Below is a partial list of my research publications and radio documentaries, under both the names Dorothy Anger and Dorothy Stewart. I have provided links for those available for purchase or download. Some publications are available perhaps in libraries. Reports I did as a consultant or employee are not publicly available.

(As Dorothy Stewart)

2006     References to Pre-Confederation (1949) Newfoundland Mi’kmaq Settlement: A historical literature survey. Report prepared for the Federation of Newfoundland Indians.

2002    Land Claim Report, Supplement. With Shayne McDonald. Report prepared for the Federation of Newfoundland Indians.

2002    ‘The Micmac Shore’:  Micmac Family History on the West Coast of Newfoundland. With Marlene Companion. Report prepared for the Federation of Newfoundland Indians.

(As Dorothy Anger)

other worlds1999   Other Worlds: Society Seen Through Soap Opera Peterborough ON: Broadview Press. A comparison of British continuing serials and American soap operas, including Coronation Street, Another World and others. It looks at their histories, production methods, actors and audiences. (click title for publisher link.)

1998   “Forgotten Indians”  An hour long documentary on the history and present-day situation of the Mi’kmaq of Newfoundland.  CBC Newfoundland’s Sunday Best April.

1996   “Portuguese Recipes”  An hour long documentary on 500 years of contact  between Portugal and Newfoundland through the Grand Banks cod fishery.  CBC Newfoundland’s Sunday Best series April.  Finalist certificate of merit 1996 New York International Radio Awards.

rwanda 19941994   “Rwanda Maps” An hour long documentary on the aftermath of the 1994 genocide and the role of Canadian UN peacekeepers in Rwanda. CBC Radio Newfoundland January, and September on CBC Ideas. Best of International Radio Programming, New York International Radio Awards 1995.

1994   “Other Worlds: The worlds of soap opera” Two-part documentary series CBC National Radio Ideas. A comparative examination of television continuing serials in North America and Great Britain.

1994   Micmac Survival in Newfoundland: The continuity of bands in the twentieth century. With Dr. Adrian Tanner, for the Federation of Newfoundland Indians and Halley Hunt law firm, St. John’s Newfoundland.

1993   “Easter Rising: A vacation in the North of Ireland” A drama-documentary on Northern Ireland politics, for CBC Newfoundland.

1992   “Africa Dance”. A one-hour drama-documentary of the experiences of a development worker in Northern Ghana, for CBC Newfoundland.  Serialized on CBC Radio Morningside. Best Long Feature, Gabriel Awards, UNDA USA, the American Association of Catholic broadcasters.

1989   “‘No queremos el refugio’: Conservation and community in Costa Rica” in Alternatives, University of Guelph, June. A look at community reaction to the proposed establishment of the Gandoca-Manzanillo Wildlife Refuge on the Caribbean coast.

noywa'mkisk-cover1988  Noγwa’mkisk, Where the Sand Blows… Vignettes of Bay St. George Micmacs. Port au Port NL: Bay St. George Regional Band Council. Excerpts of historical documents about Mi’kmaq in western Newfoundland. (Click title for 2024 reprint Amazon link.)

1987   “Women on the Rigs in the Newfoundland Offshore Oil Industry” With Richard Fuchs and Gary Cake, in Jane Lewis et al., eds. (London: MacMillan) Women, Work and Family in British, Canadian and Norwegian Oilfields. (Click book title for Amazon link.)

1986 Women and Work in Newfoundland. With Carmelita McGrath and Sandra Pottle. St. John’s: Royal Commission on Employment and Unemployment, Technical Report, Government of Newfoundland. (Click title for library options.)

1985   ‘You have to be strong in yourself’: Women in the Newfoundland Offshore Oil Industry. For the Petroleum Directorate, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Calvin White, Roger John, me with research paper FNI AGM abt 19831984  Potential Eligibility of Native People on the Island of Newfoundland Outside of Conne River as Status Indians. For the FNI and Department of Indian Affairs.

1983    Putting it back together: Micmac political identity in Newfoundland. Memorial University, St. John’s NL, Department of Anthropology, M.A. Thesis (MUN Collection)

1982   Traces: Micmac material culture in Newfoundland. With Brenda Clark. For the Newfoundland Museum and Conne River Museum.

1981   “The Micmac of Newfoundland: A resurgent culture” in Culture, Journal of the Canadian Ethnology Society 1:1.

This Post Has 96 Comments

  1. Hi Dorothy,
    I am a descendant of the Anger family. Are we linked to the Mi’kmaqs?

    1. Hi Lisa, no, we’re not. But both are interests of mine, one being my own family and the other families that I have worked with.

