Family Trees~

Some of the family trees (listed below) are large, so may take some time to load.  

Anger Mabee McConkey
Burwell Lymburner Stewart (KY)
Brown (KY) Smock (KY) McDonald (KY)

Family Photos~

Anger Family Photos Burwell Family Photos
Lymburner Family Photos Maybee Family Photos


Poems, C H Burwell Finding the Rivers, Marji Smock Stewart

Individual Posts~

Heavrin McDonald (Sept. 19/24)

Ernest Heavrin McDonald, 24 Oct 1884 to 04 Nov 1885 Curdsville, Daviess County, Kentucky. Buried McCain Cemetery, Curdsville. Fifth child of Hiram Columbus and Sarah Clementine (Brogan) McDonald.

McDonald Family 1912 Curdsville KY

Sarah wrote the private eulogy below after the death of her 11 month old son Heavrin. Sarah was Marji Stewart’s “Mamaw,” mother of her mother Elizabeth McDonald Smock. Sometimes, especially when I’m updating a family tree here, I think maybe I shouldn’t include the infants who died. When length of the tree matters, maybe I should pare the entries down to those to reached adulthood or childhood at least. But I have never been able to bring myself to do it. Those babies should be marked for themselves and those parents…

Seven Brothers (Mar. 23/24)


Seventy years ago, in 1954, seven brothers lived quietly on their family farm near Port Stanley in Elgin County. They shared it with their three sisters. None of them ever married. Then, that year, Hollywood came calling. Promotion people for a new musical, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, thought seven real-life bachelor brothers might be good publicity for the movie…

Burwell UEL Marker, Fingal (Sept. 17/23)

In my clippings file is this St. Thomas Times-Journal article from 2007. It is about a marker in the Fingal Cemetery honouring the Burwell UEL family of Elgin County…

UEL-marker-fingal STTJ 2007

Lymburner Reunion 1936 (Sept. 23/22)


A reader sent a photo of a Lymburner Family Reunion in 1936. Thanks so very much, Linda. In the detail above, you see the oldest person present. She is #104, Mrs. Dorwin Bartlett, or Sarah Elizabeth Lymburner, 1846-1938, daughter of Robert Maitland Lymburner and Elizabeth Melick….

Farm Aerials (May 23/22)

My Anger grandparents and aunts and uncles had large aerial photographs of their properties hanging in their living rooms. Always pride of place. I loved them.

We didn’t have one, I guess because we lived in town. Not quite the same as a farm or houses that are apart from others. Where it’s easy to point and say ‘there, that’s mine.’..

Christmas Song (Dec. 14/21)


Eighty years ago my grandfather, Charles Hercules Burwell, wrote this Christmas hymn. My mother said that, in November 1941, she spent the evening before her wedding getting her dad’s copy ready for the printer. So Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and “may hearts rejoice in every clime”…

Hugh Love, St. Stephen NB (Oct. 30/21)

Hugh Love findagrave

A Lymburner distant cousin. From the obituary of Hugh Love, born 24 January 1859 and died 25 June 1936 in St. Stephen, Charlotte County, New Brunswick:

“St. Stephen lost one of its best known residents Thursday night of last week with the passing of Hugh Love, for many years prominently identified with horse-racing and lumbering in Charlotte County, in his 77th year…”

Mrs. Elizabeth Keckley (May 20/21)


Mrs. Elizabeth Keckley was fashion stylist to the stars of Washington DC in the mid-1800s. As dressmaker and companion of Mary Todd Lincoln, she worked in the White House during Abraham Lincoln’s presidency.

But Elizabeth Keckley was not born into American high society. Well, in a way she was. She was born in 1818 in Dunwiddie County, Virginia. Her father was Col. Armistead Burwell, owner of the plantation. Her mother was Agnes, one of the plantation slaves…

After the farm (Sep. 27/20)

Stewarts on Colorado River 1992

(Marji Smock Stewart) “The years on the farm (1960-1969), the academic years (1968-1982), seven years in Henderson (1985-1992), then ten years moving from place to place. They meld together before me today, in 2002. These were forty-two years of good times, hard work, heartbreak and joys…

Ohio County Farm (Aug. 22/20)

bill-with-cattle-sep-1966 photo M Stewart(Marji Smock Stewart) “The weather New Year’s day in 1960 was mild and balmy. Almost weirdly warm. It was a good day for moving into our Ohio County farmhouse. I had rounded up furniture from both our folks’ attics and bought new appliances…”

