In January 1883, a dory was lost at sea off the south coast of Newfoundland. On it were Howard Blackburn and Tommy Welsh. They became separated from their schooner in a sudden storm. The Captain and crew reluctantly had to give them up for dead.
Sixteen-year old Tommy Welsh did die, but Howard Blackburn managed to put in at the tiny village of Little River (now Grey River) near Burgeo on the south coast of Newfoundland. There, through the skill of Jenny Lushman and Susie Bushney, he was brought back to health, minus his fingers and toes.
An incredible story, made more incredible by Blackburn’s continued adventures at sea. He sailed solo across the Atlantic and north on the Pacific. His rowing abilities are commemorated in The Blackburn Challenge, a rowing event in Gloucester Mass.
But the story doesn’t end with him. Publicity around his survival led to the reunification of a family after fifty years and the discovery of branches of the family totally unknown to each other.
Lushmans of Little River and USA
While in Little River, Blackburn had lived with the Lushman, or Lishman, family. The story of his rescue came across the desk of a Massachusetts newspaper editor named Litchman who showed it to his father. The senior Mr. Litchman, as a boy, had left Newfoundland with his father in search of work. The father then left Massachusetts and the son stayed, later changing the spelling of his name from Lishman to Litchman.
Hmm, the Litchmans thought, worth a letter to Little River. So the Lishmans of Little River found their brother who had left for the United States 50 years earlier. Siblings were reunited, but what had happened to the father who had left Newfoundland and then Massachusetts?
Publicity about this led to another man making a connection. A letter he’d found in his late father’s possessions explained the missing father. He had gone to Louisiana and indeed had tried to find his son in Massachusetts.
The trail went cold until a woman from Minneapolis contacted the Litchmans. She had been born a Lishman in Louisiana. Her late father had come from Newfoundland. She knew nothing more about his family. Yes, she was a half-sister.
Tellings and retellings
The link will take you to my transcription of the story as told in the Dec. 1912 Newfoundland Quarterly by Sir Edward Morris, Prime Minister of Newfoundland. The only point that confuses me is that Francis Lishman says his mother’s name was Susannah née McDonald. In Earl Pilgrim’s book* she is called Jenny. But that’s a small mystery compared to those with which these people lived. Family vanished – abandoned or lost, a daughter orphaned. Loss and grief, betrayal, survival, reconciliation and renewal. And always, the sea. As Morris says, it’s the stuff of novels. I say movies too.
*I wrote about Earl Pilgrim’s Drifting Into Doom here. It is the book that led me into this incredible tale.

Joseph E. Garland also tells the tale in Lone Voyager: The extraordinary adventures Of Howard Blackburn, hero fisherman Of Gloucester. You can see it on Amazon by tapping the title.
Mary Dominey
5 Sep 2013Regarding the name of “Jenny” in Earl Pilgrim’s book, Susannah McDonald’s middle name as far as I know was “Jane” and this is where the name “Jenny” comes into the picture. Susannah Jane McDonald is my 3rd. Great Grandmother. She was married to a Lushman and he left her and went to the States. Subsequently, she later married James Styles and this is where my line begins.
6 Sep 2013Hi Mary, thank you. That answers a lot of questions.
Annie MacLeod
11 Jan 2013If anyone finds out where the Fox Island James Young and Elizabeth came from or who their parents were, I would love to know. They are my great-great-great-grandparents. I do know their granddaughter Bridget, child of James Jr, was identified as being French on her death certificate and did speak French according to my family oral history. James Jr was married to Louisa Bowles (Henry Bowles – Bridget Lushman). If the Young family is French, this of course leaves open the question of James Sr being related to the Little Bras d’Or Lejeune family. Thanks!
11 Jan 2013Hi Annie, I haven’t checked my database yet but thought you might want to look at the LeJeune website darrell gave today on my Genealogy page comments. Also, if it isn’t the same one, check the one on the links on my Nfld Mi’kmaq Family History and Genealogy page.
Mary Dominey
21 Jun 2016This James Young aka Jacque Lejeune Jr. has children with the same name as James Young married to Elizabeth in Little River.
see following links. Looks like one and the same to me.