  2. Hello!
    A couple of years ago, I led a project to digitize CULTURE. From 1981 to 1997, CULTURE was the official and bilingual publication of the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA, formerly Canadian Ethnology Society), published twice yearly. In 1997, CULTURE merged with the journal Anthropologica and the Canadian Anthropology Society decided to retain the latter title as its official scholarly publication.
    Thanks to financial assistance from CASCA, CULTURE is now freely available via the Érudit open access platform. Here is the link to the article you published in the journal in 1981:
    Best regards,
    Martha Radice

    1. Hi Martha, thanks so much. I will update the link on this page.

  3. Hello!

    My name is Rae and I’ll try to keep this as not vague and short as possible.

    My hope is that you might be able to help solve a question that people apparently have been asking for 20 years.

    The origin of the last name Vokey. My mom gave me a copy our family tree and there’s a Vokey line connected to NF. When I asked my mom why the line doesn’t have an origin point (as in a connection to Europe through some record) like the other lines her answer was just “always has been”. My mother also at first deleted the Vokey line in the data set until I pointed out inconsistencies in the dataset. That’s when she gave me the name and NF connection, that she deleted it to hide a “family secret”

    It seems the internet has asked this question in the past 20 years with no solid answer either, why that particular line simply starts in NF and remains in NF.

    While Ive been able to source links mainly to England and Ireland for all my other lines 300 years past, this line seems to just stop in NF.

    This line was connected to my great uncle and I’m lost.
    Thank you and all the best


    1. Hi Rae, you’ve likely seen this Family History Society of NL forum, which seems to agrees with you on the difficulty of finding more. I have no information either, sorry, but maybe a reader will be able to help. Good luck!

  4. Hello Dorothy, I was wondering if you may know anything on a Sarah Renoulf from Deer Lake?… I am somewhat of a lost soul… and I guess I am searching for a family so to speak… I do know that my grandmother and her sister were sent/taken away from Deer Lake… I am not sure where too, but they did make their way to Montreal… and from there to Halifax where she married my grandfather…

    1. Hi Beverly, I don’t have a Sarah Renouf with connections to Deer Lake. But I hope readers or I can help you. I’m assuming it’s Renouf, not Renoulf? Was that her birth name or married name? Your grandfather’s name might help out, also approximate dates of birth/death.

  5. Looking for information on Thomas Babb Bryant’s Cove who married Patience Jones in 1845. Was he born in Newfoundland or did he arrive here in 1828 to apprentice with Coughlan? Some say he was born in 1818 to John Babb and Jane Neil.

    1. Hi Rosalind, sorry but I have nothing on them. Googling, I saw that Thomas Babb may have been born in Devon. It seems there might be more than one in Newfoundland, in the Harbour Grace area, during the same time period. Maybe somebody reading can help out?

  6. I am looking to connect with a former colleague from graduate school days at UBC. His name is John Pritchard.

    Dan Jorgensen gave me some links that have brought me to your doorstep, so to speak. If you know how to contact John and feel comfortable sharing that information, please let me know. On the other hand, if you have such information and are not comfortable passing it on to me, please feel free to forward my contact information to John.

    Thank you for any assistance you may provide.

    1. Hi Philip, I have often thought of John but have lost track of him so I don’t know how to contact him. Maybe he’ll see this and respond. I hope so. I have your contact information so if I hear anything, I’ll let you know. So nice to hear from someone else who knows him, and please say hi to Dan for me.

  7. Hi Dorothy
    I am really trying to find information on my ancestors and this is what i have im hoping you might know something. My ggg grandfather Richard Parrill married Lenora Fraize. Her parents were John and Elizabeth (Babb) Fraize. Elizabeths parents were Richard and Bridget Babb. I know Lenora and her sister Ann were very young when they came to Pines Cove from the Carbonear area following their older brothers. Any information on the Fraize or Babb family would be appreciated. Thank you.

  8. HI I found your information here very interesting, I’m looking for more information concerning Johanna and Mary Watts, I’m a descendent of Mary through two of her daughters. Although Rev. Canon Richards state that they are sisters the date differences make this very unlikely, Johanna’s children were born in the late 18th century while Mary had a child, Sarah my gg grandmother in 1831, this seems to be two different generations. I’m also decendent from Richard Thomas Parrill ( Pareil) whom I’ve been told by a researcher was also Mi’kmaq. My other family of native decent are the Clarke’s of Little Brehat. The rich family history of the Northern Peninsula and Southern Labrador is very intertwine and interesting.

    1. Hi Ephraim, and thank you. I have Johanna and Mary Watts as sisters. You’re right, the dates of birth of Mary’s children don’t make sense for her dob of abt 1776 but I couldn’t find anything online or on Ancestry trees that fit better. I have nothing on the Parrill family. Maybe someone reading can help with information.

  9. Hi
    I would greatly appreciate any info on Hannah Brown and her husband and family. They are my great great grandparents.