Just The Three Of Us (Jun. 30/20)

(Marji Smock Stewart) “I kept working well into my pregnancy. At a juice stand where I got off the bus, I drank almost a quart of freshly squeezed orange juice each morning, either the 10 or 15 cent size. I craved tacos, so I learned to make them…”

John C. Mabee Stakes (Jun. 6/20)

Del Mar Track DMTC-panorama-Andrew-Chen-2008-wikicommons

The John C. Mabee Stakes is a 9 furlong Grade II turf race for fillies and mares at the Del Mar track in San Diego County, California. John C. Mabee is my eighth cousin…

In The Army Now (May 25/20)

bill stewart abt 1942Bill Stewart received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Minnesota on December 18, 1941. That was 11 days after Pearl Harbor was bombed.

“I went directly to induction into the military at Ft. Snelling MN. Military service was not completely strange to me because I had two years of ROTC in high school. I passed through three training schools…

Kentucky to Minnesota (Apr. 19/20)

amanda-chappell-stewart(Bill Stewart) “My grandmother Amanda Chappell Stewart died 06 December 1923. She was born on 03 October 1859; thus she lived 64 years. She lived in Ohio County, approximately eight miles from our house. Robert, my dad, was the eldest of her five children. Dad’s younger siblings were: Chris, Melville, Beulah and Frank. My grandfather William Minor Stewart was born 19 March 1861 and died June 16, 1907 when he was 46.

In about the year 1922-23 good fortune came to Grandma Stewart. Oil was found on her small hill farm…

Pellville, Kentucky (Mar. 27/20)

Written by Bill Stewart, my late father-in-law, in Climbing the Hills and Finding the Rivers.

stewart house pellville ky stewart photos
“John Lester Brown lived here. Robert I Stewart, William L Stewart born 2½ mi east Pellville at intersection Ky 69 and 144” – written on back by Bill Stewart

“The year was late 1918. I stood in the front yard near the road in front of our house and held Mother’s hand. Standing near the edge of the road, both curious and scared, I waited as the approaching noise became louder and louder… World War I soldiers were coming home…

Sam Anger, Fiddler (Jan. 9/20)

Sam Anger was “the best durn fiddle player in seventeen counties.” That’s what an ad for Winger’s Crescent Park Entertainers called him. He worked as a blacksmith in Ridgeway, just outside Fort Erie in Ontario. He also was my 3rd cousin, thrice removed…

sam anger wife-blacksmith-fb-s-dell-19oct19
Sam Anger and wife Jennie in doorway, band members in the Tin Lizzie

Lum and Sarah McDonald (Nov. 19/19)


(Marji Smock Stewart) “My grandfather Lum owned a small farm near Curdsville KY and all he did for a living was farm until his death in 1920. Farming then was the old mule and plow method, not mechanized in any form. In their small house there was never any electricity, running water or indoor plumbing. Heat probably was a grate fireplace. None of the conveniences we have today, but a loving home for raising 13 wonderful babies…

English Channel 1944 (Nov. 11/19)

bill-stewart-usaaf English Channel post(William Stewart, US Army Air Force Captain) “I was standing back of the pilot in a B17 stripped down bomber with about 17 pilots on board. I was flight operations officer for our squadron. We all were riding as passengers, flying over the English Channel and back to our base in England…”

Sarah Brogan McDonald (Oct. 27/19)

lum mcdonald and sarah brogan daughter-elizabeth-ca-1913

(Marji Smock Stewart) “My grandmother was Sarah Clementine Brogan McDonald. She was Sally to friends and family, but Mamaw to me. I was the youngest of her many grandkids. Mine, I thought, was an exalted position!..”

McDonald Family Tree (Oct. 16/19)

mcdonald-family-tree Kentucky

My late mother-in-law, Marji Smock Stewart, did the work on this genealogy of the McDonald family of Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas. Her mother was Elizabeth McDonald Smock. That’s Elizabeth with her older sisters in the photo above, taken about 1910. They are daughters of Hiram Columbus McDonald, known as Lum, and Sarah Clementine Brogan of Curdsville, Daviess County, Kentucky.