8 Feb 2018Annie, did you ever get the answer to this question? I have a similar question on this family as some suggest James was the son of Jacques and Catherine Jessome LeJeune. I have their son Jacques/James married to Jane Simms 25 Jan 1871 in Bay St. George. Jacques/James was 68 at the time but not listed, as far as I can tell, as a widower. Really would like to get this straight as they are my ancestral line.
Annie MacLeod
24 Mar 2019Thom, this is still an open issue for me. I think the only real answer will come fom DNA testing of direct male Young/Lejeune descendants from the two families.
6 Mar 2020Annie, did you ever find out who James Young Sr.’s parents were?
Nicole Sibley
13 Dec 2012There is a typo in my message it should read Sarah’s parents….
Nicole Sibley
13 Dec 2012William Young and Sarah Styles are my great-great grandparents. Sirst mararah’s parents were James and Susannah McDonald (but this was her married name from her first marriage). Apparently she came from Conne River.
Hope this helps you guys some!
Lloyd Styles
21 Oct 2012May 19 1864 Little river Ann Styles married Ephrim Young
Sarah Styles married William young
Two sisters and Two brothers I can’t find who Elizabeth Married
Lloyd Styles
18 Oct 2012Elizabeth Styles August 17 1835 Little river ( Grey river) Daughter of James Style and Susanna Macdonald Lushman Styles Sisters Sarah and Ann Styles
20 Oct 2012Hi Lloyd, just wondering about Elizabeth Styles b 1835 d/o James Styles and Susannah Macdonald. If you’re saying she’s same one as marr to James Young, the birthdates I have for their children are way off for her birthdate. For Elizabeth Styles and James Young, I have a son James b abt 1837 and daughter Rosanna, discussed earlier, as b 23 May 1847, born Fox Island. I have no parents ent’d for that Elizabeth. I have no husband for Elizabeth d/o James and Susannah and did have her born 1825. I’ve got them entered as separate Elizabeth Styles and was happy to merge them until I noticed the dates. Thanks for any help you can give.
Deborah Baggs
25 Apr 2020Hi..I just came across your post and wanted to share this information with you. Mary Elizabeth Styles born 1856 married Charles Young. They lived in Cape La Hune. They are my husband’s great-great grandparents.
25 Apr 2020Thank you very much, Deborah
14 Oct 2012dear dorthy, thank you very much. i,m writting from lunenburg n.s.
10 Oct 2012dennis groves, there,s a book called ramea,s family tree. written by victor g. kendall and victor kendall. i think will help you out. i haven,t got that far yet sorry. just starting my self.
dennis groves
9 Oct 2012i’m doing research on sarah hunt married to thomas warren .whose son albert john’s son james william marrid hanna bowles. do you have info on sarah ,her mother and father,brothers and sister’s etc regards dennis
6 Oct 2012larry do you any written info on the warrens. if so could you send it to sharon morrison. thank you
5 Oct 2012Dear Larry, i just found out last night, from sharon, who you were. i,m albert warren,s wife. and sharon,s sister inlaw.
Larry Bentley
5 Oct 2012Hi Linda:
We are both looking for the same person. My wife’s grandmother was Hannah Bowles, the daughter of Frances and Rosanna. Apparently
Hannah was referred to as the Indian Princess by her older daughters and there is a picture of her that suggests she may have been Mi’kmaq. Unfortunately she died at an early age and there doesn’t appear to be any oral history in the family about native ancestors. The family was reared by the oldest sister, Leah Warren, who was 16 at the time of their mother’s death. Several family members are searching for Elizabeth’s maiden name and the origin of James Young, but no luck so far. Trusting this is helpful.
2 Oct 2012Thanks Larry, could you help me on this one? frances bowles born oct. 1849 in white bear bay. married rosanna young. rosanna was daughter of james young and elizabeth. trying to get elizabeths maiden name. can anybody help . thanks linda
13 Oct 2012Hi Linda, what I found on Rosanna Young’s mother was, in one ancestry fam tree (Barter fam), her name is given as Elizabeth Styles. The other fam trees listed had no surname, and the one with Styles gives no other info on her or a source. But something to look into anyway.