    Dawn Carnell

    1. Hi Dawn, as you’ll see if you search the comments especially on Nfld Mi’kmaq Genealogy page, there has been considerable discussion of Hannah Brown here so you might find something of interest to you. Here’s the potted version of her family as I have it: Hannah Brown (b 1829 North River, Labrador d 1914 Current Is. Northern Peninsula) marr William Williams (b 1813 Portland England d 1887 Current Is. Northern Pen). They were known by the surnames of Williams and Portland both. They had 10 children, all born Northern Peninsula: Alice abt 1859, Ann 1862, Louisa 1864, Mary 1866, Octavius Benjamin 1868, Josiah 1870, Rachel 1872, Maria 1874, Joanna Elizabeth 1876, William 1878.

      Hannah had a sister Elizabeth (maybe b 1830 Quirpon, Northern Peninsula) whose first husband was James Williams, Hannah’s husband’s brother. James was born 1805 England and died 1860 Current Is. Northern Pen. Elizabeth’s 2nd husband was William Abraham Buckle Genge (and was his 3rd wife). She had children with both husbands. Hannah and Elizabeth may have had a brother Joseph (b 1826) and it’s been suggested their father’s name was also Joseph. But I know of nothing for sure about their parents. Hope this helps.

  10. looking to find out Elizabeth Williams (husband James Williams) parents .they had a daughter Mary Ann (husband William Humber).Marry Ann and William had a daughter Maria (husband Richard Gaulton).Richard and Maria had a daughter Matilda (husband Stephen Tucker) which is my parents. i can’t find out who was Elizabeth Williams parents.any help appreciated

    1. Hi Dudley, I think the Elizabeth you’re looking for was Elizabeth Brown from the Northern Peninsula. She and her sister Hannah married Williams brothers (originally from England), Elizabeth to James Williams first, then William Abraham Buckle Genge. Hannah married William Williams. Their father may have been Joseph Brown, and the name Novalie Deerchild has been suggested as their mother’s name. But I have nothing certain about their parents. Throughout the comments here, particularly on the Nfld Mi’kmaq Family History page, you’ll find many about the Brown sisters.

  11. Hanna and Elizabeth, sisters, both married williams’ brothers. They both had daughters (their first child) Both called the girls Alice. (Hanna’s was baptized as Alice Portland at Big Brook) Elizabeth was baptized as Williams at Current Island.)

    1. Hi Rick, thanks for the info on Hanna and Elizabeth Brown. Good for those researching their families to know that Hannah and her husband Billy Williams also went by Portland, so records could have either name.

  12. Hi Fanny
    I was also looking for information on Sarah Watts. Cant seem to find anything.All I know is she had 3 daughters Johanna,Mary and Catherine also a son named Richard.

  13. trying to find info on Thomas Watts and Sarah. They had 2 daughters, Johanna and Mary. Mary married a Duncan and Johanna married a Buckle. Looking for information on Sarah as to her maiden name, marriage certificate and where whe was from.

  14. Looking for information on Thomas Mitchelmore. He was born in Devon Dartmouth. He was born about September 1825.He married Elizabeth Duncan, then Maria Billet and Fanny Whalen. Does anyone have info on him.

  15. Looking for information on Johanna Chambers who was a Gould. She married Aaron Chambers. She was born in December of 1896. She lived in Seal Island NL. Looking for her parents names. All the information I have is she had a brother named Jacob Gould.

  16. Hi
    I am looking for information on Buckles/Watts. Do u have any information on Johanna Watts that married William Buckle.Johanna was born 1764 and died 1841. Her parents were Thomas and Sarah Watts. Cant seem to find any info on Sarah. Any help would be appreciated.Thanks

  17. Hey Debbie,
    Would you be able to send me a copy of your information on Alice Williams stating she was Indian.

  18. Hi Debbie
    I understand that u have marriage certificate and birth certificate for Alice Williams wondering how I could get a copy?

  19. Hi Dorothy
    I have a copy of a document written by you for the Federation of NL Indians. It states that Alice (Elsie) Williams was known to be indian. I have her birth, marriage and death certs. These documents state her mother as Hanna/Anna

    1. Can I ask where you located these documents?

    2. Hi Debbie, could I possibly get a copy of that document. Thank you

    3. Would you be able to help people like me who are looking for any documentation?

      1. Hi Gayle, if you’re looking for official Newfoundland documentation for specific people, the provincial archives is probably your best bet. They may have what you need or be able to direct you to a local researcher specializing in archival research.

  20. Hello Dorothy,
    I am descended from Jane Matthews Brake through Jeremiah Brake. I’m not a House on either side of the family, but related to the Brake/Park/Payne/Blanchard families in Bay of Islands. I am trying to confirm whether Jane was related to Old Man Matthews? Particularly as the birth dates I have for the Brake family don’t appear correct. I appreciate all the work you have done and any help you may provide.

    Many thanks

  21. hi
    I am looking for prove on Elizabeth brown born 1830 and married james williams, they had a son josiah william and he married emily coombs, they had a daughter name malina william and she married john toope,they had a daughter name maria toope and she married william coates and they had a son name george coates and he is my grandfather.