35 Cent Grilled Cheese (Sept. 11/19)

(Marji Smock Stewart) “Our trip out west in 1946 was a real honeymoon. We were gone a month or longer and made some stupid blunders. One I recall is that we drove that old car up a washboard road to Monument Valley in Arizona with only a bag of water tied to the bumper. The bag fell off…

1992, Bill Stewart on trip through Arizona and Utah where he and Marji lived at the time.

1945 A Year to Remember (Sept. 3/19)

(Marji Smock Stewart) “My final year of high school (1944-1945) was at Owensboro Senior High. It was not especially outstanding. I felt older than the other students in my class, although I only turned 17. my birthday, Bill’s mother called me to come up to their house on Stewart Court. She had a gift from Bill…

River Pilot, Air Pilot (Aug. 27/19)

MV-Sohioan-Curdsville-KY-1944(Marji Smock Stewart) “Let me explain a bit about working on the river. The crew had to stay on 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, working 6 hours on and 6 hours off. The “dog” shift, or midnight to 6 a.m., was the hardest. Pilots usually drank a lot of coffee and smoked a lot. Keeping your eyes on the long barges way down in front of you wasn’t easy, especially in foul weather and moonless nights...

Smocks on the Ohio River (Aug. 20/19)

(Marji Smock Stewart) “We left Texas in the summer of 1938, heading back to the river. We must have looked like the Grapes of Wrath crowd as we sadly headed back to where was always home: Kentucky. Or at least to the Ohio River…”

Thomas Hart Benton, 1940, Departure of the Joads, Grapes of Wrath series – Rockwell Center

Smocks in Gladewater TX (Aug. 13/19)

Oil-1937-R-Y-Richie-DeGolyer-Lib-SMU-wikicommons(Marji Smock Stewart) “In 1936 we moved to East Texas, to Gladewater where oil had been discovered. Uncle Ben [McDonald] and his family had relocated to nearby Longview and had been quite successful.

Daddy worked in the booming oil fields as a “roughneck” or laborer who worked right on the rigs...



Smocks at Bagnell Dam (Aug. 5/19)

dam-nara-bill-kuykendall-wikicommons(Marji Smock Stewart) “I regret that I did not ask Daddy to tell me about taking the Sarah Mac to Missouri… Somehow Monroe Smock managed to get the boat from Green River to the little Osage River to the site that was becoming Bagnell Dam and The Lake of the Ozarks. Did he have a skeleton crew with him; another pilot, an engineer and at least two deckhands?..


Monroe Smock, Kentucky (Jul. 29/19)

marji-duchess-monroe-smock-1944 genealogy

(Marji Smock Stewart) “Granddad John Thomas Smock and his family of three kids (George, Leora and Monroe) plus my grandmother Cora lived in an old red house near the bridge and curve on Curdsville Road…

Smock Family Tree (Jul. 24/19)

marji-smock-1936 Smock genealogyMy late mother-in-law, Dr. Marji Smock Stewart, did a lot of research on her family history. The Smocks came from the Netherlands to New York in the early 1600s when it was still New Amsterdam. Many moved on to Kentucky, where Marji grew up. Her father was a river boat captain, so they moved around a lot. Marji and Bill, her husband, also lived throughout the USA and in Ontario. But, for both, Kentucky was home.

Murel Anger, Mail Carrier (May 12/19)

In 1972 my mother wrote this Dorchester Signpost article about her mother-in-law’s retirement from rural mail delivery…

1972 Dorchester Signpost on mail carrier retirement

Lymburner DNA Project (Feb. 19/19)

William-Burton-Lymburner - from Ancestry genealogyGuest post by Gordon Revey

Hello fellow Lymburners! I am reaching out to people in my known Lymburner family and others that fall under John Jay Lymburner. He was the son of Catherine Secord, born 1776. My maternal grandfather is a Lymburner, one of John Jay’s descendants…

Harness Racing Mabees (Jan. 13/19)

Tillsonburg-1945-standardbredcanadaLooking into a branch of the Mabee family led me to harness racing in Tillsonburg during the early decades of the 1900s. Three names stood out: Jack M. Climie, Charles Henry Mabee and Dudey Patch…

Bush Pilot Red Lymburner (Nov. 17/18)

1936 Winnipeg, L-R rear Red Lymburner, J B Boyce, Herbert Hollick-Kenyon, front Patrick Howard (Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada)

Googling a Lymburner ancestor recently, I noticed Red Lymburner in the search results. Bush pilot, Antarctica and Mount Lymburner. So I read more. His full name was James Harold Lymburner, known as Harold or Red. And he’s my 4th cousin twice removed…