Larry Bentley
1 Oct 2012In reference to Linda Warren’s entry of Sept. 20, 2012, she indicates that James Young of Fox Island had a father named Jacques Lejeune. This is presumably Jacques Jr. of Bay St. George. It should be noted that this is an assumption and to date there is no link. I’m beginning to think that James Young was likely an English fisherman who took a Mi’kmaq wife however there is nothing to support this other than the fact that approximately fifteen Mi’kmaq resided at Fox Island as per census information referred to in the article ” The History of the Conne River Reserve”. If anyone has additional thoughts on this I’d appreciate hearing from you.
Joshlyn Sweeney
26 Sep 2012Just wondering if you have any info on James Young who married Hannah Deer from Burnt Island. Trying to find out if James’ father is James Young or french version Jacques Lejeune. James & Hannan had children, Elizabeth, Charles and James. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
linda warren
20 Sep 2012for got to say jamie young was from fox island or burgeo newfoundland. and elizabeth of burgeo. thank you linda
linda warren
20 Sep 2012hy dorothy, all i have is, james young, wife elizabeth .children, twins-hannah young.charles, born 1844. and rosanna born1848, james young father is Jacques Lejeune. trying to find elizabeth maiden name. thanks for your help.
linda warren
20 Sep 2012betty go to a site called young family article. lots of youngs there . i think i saw susanna mcdonald.
19 Sep 2012HI Do you know the parents names for Susanna McDonald who married Thomas Lushman? My grandfather adopted a lushman child and his son and myself are trying to see if there was a connection between Susanna and my grandfather Mcdonald.
linda warren
17 Sep 2012i need help, trying to find last name of elizabeth. she was married to james young from newfoundland. they married before1837.thanks, linda.
17 Sep 2012Hi Linda, if you have any more info on where they’re from or his parents’ name or their kids’ names, it would help narrow it down. There are a lot of James and Elizabeth Youngs, as you can imagine. However, I have one b abt 1800 in Fortune marr to Elizabeth Gallop, kids born between 1820 and 1834 so maybe too early to be yours.
Gabrielle Pink
9 Sep 2012Hi, I recently just found out that I am a descendant of Susannah Mcdonald and Thomas Lushman. I am trying to get native status for my parents and family. I have my family tree traced back as far as Susannah and I came to a quick stop. Just wondering if anyone has gotten anywhere further or could find out any information proving who her parents are and if in fact she is native?
Lloyd Styles
31 Aug 2012Yes His name was Thomas samuel or Samuel Thomas not sure only knew of him as thomas
Lloyd Styles
26 Aug 2012I’m am from the line of Thomas styles Little river who may be the son off James .Thomas had a daughter named jenny who married Walter Macdonald of Hunts Island in the late 1800s she had 2 sisters Mary and Ella 1 brother Samual my grand father.My great grand father died at a early age and his wife married Robert Burk or as some spell it Burt and lived in Rose Blanch Until there passing
27 Aug 2012Hi Lloyd, I have Samuel Styles marr. Sarah Jane Collier as parents of Jenny, Mary, Ella and Samuel. And I have Sarah Jane as also marr to Robert Burk/Burt. I’m guessing that you are right with his name as Thomas since he’s your ancestor. I have no parents for my Samuel and no other Thomas that might match. Could his middle name be Samuel?
5 May 2012Just double checking what country are you guys in???
5 May 2012Canada.
5 May 2012Hey Everyone,
I was recently on when I came across a photo of my great great great great grandmother Susannah McDonald. There are two separate accounts on the web page
1. Susannah McDonald “married” William Willouby and had two children Hannah and Alfred.
2. This story is foreign to me and had Susannah McDonald marring Thomas Lushman.
The thing puzzled me was the fact that the same photo had been used in the two family trees. Is this the same “Susannah McDonald” that you are talking about???