  22. Hi Dorothy, I’m from Ottawa, Ontario and I am in the process of reconnecting with my family in Bay St. Georges and I am trying to find a copy of your work called “’The Micmac Shore’: Micmac Family History on the West Coast of Newfoundland”. I can’t find a way to get an electronic or hard copy. Perhaps you could help me out? It would be very well appreciated!

    Cheers, Leland

    1. Hi Leland, “The Micmac Shore” was a report done for the FNI, now Qalipu Band, so you would have to contact them in Corner Brook. Later you could send me some names and I or someone reading might be able to help. Just to let you and all know – my computer will be packed tonight and I will be ‘off-line’ for a couple weeks. So if you’ve never commented before or use a new email address to comment, it won’t appear on the site until I am back. Thanks.

  23. I have discovered that my mother’s family are descendants of Charles Payne and Mary Brooks. Some of the information I have read seems to question her Mi’kmaq heritage. Do you have any information that could help me with this or explain things to me? Any help would be appreciated.

  24. i’ve been looking for your book micmac shore and i can not find it anywhere, was wondering if you could point me in the right direction or where i can get a copy been doing reserch in to my family history and would like to have book . thank you very much.

    1. Hi Cyril, The Micmac Shore was a report done for the FNI and is not a published book. You’d have to contact them in Corner Brook and see if they have a copy you can look at. Thanks for writing.

  25. Hi Dorothy,

    My grandfather Burnice McAllister was the son-in-law of Charles Hercules Burwell (what a great name Hercules). Anyway his son (my dad) has always been interested in our family tree so if you haven’t met, he might be able to fill in some gaps. The reason I’m writing today is to see if I could get a PDF or electronic copy of ‘concerning the things of today and poems confirming the heavenward way’

    1. Hi Greg, yes, I know your dad and your grandfather – he was my Uncle Burnice 🙂 I’ve got Grandpa Burwell’s poem book (3rd ed.) scanned but haven’t yet converted the pages to smaller sized files. I want to post them in a downloadable form on this site but, as they are in direct scan format, they’re way too big for that. Doing that is going to take me a while since I’ve never done it before and I don’t have a lot of time right now to figure it out. Anyway, I’ll let you know what’s happening with the scans and really nice to hear from you.

  26. I am doing research on my family tree to link me to the Mi’kmaq have hit a block would like to give you some information on what I have and would hope you may beable to help me or guide me in the right direction.
    I have ancestors born in Labrador, Bay of Islands, Sandy Beach,etc.
    Just unable to get enough information.

    1. Hi Theresa, just realized I hadn’t replied to you, sorry. Best thing for you to do is post what info you’ve got here and what you’re specifically looking for. Maybe readers can help out. The computer that has my database is getting packed up for needed work on it, so I probably can’t help you but, with luck, someone else can. Thanks.

  27. Hi

    Thank you for the information. Where could I find documentation stating that Alice William daughter of Hanna married William Scanlon? Also do you know if any of the books that you written directly stated that Hanna was a Mi’kmaq? Any info on this would be greatly appreciated.


    1. Hi James, I don’t have any documentation on Alice/Elsie and William Scanlon. Maybe if anyone reading has a marriage certificate or knows what church records it is in, they will let us know. As far as whether Hannah was Mi’kmaq, I just don’t know. Canon Richards referred to Bill William’s wife as “Esquimaux” and names her as Hannah. Here’s a link to it on NL GenWeb, look under section called William Dredge and George Coombs. Sorry I can’t be of more help, but I’ve never come across any documents about Hannah or her family.

  28. Hi

    I’m looking for a copy of the report called “Summary Report on Community Research to Federation of Newfoundland Indians” dated November 1993 this is the one that you and Dr. Adrian Tanner did that talked about four woman said to be Indian first being Elsie William.


    1. Hi James, that report was a progress report on research being done for the FNI. People interviewed in the Northern Peninsula gave me the four names as being people who were said within the area to be aboriginal, but there was no documentation or other “proof” of this – it was just what people said. The names are 1, Elsie/Alice Williams, married William Scanlon and d/o William Williams (Portland) and Hannah Brown, 2, Mary Ann Hynes, married Joseph Scanlon (s/o William and Elsie) d/o William Hynes and Susannah Caines, 3, Rebecca Pittman, marr Patrick Rumbolt, sister of James Pittman, and 4, Nancy Humber, aka Mary Ann, 3rd wife of Abraham Rumbolt. But, as I said, this information is not verified and was only part of a report on the community-level research done at that time. Hope that clarifies things and thanks for writing.

  29. Hi again Dorothy,
    I’d be happy to send you a copy of my paper on Crow Gulch. Incidentally, Angela Robinson and I are colleagues and have been working together on overlapping topics related to Mi’kmaq history of this region. How can I get it to you?