DNA Tests (Mar. 17/18)

Irish_Setter-Oct-2008-Douglas_0158-Flickr-wikicommonsI first saw DNA tests at London Ont’s Pawlooza dog festival, in 2010 I think. They were tests to find out what breeds were in the genetic structure of any given dog. The process was explained by a contest. Guess the genetic make-up of a dog in a photo, then compare your guess to the actual test results…

P. L. Robertson (Feb. 1/18)

robertson-screwdriversRed Robbie, green Robbie. If you know what that means, you’re a Canadian. Or a connoisseur of screws and screwdrivers. The Robertson screw and screwdriver, with square socket heads, the best design there is. The screwdriver does not slip or strip the screw head.

It was invented by Peter Lymburner Robertson, nephew of my 2nd cousin 4 times removed…

Eden Line (Nov. 17/17)

My grandmother wrote this short history of the Burwell family on Eden Line in Bayham Township, Elgin County, Ontario. My guess is she wrote it about 1966. I came across it on the Elgin County Archives site…

burwell-fam-elgin-co-archives genealogy by minnie burwell

Frederick Anger (Jul. 18/17)

History of County of Welland book cover“James E. Anger, publisher and proprietor of the Niagara Falls Review, and Rev. William H. Anger, principal and originator the St. Catherines Business College, are members of one of the oldest families in the county of Welland…

Goderich Postcards (Jun. 16/17)

My grandmother’s parents, Matthias and Emily Lymburner, lived for a few years in Goderich, Ontario. These are postcards sent from their early days there in 1911…

goderich harbour looking east D Stewart postcards coll.

Maria Burwell Johnson (Jan. 5/17)

maria burwell johnson photo from elgin co archives - genealogyAunt Maria (pronounced Mariah) Burwell Johnson was my grandfather’s aunt. Born in 1835 near Fingal and died in 1938 near Eden, she homesteaded in Michigan during the Civil War and later had a fruit tree farm in Essex Co. Ont.

On her 100th birthday in June 1935, two newspaper articles told her story. Here are the clippings and transcribed copy…

Newspaper Clippings (Aug. 31/16)

scrapbook-photo d-stewartIn this gallery are newspaper clippings from my mother’s scrapbooks. Their dates are from the 1940s on. They are about family and our towns as well as random people and events that struck her. And, of the many clippings in her scrapbooks, these are the ones that also particularly struck me…

Dad’s Homemade Tow Truck (July 7/16)

My brother asked if there were pictures of Dad’s tow truck in Mom’s photo albums. We only found one, with Bing the service station dog inside.

It was an International pickup, 1941 I think, blue. He rebuilt it to take the wrecker…

bing-in-truck-may-1963 photo r anger

William Anger and Emma Nie (Mar. 9/16)

William-Chas-Anger-1869-1964-70th-anniversary-110 - genealogy
“Two lifelong residents of this district will be celebrating the 70th anniversary of their wedding day this week. Mr. and Mrs. William Anger, 19 Buchanan Avenue, who were married 70 years ago on December 6 [1958], will be observing the occasion on Christmas day quietly at home surrounded by members of their family…

James Burwell UEL (Jan. 15/16)

lloyd-burwell-1983-pg1 - James burwell genealogy

Confused by many men centuries ago named Samuel, Adam, John and James Burwell in my database, I gave up trying to sort them out. I picked up my mother’s family history binder. It pays to do that occasionally. Here is a 1983 letter from the late Lloyd Burwell to my mother about their mutual great-great-grandfather James Burwell UEL, his brothers and father and possible connection to the Virginia Burwells…

Earls of Grantham (Dec. 24/15)

Earls of Grantham coat of armsNot my relatives, nor anyone’s. But the process and principles of tracing and mapping kinship, place and connections are the same.

Below is the lineage of the Earls of Grantham. The family name is Crawley, and their home is Downton Abbey in Yorkshire. It is a fictional family in a television series I have never watched. I found family trees online, read summaries of the show and characters, and mapped out connections. I wanted to see if I could use only the internet to figure out a family history…

Visits to the Grandparents (Dec. 9/15)

pine street tillsonburg

“Minnie and Charlie’s daughter must be visiting.  I saw that strange girl of hers, and the dog’s gone.” Now, over forty years later, that’s what I imagine people on Pine Street said when I went with my parents to my grandparents’ house.