Also Alfred named one of his daughters Susannah which would be another “Susannah McDonald” born around the 1880
5 May 2012Hi again Corey, somewhere I’ve seen the name Willoughby but I don’t know where and it’s not in my database. I have Susannah McDonald married first to Thomas Lushman and second to James Styles. You say her son Alfred had a daughter Susannah – if her surname was McDonald, Alfred would have gone by his mother’s name, not his father’s? Maybe somebody reading will be able to help with this. You’ve given us another thread about this woman that many are interested in and little is known for sure about. Thanks for writing.
20 Apr 2012Hi Everyone,,,Just checking in to see whether or not anyones has updated information on susannah McDonald. I live in Ottawa, I have the time to do the research…do anyone know where I can obtain the data in ottawa.
20 Apr 2012Hi Walt and thank you. If anyone has more info on Susannah, I hope they will write us, also if anyone knows where in Ottawa to look.
Sandra Easton
18 Apr 2012Hello Cousins!! Thomas and Susannah are my Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr Grandparents. It is said within the family that they married native women all around. 🙂 . My grandfather Fred Lushman was very dark skinned and tradtionally “native” looking. We are thinking (maybe the Rose women were also native?). My email is One of our oldest native relatives that still lives in grey river has Alzheimers so we are at a dead end as well….. My email is
19 Apr 2012Thanks for writing Sandra, very interesting about the family lore. Please let us know if you find out more since everybody seems to be at a dead end with tracing family members back.
Victoria Simms
14 Apr 2012Hi all, I am a descendant of Susannah Mcdonald and Thomas Lushman. Trying to get native status for my grandparents and family. I have my family tree traced back as far as Susannah. Just wondering if anyone has gotten anywhere with proving her parents and if in fact she is native?
Please email me at
14 Apr 2012Hi Victoria, nobody I know of has found Susannah’s parents. But have a look through the ‘older comments’ on this page, Nf Mi’kmaq gen and gen page for discussion about her. If you do find out anything, please let us know! There’s lots of people searching for her parents. Thanks for writing.
11 Apr 2012I HAVE HEARD MY GRANDMOTHER talk about a Steve Poulett .When they talk about him They would call him Uncle Steve Poulett. A rumor something about a love child concerning him but I can’t rember what it was.He would walk from Bay De Spior to Grey River.
Calvin Warren
19 Mar 2012I am a Warren from Fox Island. My grandmother was a Bowles from Coppett, daughter of Francis Bowles and Rosanna Young. I am a decendent of Thomas Lushman and Susannah McDonald. Can someone tell me if in fact Susannah Mcdonald was a Native.. I am very interested in conversing with anyone who may or may not be related….
19 Mar 2012Hi Calvin, thanks for writing. You’ll see a lot of comments on this page about Susannah McD but, unfortunately, no answers about whether she was Mi’kmaq or who her parents were. That said, here’s what I found on your grandmother Bowles. It’s from 2 databases, and there’s some differences in information. I don’t know which is correct and maybe you already have all this.
Francis Bowles was son of Henry Bowles, b Coppett, and Bridget Lushman, b 1828 Richard’s Harbour. Bridget was d/o Thomas Lushman and Susannah McDonald, both b Hermitage.
Francis Bowles, b Oct 1849 White Bear Bay, marr Rosanna Young. Rosanna was d/o James Young and Elizabeth. Francis and Rosanna had children: Samuel, Wilson b 1872, Henry 1875-1952, James b Feb 1877, Mariah 1878-1960, George b Apr 1880 Coppett, Susanna b 28 Jan 1881, Elizabeth b 19 Mar 1884, Bridget b 1886, Hannah b 1888, John b 18 Aug 1890.
Rosanna’s siblings are Edith Louise, Maria b Fox Is., Elizabeth, Thomas b 1842, Ephraim, John b abt 1855, James b 1837 or 1842, William b 1842 or 1837, Hannah b 1844, Charles b 1846. The other source also has as siblings Susannah b 1860, Francis b Oct 1849 White Bear Bay, George b Nov 1853 Coppetts and Henry b 2 Feb 1848 Lower Burgeo.
7 Mar 2012HI Dorothy,
I’m also looking for some information on Susannah McDonald I do know that Ned polluett had a daughter Nancy that married a Thomas McDonald from Conne River who he lived with afther his third wife died.I’m trying to find out if maybe they had a daughter named Susannah and she would be the granddaughter of Ned Poullett.