  30. Hi Dorothy;

    I have seen from the above comments that you are somewhat familiar with the Brown sisters. I have along with my husbands family been researching these ladies as well and trying to piece together the lines. Here is what we have uncovered so far. There was Joseph Brown Sr. married Nobalie (spel) Deerchild, they had Joseph Brown Jr. in 1826, Hanna 1829 and Elizabeth 1830. We are tracing back Joseph Jr who married a lady with the name either Ann or Sarah and we know for possibly two children Albert Brown born in Western Brook in 1871 and Sarah Brown born 1889 in either Cooks Harbor or Cape Norman (Census records show this for Sarah) Sarah married Eugene Parrill and had two children Elizabeth Jane and Susanna O (she goes by the name of Aurelia). We are trying to obtain the proper documentation to prove all of the above and if you or any of your readers could/would help in any way it would be appreciated as we would share any of what we have found. Have an awesome day!

    Kimberlee MacArthur

    1. Thank you so much for this information, Kimberlee. If I can make any connections based on what you’ve added, I’ll post it as I’m sure others will too.

  31. Dorothy…..several people have shown an interest in Hannah Brown of Currant Island. Hannah married William Williams. In an earlier post, you pointed out one of their children was Joanne Elizabeth b. 1876 who married Isaiah Taylor b. 1875. However, the 1921 census for Forresters Point gives his birth date as Oct 1878. There is a well known story about how the Taylors came to Currant Island. The Taylor men came from Cupids after the death of their father, Solomon, drowned in the sinking of the Waterwitch off Pouch Cove in Nov 1975. Solomon’s son Robert Sr. came first and married Tryphenia Toope of Currant Island and cleared land in Forresters Point, exact date of his arrival unknown. The story goes that he sent for his 5 siblings and mother to come to Forresters Point but I don’t know how many actually came. Isaiah is believed to be Robert Sr’s son but unsure about this. In any case, Isaiah could not have been born in 1875 so the 1978 date given in the 1921 census looks more likely unless the Isaiah in question is not actually Robert Sr’s son. If you or any of your readers can address this question or shed further light on the relationships among the Williams/Toope/Taylor group from Currant Island/Forresters Point I would greatly appreciate it. I can be contacted at

    Randy Penney (ps. my wife’s great grandfather was Robert Taylor Sr.)

    1. Thanks for the information on the Taylors, Randy. Does sound like 1875 is more accurate for Isaiah’s dob. I have nothing to add but if I come across anything I’ll let you know.

  32. Thanks very much, Dorothy. This is much appreciated.

    If you or any of your readers come across other information relating families from Currant Island/Forresters Point/Shoal Cove/Blue Cove area to aboriginal ancestry, that would be wonderful and most helpful.

  33. Dorothy,
    I am looking for information which may connect my grandparents and great great grandparents to Mi’kmaw peoples.

    My great grandmother was Johanna Vickers baptized November 20, 1880 at Church of Saint Anne Fortune Harbour. Her parents were William Vicars (that’s how it’s spelled) and Ellen Head. (Sponsors were Michael and Agnes Head)

    Also, my paternal grandmother Nellie Decker, born November 20, 1906 in Norris Arm and her parents were John Decker and Nellie (Higgins) Decker.

    My father and uncle, both now deceased, were always told by their parents and others and always maintained their paternal grandmother -Johanna – was First Nations. It was also suggested their maternal grandmother and grandfather may have also had First Nations roots. (John Decker and Nellie Higgins)

    If there is any information you can fins or a direction, person etc you can suggest…I would be so very grateful! If this indeed is true, I would be the oldest living descendant. Spiritually, it would mean the world to me.

    1. Michelle, I’m sorry but I don’t have anything on any of the names you gave. If I find anything I’ll let you know, and I’m sure if anyone reading this has any information they will let us know. So glad you wrote, thanks.

  34. Dorothy, I noticed your comments of Jan 30 regarding the Brown sisters of Currant Island. I am trying to trace the ancestry of the Taylor family, originally from Currant Island and now living in the Forresters Point area. Where did the info come from which suggested the Browns were from North River Lab? Also, you said Hannah had 10 children. Any info on their names, marriages, etc? Also, do you have any info tombstone data about the Taylors of Currant Island? There is reason to believe the family has aboriginal ancestry but source unknown.

    1. Hi Randy, I was told by some Northern Peninsula people that the Brown sisters were born in North River, Labrador, but others thought they came from the island but didn’t know where. The children I have listed for Hannah Brown and William Williams are: 1- Ann b 10 Dec 1862 marr Tom Smith, 2- Louisa b 14 Feb 1864 marr George Letto, 3- Mary b 3 May 1866 marr John Bonnell, 4- Octavius Benjamin b 26 Oct 1868, 5- Josiah b 27 Oct 1870, 6- Rachel Humber b 5 Feb 1872 marr Andrew Humber, 7- Maria b 15 Aug 1874, 8- Joanna Elizabeth b 3 Jun 1876 marr Isaiah Taylor b 8 Oct 1875 Forrester’s Point (see below for children), 9- Alice marr William Scanlon, 10- William b 1878 Current Is. marr Maria surname unknown b Jan 1883 Forrester’s Point. I have all 10 born Northern Peninsula, nothing more specific. I’ve included here all the information I have on their spouses.