As soon as I’d said hello to grandma and grandpa, I’d be out the door and heading down toward the woods at the end of the street. Along the way, from three doors past their house, I’d start collecting dogs…

Burwells in US & Canada (Oct. 22/15)

mahlon-burwell-elgin-co-museum-elgin.caThere is a Burwell family in southwestern Ontario and one in Virginia. No one is sure if they’re related. I wonder if the link might be through Burwells in Connecticut.

The Ontario Burwells are United Empire Loyalists. Fighting for the losing side in the American Revolution, they fled New Jersey north to still-British Canada. The Virginia Burwells fought on the American side. In the War of 1812, the two again fought on opposite sides. In the American Civil War, the Virginia Burwells, plantation owners, fought on the Confederate side…

VE Day 70th (May 8/15)

My mother was on Dundas Street East in London Ont. on VE Day. She said when the news spread, everyone ran into the street screaming, laughing, hugging anyone at hand. They stayed outside for hours, revelling in the knowledge that the war was over. Bluebirds were flying over the white cliffs of Dover, the boys were coming home.


Burwell Bible (Jan. 10, 2015)

I have never seen the Bible belonging to my great-grandparents, but I know what was written in it, thanks to my grandmother…

Burwell-births-marr-m m burwell - genealogy

The Bible would have been in Hercules and Ada Ann Burwell’s house, beside Otter Creek west of Eden in East Elgin County. It was the farm where Ada Ann lived with her parents, Joseph and Mary (Younglove) Norton…

Phamily Photos (Jan. 7, 2015)

burwell-bros-and-friends - genealogy

I was looking through old albums and envelopes of photos and came across very old ones of my Grandpa Burwell and his family. There are enough now scanned and posted, along with photos of members of my other families, that I divided them into separate pages. 

Anger Photos         Burwell Photos        Lymburner Photos          Mabee/McConkey Photos

Andrea’s Ridgeway Vlog (Aug. 6, 2014)

My cousin’s daughter visited Ridgeway and the ancestral Anger homes. She posted a video about it.

The Uncles’ Great War (July 31st, 2014)

charles-scanlon-1950-london-onAn uncle and two great-uncles are my touchstones for the First World War.

The one I knew best was Charles Scanlon, husband of my mother’s older sister Ada. He was 20 years older than she. Uncle Charlie told wonderful stories, but I don’t remember any being about the war. Looking through my aunt’s photos and papers, I found out Uncle Charlie had been wounded at the Second Battle of Ypres, in April 1915…

Battle of Ridgeway (June 2nd, 2014)

Today marks a bizarre incident in Canadian history. Irish-Americans invaded Canada, planning to hold it hostage as leverage to end British rule in Ireland. My family’s farmhouse was smack-dab in the middle of the Battle of Ridgeway.


June 2, 1866, soldiers of the US-based Fenian Brotherhood met Canadian militia at a limestone ridge near Ridgeway west of Fort Erie, Ontario. It was a kind of “who’s on first?” fight…

G. Frederick Anger UEL (Apr. 29th, 2014)


In colonial times [Georg] Frederick Anger, a native of Germany, lived on the Susquehannah River in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. During the American Revolution he joined Butler’s Rangers at Fort Niagara. Following the war, Frederick Anger settled in Bertie Township, Welland County. The following is his Claim for Revolutionary War Losses heard by the Commissioners of Claims at Niagara on 23 Aug 1787…

Austin Anger – a story (Oct. 24, 2012)


My cousin Lynda Sykes wrote this story about our grandfather Austin Anger. All of us grandkids remember Grandpa as he is described here – his unique use of language, his sense of humour and his affection for us. Fortunately, we also have Lynda and her ability to capture our memories in words…

That Good Night (Oct. 17, 2012)

Dylan Thomas on cover of poetry bookI have always loved Dylan Thomas’ exhortation to his dying father: Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Yes, I thought, “old age should burn and rage at close of day.” But Dylan Thomas knew something I didn’t: sometimes it’s time to hang up your hat and say goodbye. Four weeks ago my mother died…

Poems by C. H. Burwell (Aug. 23rd, 2012)

Cover 3rd ed poems Charles H BurwellIt took a year but I have my grandfather’s poetry book in pdf format. If you would like to print it out, click here and download the file links on the page.