7 Mar 2012Hi Nellie, and thanks for what’s a new way to look at Susannah McD – as maybe granddaughter of Poullett. If I can find anything, I’ll post it. I’m sure our readers will too. Thanks for writing.
Nora MacDonald-Plourde
12 Nov 2017Please send me this note re: Susannah McDonald and I believe I can give info(some, anyway) which can assist you
Jim F
1 Mar 2012Hi Dorothy,
Nice review on the book. I’m still looking for Susanna McDonald. I was told, as Kathy Bowles mentioned, that Susanna’s Parents may be Edward Poulette and Nancy McDonald. In my research Edward is sometimes referred to as “Ned” and Poulette is sometimes referred to as “Pullet”. I also found out that Edward lived until he was 90years old and was married 4 or 5 times. (busy guy). It is possible that Nancy McDonald could have been Ed’s sister and could have possibly lived with Ed or happened to be in the house when the census was conducted. I’ll post any additional information I find.
4 Mar 2012Hi Jim, and thanks. Yes, recently I saw something that gave Ned and Nancy as parents for Susanna, but when I checked with the author, he said he’d found out that it was wrong. He doesn’t know either. Thanks for your help with this. Quite the mystery, it seems!
25 Feb 2012Ron i’m told her parents were Ned (Edward Poulette & Nancy McDonald) i’m told there are no records of that in Newfoundland but there is in Ottawa… I dont know where to contact in Ottawa and ask about that. But I question it though because why would Susannah’s name be in McDonald and not Poulette…
26 Feb 2012Hi Kathy, thanks for this lead. If she went by her mother’s name, that might explain why she’s so hard to trace. But Ned Poulette is pretty well known, so it’s surprising she wouldn’t be known as a daughter of his. Still, it’s another way to look at it.
25 Feb 2012Hi Roy, thanks for the reply.Have to keep looking for her parents,might get lucky one day, but hope its sooner than later.There is not to many places left for me to look.Will post on this site if i find anything.
25 Feb 2012Ron,
It is correct the researcher from Conne couldn’t find anything on Susanna Mc Donald. Her parents still remain a mystery.
15 Feb 2012Hi Dorothy,
I was wondering if, in your research, you had found references to any PAUL or PIERCEY families in Fortune Bay that were of Mi’kmaq heritage?
Thank you,
15 Feb 2012Hi Susan, certainly Paul is a Mi’kmaq surname in Newfoundland. Piercey not as a name itself, so it would depend on the individual case – who married whom. If you have names you’re tracing, let us know. Probably you’re better off posting your info on the Nf Mi’kmaq Family History page (see sidebar menu) since that gets a lot of comments on specific family trees. Thanks for writing.
14 Feb 2012Roy,just read your post,i take it you have not been able to find the parents of Susanna Mcdonald.Am i correct in this.You say even the researcher, you had from Conne, cant connect Susanna to a MIKMAQ FAMILY. She is one very hard lady, to try and find info on, clear whats posted.Hope someone can ger a break-through on her.
14 Feb 2012Kathy,
I have done a considerable amount of searching on Susanna MCDonald and have found very little other than what has been posted on various sites. I have been in contact with a researcher from Conne. He hasn’t found any connection to Susanna .
Do you have any info on the Bowles . I am a descendant of Francis Bowles and Bridget Lushman.
Kathy Bowles
10 Feb 2012It is said that Susannah McDonald was mi’kmaq but as of now I cant find it either.. if anyone knows anything plz let me know.
Kathy Bowles
10 Feb 2012In the book “Drifting Into Doom” Mr. Blackburn does say Mrs. Lushman but it keeps referring to Jenny Lushman also mentions her husband as Harry Lushman . On chapter 11 page 147 it says “Jenny Lushman was 68 at the time of this particular incident.” It also says that Jenny Lushman was the sister of James Styles .
James Styles was was Susannah McDonald Lushman second husband who married 07 May 1849. Witness at the wedding were John Clarke & Frank Lushman
Susannah’s death was said to have occured in 1874 in Little River 9 Years before the Howard Blackburns ordeal.