      Joanne Elizabeth and Isaiah Taylor’s children, as I have them, are Susan, William b 18 Apr 1902, Mary Jane b Oct 1904, Lorenzo b Mar 1907 and Isaiah b Oct 1910 – all born Forrester’s Point. Hope this helps and thanks for writing.

  35. Hi Dorothy
    I wrote you earlier in the winter regarding some infor on John White who married Mary Eliza Ann Butt who was born in Freshwater Carbonear, she was the daughter of John Butt and Mary Clark from Crockers Cove NL I was wondering if you had any information on these people. I was looking on line in the Bras dor indian site and I saw a reference to the Clarke and Butt families. Do you have any information that may help me in my research on these people and their relationship to to the aboriginal families of Nl


    1. Hi Marcia, very sorry for not getting back to you. I just rechecked and I’m sorry but I have nothing matching these names. Thanks for reminding me about it, and I hope someone will be able to help.

  36. On my mother’s side, Leah Whalen O’Connell, mother was Isabella (Maher) Whalen, married Thomas Whalen of Curling. Looks like my line would be with the Mahers. Isabella had two daughters, Leah Whelan O’Connell and Joahanna Whelan Lynch. Isabella Maher Whelan had a brother from Corner Brook, Mars Hill.Looking to see if we have Micmac status. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks a lot. I’ve enjoyed reading your answers. Thanks, Suzan

    1. Hi Suzan, glad you’ve enjoyed the site but, I’m sorry, I don’t have anything on the people you’re looking for. Maybe someone else will have something. Thanks for writing.

  37. Hi Dorothy
    I am trying to find out information on the Brakes from the Bay of Islands. I see that you have written “the MICMAC SHORE” . Is there an electronic copy of this report. Are you allowed to share it with the public? I tried the Qalipu site but they only reference it and I am in St. John’s. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for any help you are able to provide. and keep up the coronation street updates! My favourite show.

    1. Hi Lesley, the Micmac Shore was done for the FNI in both electronic and print form. But, yes, they are in Corner Brook. What Brakes are you looking for specifically? Glad you like the Corrie updates! My favourite show as well, and Republic of Doyle of course 🙂

  38. Hello Dorothy,
    I teach ethnohistory at the Grenfell campus, MUN. I just wanted to say that I have much appreciated your work on Mi’kmaq history. When I arrived two decades ago, I was hard pressed to find any secondary sources, let alone any students who would admit their aboriginal ancestry. Times have really changed! I was wondering if you collected any information on the “jackytar,” especially related to Crow Gulch (Corner Brook). I have written a study of the community which was presented to the Canadian Historical Association a number of years ago. Also, to let you know, we have established an Aboriginal Studies Initiative at Grenfell and a committee chaired by Dr. Angela Robinson. We are looking forward to establishing an Aboriginal Studies minor, as well as links with the Labrador Institute. If you should ever return to this area, I know we would be delighted to hear from you.

    1. Hi Rainer, thanks very much for writing. I know of the Crow Gulch community of course, and was fascinated with Percy Janes’ House of Hate for its depiction of how it was perceived by the “other side” of the Corner Brook social divide. I’d love to see your paper on it – is there a link to it or a journal if it was published? I’m sure lots of people here would like to read it if they haven’t already. I read about Dr. Robinson’s work in Newfoundland Mi’kmaq studies in an article in the Western Star, I think. I was so pleased to see somebody else working on this, now I learn you are too. Yes, a lot has changed with the Mi’kmaq community and the academic community. Is the Aboriginal Studies minor just going to be at SWGC or the main campus as well?

      Thanks so much for telling me about this, it’s wonderful to hear. And yes, should I be in Corner Brook, I’ll certainly stop in.

  39. Hi Dorothy,
    Trying to trace my roots on my mothers side.
    My mother was Marguerite Maher married to Hayward Batstone…
    Her mother was Catherine Sheehan of Benoits Cove married to Thomas Maher of Mt. Moriah….
    Catherine’s mother was Margarita Arnold of Chateau and was married to Michael Sheehan of Benoits Cove.
    Margarita’s mother was Sarah McCarthy and was married to Thomas Arnold.
    Sarah’s mother was Mary McCarthy (1729 – 1810) married to Nicholas McCarthy (1720 – 1791). I do not know Mary’s maiden name.
    I was wondering if there was any native ancestry.
    Thanks so much for your help,
    Debbie B

    1. Hi Debbie, I don’t have anything on any of these people. I do have a Nicholas McCarthy b 1878 BOI marr Adelaide, son of Felix McCarthy, b 1850 Carbonear d 1911 BOI, and Mary Ann McCarthy, b Carbonear. But both these McCarthys are later than your Nicholas. And yours were on the west coast earlier? If I come across anything I’ll let you know, and maybe somebody else can help.