I don’t know when he began writing poetry but the 1st edition of his booklet was printed January 1946. He used poetry in two ways: one as a way to witness for his faith and the other to comment on life around him. The subtitle is “Poems concerning the things of today and poems confirming the Heavenward way” and that pretty much sums them up.

Mabee Graves (Feb. 8th, 2012)

These are the gravestones of Nancy Mabee Ostrander and her family at Jackson Cemetery near Courtland. Len Fluhrer, a London local history writer, sent me the photos.

Jackson Cemetery, Norfolk County Ontario

Jackson Cemetery is just outside Courtland. Nearby, on the Otter River, is the site of the Middleton Hotel. It was owned by James Clark(e) Ostrander with his first wife Nancy Mabee and then his second wife Louisa Maria Haney…

Anger by name… (Nov. 23rd, 2011)

Years ago, I was in a public library in Los Angeles and found reference books of family names. I looked up mine, Anger. It said the name came from France. I was thrilled with the idea of being French. When I came home, I told my father. He said “French! No! We’re German.” Much later, I discovered that Dad and I were both right…

gustave dore massacre merindol

United Empire Rebels (July 12th, 2011)

Christopher Mabee, Canadian Nationals 2005

A couple weeks ago, I posted the family tree of the Mabees, my paternal grandmother’s family. It’s the family I knew least about, other than there are a lot of them in the Tillsonburg-Courtland area. And I claim the fabulous figure skater Christopher Mabee, from Tillsonburg, as kin… Anyway, the internet allowed me to connect my limited knowledge of the Mabees with sources of a lot of information about them. The thing that I was delighted to discover is that the Mabees came to Canada from the US as United Empire Loyalists…

Mabee’s Corners (Apr. 21st, 2011)

My cousin Lynda Sykes wrote this about her visit to Mabee’s Corners, after reading about my ‘sighting’ of the road sign for it. She graciously gave me permission to post it.

Mabee's Corners sign, Norfolk Co. ON

“Ever since I can remember anything, I remember Grandma telling me many times with great pride how her family came to found Mabee’s Corners, which I vaguely knew was somewhere down around near Tillsonburg…

Remembering (Nov. 11th, 2010)

george anger wwii

I think of my father every Remembrance Day. George Anger was a WWII veteran. He went overseas in December of 1942 and returned home in October 1945. He was a mechanic in the RCEME. Dad was not a willing soldier, he didn’t leap up to volunteer as soon as Britain, and Canada, declared war on Germany in 1939. He was old enough, 22 in that year. But soldiering had not been a part of his family for many years…

Genealogy Introduction

The family trees I have posted are far from complete. graphic of tree made of human figures - genealogy I haven’t worked on them for long. But, looking around the internet, I haven’t found many sites specifically dedicated to these family branches. I know each one has members who have been researching its history for many years. Thanks to them, I have what information I have here. I hope I can return the favour by presenting the information here in a consolidated form.

I’ve done genealogy research for many years in my employment. I developed extensive family trees first with index cards and sheets of paper and later with computer databases. But it was always other people’s families on which I worked.

Tap for links to Newfoundland Mi’kmaq genealogy

People I asked about their family history would ask, “What about your people? Where do you come from?” I had no good answer, I realized I knew nothing about my own genealogy. My grandparents’ names, a few names of great grandparents, a few places where they had lived – that was it. This was despite having a grandmother who kept orderly records and random notes of family names, birthdates, places of birth and death.

burwell-binder family history

My mother would give photographs to me with her full name written on the back. When I laughed, saying “Mom, I know who you are,” she’d say “Yes, but will someone who looks at this thirty years from now know?” My mother, grandmother and aunts would have made great archivists. They certainly made the work of archivists and genealogists easier.

Where do you come from?

Despite the interest that questions like “Where do you come from?” created, I didn’t find the time to research my own background. I did ask more questions. But I’d left my efforts too late to gain the first-hand knowledge my grandparents had. However, I have many of Grandma Burwell’s hand-written pages. (Grandma liked lists. In her papers was one entitled “Names of Neighbourhood Dogs.”) I have information, photographs and newspaper clippings my mother and aunts kept. I also have cousins who have traced the Anger family, and family trees that my mother’s cousins worked extensively on.

burwell-clippings family history

The trees will be added to as I can. I welcome additions and corrections. You will see that information on living people is “privatized” so LIVING is all that’s shown. Please write in the comment box at the bottom of pages. If you need more information on someone, please let me know. If I can help, I will. I apologize if I incorrectly have someone listed as living or deceased.

