes on line so I can get the pictures that I want for my last Scene of the Week. As of 10 pm, they still weren’t posted!! Thanks for writing, and very sorry for that huge mistake. The New Year must look even brighter for you now!

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