  40. Hi I have another question. My mothers ancestor was Ann L’Official and Francois Benoit. They had a child Francois Benoit who was married to Marie Duffney. I have never been able to find anything that connects Francois Benoit Jr. to his mother and father. Was there something in that publication “The Micmac Shore” that has information regarding the Benoit clan? Please let me know if you have any infomation on this fact.

    1. Hi Sherri, I don’t have any documents that show Francis/Francois Benoit was Francois B’s and Ann L’Official’s son. But I didn’t think it was in questioned. The reference to Francis Jr. birth info that I found was in Kirk Butt’s book Early Settlement of Bay St. George (v. 1), saying he was born about 1820 in Port au Port or Main Gut, as were his siblings. The book has a lot of information on him and his family. Hope this helps.

  41. Hi Dorothy,

    Great website. Saw a couple of inquiries about the “Summary Report on Community Research to Federation of Newfoundland Indians” which mentioned the BBROWN sisters of Current Island; Hannah who married William Williams and Elizabeth who married James Williams. I, too, am researching the ancestory of these Williams families.
    I would very much appreciate it if you could send me a copy of that report.



    1. Hi Gerve, here’s what I’ve got on the Brown sisters. I don’t know who their parents are. It’s been said the sisters were born in North River, Labrador but, recently in comments here, it’s been suggested they have a connection to Joe Batt’s Arm. I have Hannah as born 1829, d. 1914 Current Island, marr William Williams b 1813 Portland, Eng. d 8 Jan 1887 Current Is. I have 10 children for them born between 1862 and 1878. Her sister Elizabeth was born abt 1830, d. 15 Jul 1893 Anchor Pt. She married 1st James Williams, then William Abraham Buckle Genge. Hope this helps. Thanks for writing.

  42. Hi Dorothy,
    I am trying to trace my family tree (oldford).I have a John Oldford married to Belinda Canning.From what i have been told Belinda Canning came from Quirpon NL. Her father was James Canning and had a brother Lloyd,i am unable to find any trace of her after this.Trying to find who her mother was and if any native decendents.Belinda was born ? about 1880 and died 1962 in Corner Brook NL. I have found a marriage record for John Oldford and Belinda Canning Eastport Holy Cross Anglian records (1895-1919.Thank you for any help.

    Gerry Burton

    1. Hi Gerry, sorry but I’ve got nothing other than what you’ve got and couldn’t find anything online. If I come across more, I’ll let you know. Someone else posted about the Cannings a while ago. It may be one of the comments that was lost. If he, or anyone else, has anything that will help, I hope they will post. Thanks for writing.

  43. Hi Dorothy,

    I learnt of your website from my relatives in Lark Harbour, Newfoundland. I’m interested in getting a copy of your book “The Micmac Shore”. In one of your recent posts, you mention it being available in written or electronic form at the Qalipu office. I have checked with the office in Corner Brook and they don’t have it. How can I obtain a copy? By order on your website? Or some other means?

    Thank you,
    Helen Darrigan
    Oakville, Ontario

    1. Hi Helen, if the Qalipu office doesn’t have The Micmac Shore, I don’t know what to say. It’s 3 large binders worth of material – not a book as such. The best thing probably is if you tell me who you are looking for, and I (and dear readers) can see if we can help you.

  44. Thanks Dorothy… We had uncovered that info and hoped to find more on the Parents of Stephen George and Elizabeth Taylor family. We think there are native roots there but can’t source it. If u find anything further, pleae jot me an email. Many thanks.

  45. Hi Dorothy… One of the posts above referenced the George family… Randy was inquiring. I am also seeking info on George family roots (Stephen George who married Elizabeth Taylor in Chateau Bay) Did you uncover anything? Can you point me in the right direction?

    1. Hi Tanya, here’s all I’ve got on Stephen George & Elizabeth Taylor. It’s probably no more than what you have. They were married C of E 13 Sep 1854 at Chateau Bay and an online source note says they later lived in BOI. Stephen, with household of 4, is listed at Chateau Bay between 1853-67.

      The children I have for them are: Martha Olivia b 24 Jun 1855; John b 12 Jul 1865; Adam b 22 Dec 1867 and Stephen b 19 Oct 1871 BOI. Martha marr (1 Jul 1874 Bonne Bay) Eli White b 1849; their children Sarah Ann b 1875 Bonne Bay, Stephen b 1876 and Jesse Louisa b 1878.

      I haven’t got anything on the parents of Stephen or Elizabeth. If I find anything, I’ll let you know as I’m sure anyone out there reading this will do as well. Thanks for writing.

  46. hi; i’am also looking for info on hannah(anna)brown,married william williams,i do have alot of info on them d.o.b,death dates marriage dates,but i cannot find any info about them of being mi’kmaq decendents..if there is any can you forward to my email….