Ron Green
10 Feb 2012HI DOROTHY,Thank-you for your help. I know Rachel married Andrew Hann, but not George Ingram, but then it may have been a second marriage. Elizabeth ANN as been missing from my family tree a long time. hope someone can find the lady for me. Have to kept watching your site,to see if you or someone, post any info on Susanna MCdonald.Her parents are very hard to find. I know of three familes here in Burgeo NL, that are trying to find her parents, but having no luck. Again thank-you for your help and time.Ron
Ron Green
9 Feb 2012Dorothy, my great grand mother was Elizabeth Ann Street-Stride.She was born 1837, and died 1930 in Our Harbour, Burgeo. I have been unable to find any info on her, not even where she was born. I do know she married Benjamin Green, at Lower Burgeo,sept. 7, 1858. My dad, says he can remember his grandfather, telling him, that her family were loggers in the Conne River area. Is there any info, that you may have or find when you have the time, that would help me in getting info on her. Thank-you.
10 Feb 2012Hi Ron, I think I have them, but not much information. I have Benjamin Green b 1836 New Hr, s/o William G and Rachel Northcott. I have his wife as Ann Street (Stride) – no info on her. I have 10 children ent’d for them. One daughter, Rachel, I have entered as married to Andrew Hann and in another place as marr to George Ingram Oct 1866 Burgeo. Do you think the two are the same person? I’ll keep looking for your Elizabeth Ann and let you know if I find anything.
8 Feb 2012I have read the account of Howard Blackburn as recorded in a Boston newspaper interview and in it Howard refers to the one who cared for him as old Mrs Lushman leaving me to believe it was Susanna. I tried to contact Mr. Pilgrim but unsuccessful.I am a descendant of Thomas and Susanna and am trying to find info on the McDonald side.
9 Feb 2012Roy, that’s very interesting. In the book he refers to a Susie Bushney, a Mi’kmaq woman who helped Aunt Jenny. If you succeed in contacting Mr. Pilgrim would you please let us know what he says? Thanks for this.
7 Feb 2012Yes and I believe her maiden name was Mcdonald.
Ron Green
7 Feb 2012Hi Joe, the susannah, you have in your post, are you refering to the Susannah, that married Thomas Lushman, around 1822 to 1825.
7 Feb 2012My wife is a descendant of Susannah Lushman and we are interested in the native connection. Her father was a Warren from Fox Island and his grandparents was Frances and Hannah Bowles.
7 Feb 2012Hi Joe, I’ll see what I have, and maybe someone else can help. Thanks for writing.
Ron Green
7 Feb 2012Thank-you Kathy,i am pretty sure her father was James Mcdonald, but thats all i know.
Kathy Bowles
6 Feb 2012Hi Ron… I have no information on susanna’s parents as well . All i know that in my research that I found she was born 1800-1809 and she was a native of Hermitage Bay who married Thomas Lushman and they married between 1822-1825 in Hermitage Bay.
Ron Green
6 Feb 2012KATHY, i made a error, when i said Susannahs father may have been Edward Pullet, i should have said James Mcdonald, but i am not sure.sorry Ron.
Ron Green
6 Feb 2012Hi Kathy, Can you please give me the parents, of Susannah Mcdonald, if you have that info.I am not sure if it was Edward PULLET AND Nancy Mcdonald. I know nothing on Susannahs mother.thanks.
Kathy Bowles
5 Feb 2012James Styles & Susannah Lushman nee McDonald married in 07 May 1849 both were widowed (she thought Thomas Lushman died dince she never heard from him once he left) the witness in the wedding were John Clarke & Frank Lushman.
From the reports that William contacted Francis once he heard about Howard Blackburn they were the children of Thomas & Susannah so it seems that Francis in the book would be the same but in the book it says Francis Lushman was Aunt Jenny’s son… so there i’m confused .. also it says that Jenny was marry to Harry Lushman and nowhere in my family tree or reseach do I have Harry Lushman… so I’m also confused about him. Thomas & Susannah had the following children : Bridget, Jane, William, Susannah , Thomas & Francis .