    1. Hi Kerry, I’ll send you what I’ve got when I’m on my other computer. Thanks for writing.

  47. I am also looking for information related to a previous request by another individual
    Seeking info on Hannah (Anna) Brown and Elizabeth. Micmac. For me info on Hannagh and or both if you have anything.

    Please forward via email any info that you have on these women and families. Thanks in advance

  48. Thanks Dorothy,

    The info i was looking for was info on my Great Great Grandmother Annie Jesso. Her mother was Emilie Benoit and William Jesso. I have a marriage certificate for her but i have no idea when she was born or baptised. I wanted that info for my mother since she is applying for band membership.

    Thanks so much in advance!

    1. Hi Sherri, I can’t find anything other than an approximate date of birth of 1884 for her on a few genealogy sites. Nothing official and no exact date. If I come across anything else, I’ll let you know. Good luck!

  49. Hi Dorothy;
    Your site was recently recommended to me and I love it. Thank you for your sources. I am now looking for info. I have been searching for the ancestors of Elizabeth and Hannah (Anna) Brown possibly Micmac. They are sisters. They married Williams’ men (brothers) from Current Island, Strait of Belle Isle. Have you ever come across a reference to the sisters in any of your research? Also, the same person who recommended your site sent me the first page of a report compiled by you. He doesn’t have the remainder of the report. It is called “Summary Report on Community Research to Federation of Newfoundland Indians” dated November 1993. On the first page you mentioned “four women who were said to be “Indian”. I have the first name, Elsie Williams but don’t have the other pages hence the names of the other 3 women. Hopefully, you can email or send me a copy. It could possibly be a reference to Elizabeth (my great great grandmother) and her sister Hannah or Anna. Thank you.


    1. Hi Yvonne and thanks. Yes, I know of Elizabeth and Hannah/Anna. I’ll find the report you mention – may take a bit of time with my filing system! I know I don’t have anything definitive on the ancestry of these sisters. I’ll let you know what I’ve got on them as soon as possible.

  50. Good day. I first of all want to say great site. I am trying to help my mother and locate some information. I was looking to see where I can find a copy of The Micmac Shore? I know there is information regarding my mom’s family in it. We have our line through the Benoits. If you can tell me where i can obtain this that would be great.

    1. Hi Sherri, and thanks. The Micmac Shore is available at the Corner Brook Qalipu band, and should be in regional band offices too in paper or disk form. Let me know what or who you’re looking for specifically and I’ll see if I can help. Have a great Christmas.

  51. Hello Dorothy,
    Can you tell me if you have copies of the work THE MICMAC SHORE
    ? I am trying to help two friends of mine ,one descended from the Matthews and another who descends from the George Family (Carbonear to Chateau Bay to Bay St. George) to trace their Migmac ancestral roots .

    1. Hi Randy, The Micmac Shore should be available on disk or paper at the Corner Brook Qalipu Band office or at the regional band offices. If you give me some names from your Matthews and George people, I’ll try to help out. Thanks for writing.

  52. Hello,

    I love your site. I was given your name by a lady from a Mi’kmaq Band office in Newfoundland. I am researching my Benoit family and learned we have Mi’kmaq ancestors. I live in Ontario now and I am looking for verification of my roots. My paternal side according to one researcher has a fair amount up to my grandfather. But I question his findings. I am a direct patneral link to BONIFACE BENOIT and his wife MARIE BOUCHER.
    Can you direct me? or help out? Thank you for your time.

    1. Hi Bill, nice to hear from you and thanks. If you can send me more info on your family – your parents, grandparents etc. – I’ll see what I have in my database. I’ll send you an email so you can send it to me that way. Don’t know if you’ve looked at it, but Jasen Benwah has a lot of Benoit genealogy on his site as does Acadian Genealogy. I haven’t got the site addresses handy, but I’ll put up links to them. Thanks for making me think of that.

  53. Hi Dorothy, I just love your work! I come from the Gabriel family on my mother’s side. I love learning about our almost hidden existence, it’s been a hidden treasure for the soul. I have lots of ideas and questions, too many to blab about on here.

    Welalin for all your hard work.
    Paul Pike

    1. Hi Paul, thanks and nice to hear from you. Newfoundland Mi’kmaq existence and history indeed has been hidden. It’s nice seeing it more known and accepted than it was even a few decades ago. Write any time!

  54. Great website you have here. I enjoy reading your material very much. I am trying to locate a copy of the work you completed entitled ’The Micmac Shore’: Micmac Family History on the West Coast of Newfoundland With Marlene Companion. Report prepared for the Federation of Newfoundland Indians. Would you happen to know where I may obtain a copy . I,ve contacted the Fni, but to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.

    1. Hi, and thanks! The FNI has a copy of the report in their Corner Brook office. It’s in 3 large binders, so isn’t really portable. I believe all the band offices also should have a copy. If you’re looking for something specific, let me know and I’ll see if I can help you out. I’ll email you.

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