Kathy Bowles
5 Feb 2012Hi Dorothy , while i’m still reading the book “Drifting into Doom” in chapter 6 page 105 I found some information about Jenny Lushman….
The first known resident was James Styles who ran the lodge. He had a sister named Jenny who was trained in the midwifery. She left England and came to Newfoundland to join him and it wasnt long before she married one of the “youngsters” a young guide named Harry Lushman.
chapter 7 page 111 it says…. Francis Lushman was aunt Jenny’s son and one of the principal guides for the local guides for the local fish merchants. Francis had been married twice and was the father of twelve children and into the book farther it does mention that Blanche is Francis wife.
5 Feb 2012Thank you, Kathy. I forgot about Jenny’s English accent being mentioned. So she was James Styles sister. And her son Francis must have been – what, a cousin of the other Francis whose father and brother went to the States? In Morris’ account, the Francis writing the letter doesn’t mention his wife’s name, so I didn’t know if she was Blanche. Francis and Blanche had several children and they were often sent next door to their uncle’s house. I don’t think the uncle is ever named. So Jenny was James Styles sister and Susannah McDonald would have become her sister-in-law (perhaps for the second time?) when Susannah married James Styles. Do you think that’s correct, and do you know what became of Harry Lushman?
Kathy Bowles
3 Feb 2012i also forgot to mention .. Thomas Lushman & Susannah McDonald were my 4th g-grandparents
Kathy Bowles
3 Feb 2012Hi Dorothy
I am currently reading a book called “drifting into Doom” By Earl Baxter Pilgrim it seems alot like this one. The Sr. Mr. Litchman ur referring too is Thomas Lushman who was born in England around 1800 and he married Susannah McDonald b 1800-1809 fr Hermitage Bay. she died around 1874. Her 6th child was Francis Lushman b 22 Mar 1832. As the generation of kids came many of them renamed their children Francis. The Jenny Lushman name could have came from another generation although I have not came across the name Jenny in my research so this is also something new for me, maybe it was a nickname …
Susannah McDonald was said to have been native but I am trying to find research in saying this.
In ur story it said “This entry was posted in Newfoundland Mi’kmaq and tagged Newfoundland, USA. Bookmark the permalink. ” I’m wondering where u found that information??
Thanks kathy
3 Feb 2012Hi Kathy, thanks for writing. I was hoping someone from the family would read this and comment. Look back a couple posts on my site and you’ll find one on Drifting into Doom. It’s a great book. I haven’t yet read the one pictured here. One of my lovely readers told me about it. I came across the Nf Quarterly article about Blackburn and the Lishmans/Litchmans when researching Susannah McDonald. I found only a hard to decipher ocr scan. But it was so interesting that I persevered in reading it. That’s what I cleaned up and posted here.
You’ll see in Pilgrim that it’s Jenny Lushman who fixes Blackburn up. Her son Francis and wife Blanche also figure in the story. So what I wonder is was she also called Susannah. In Morris’ story, it’s Francis Lishman who writes to William Litchman in Mass. and says they’re brothers. He says his mother’s name was Susannah McDonald. Their father, who went to the States with young William, was named Thomas. So everything matches except the Susannah/Jenny thing. People being known by more than one name isn’t uncommon, and it seems to me they must be the same person. We know that Susannah McDonald Lushman/Lishman married again after Thomas disappeared. I don’t know if I have the date of their marriage. Maybe Blackburn was in Little River before that? Or was Jenny/Susannah widowed again by that time?
I should take another look at the Litchman/Lushman genealogy online. If you find out anything, please let me know. I’ll let you know what I’ve got on Susannah McDonald, if you like. Oh, the stuff at the bottom of the post “This entry was posted…”, that’s just info on where on my site the post is and what key words are attached to it.
21 Aug 2020I am a native of Conne River and conducting my own research. Has anyone had any luck on their search for Susanna? Has anyone heard of a Steve piulett from bay d nord? Edward was a resident of Conne. I have some knowledge but ike most here I too have many unanswered questions. Dorothy can you contact me privately?