This Post Has 180 Comments

  1. Looking for info on James Henry Matthews birth 12 June 1888
    Burgeo NF farther James Matthews mother Julia Matthews

    Also Lottie Bell Baker 1879 Pictou NS or Any Baker family left Newfoundland for Pictou NS

  2. I saw a reference on your site about an Ellen Williams who married Alfred George from New Harbour, Trinity Bay in late 1800’s. If so they would have been my grandparents. Unfortunately, they both died prematurely around 1912 and we have little knowledge of them.
    Do you have any more information on her mi’kmaq background or can you refer me to any organization that could help. Alternatively, if any of your followers have any knowledge, please contact me.

    1. Hi Frazer, I found the comment you mention. In it, Julie gives Ellen’s name as Mary Ellen Williams from Deer Lake maybe and Alfred’s date of birth as about 1870. But, sorry, I have no information on them. Maybe readers do?

  3. Hi Dorothy,
    Searching for information on Amelia Blake married William James March approximately 1930-1932 at Noddy Bay, NL or New Chelsea , NL. She died April 1934, where did she die? Can’t find any information on her.
    Ellen Hunt

  4. Hi Dorothy,

    I am looking for information on the Saunders family line who lived in Newfoundland and Labrador and are believed to have been Mi’kmaq. My great grandmother was Jesse Saunders b. 1906, her GGF Thomas Alexander Saunders b. 1873, and GGGF William Saunders b. 1843. Any direction or help is much appreciated.

    1. Hi Rob, sorry, I have nothing on the Saunders people you’re looking for. If you have names of spouses, it might help me or readers track them down. Thanks for writing.

      1. Thanks. I dug a little deeper after posting the question and
        I think I have found the correct family here in this census:

        It appears that dwelling #32 is William and Julia Saunders (second wife) and dwelling #33 was Thomas Alexander and Annie Saunders (Badcock). Their children are more numerous than I expected:
        Emmie Jane
        Edward Roy
        Thos Alex
        Annie Beatrice

        These Saunders do not appear on any of the voting registries at Harbor Grace for what ever reason.

        There is a William Saunders listed as deceased in 1927 at the age of 83 in the “insane asylum”, with cause of death “insanity.” An age that lines up pretty close with his Oct 1843 birthday.

  5. Hello Dorothhy….have you come across a Rachel Kearly being Mikqam or Kearly family? …. Jessie Rose 1872 ……Noah (Pike) 1864-1900 Mikqam?

  6. This is for Matthew Mckenna
    Martin which i found out is Theodore martin Billard son of Gabriel and Miriam Durnford married Harriet last name unknown they had a Gabriel born 1856 to 1934 Margaree NFLD He married Mary Ann Ingraham and they had Rebecca ” Becky” 1885 to 1978 if there is any information that you wish i am on ancestry Elizabeth Billard … I am always interested in hearing about the Billards

    1. Betty, thanks too for this information on Theodore Billard. I have sent it on to Matthew by email, so I removed your email address from this comment (to avoid you getting spam or whatever). If you want me to put it back in so he or others can contact you, let me know.

      1. Hi Dorothy,

        Could you send me Betty’s email, I’d like to contact her.



        1. Hi Matt, I’ve sent your email address to her.

        2. Hi again, Matt, sorry to say that the email I sent Betty bounced. So let’s hope she sees your comment here.

  7. I have read info from your tree and the stories as well and it is very interesting but I wanted you to know I research the Billards now for many years and finally found that Gabriel Billard I copied what i have on my site ” August 23, 1783 • Hendaye, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Aquitaine, France
    How to find the information: Hendaye, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Aquitaine, France (pg 28 right bottom and 29 left) There are 87 pages to this document. documents 1774 – 1788 Pyreness Atlantic AD64 letter H Hendayne 1774-1788 Type in Ad64 in google” Gabriel was in Miquelon in 1833 and he gave this information to the priest there when he had 4 sons baptized. Gabriel’s orginal name was Villard but since he had a thick accent no one could understand the V from a B and so eventually the name was changed to Billard. Gabriel could not read or write so he did not know what the priest wrote. In the 4 sons mentioned the last name was spelt differently on each of them and can be found in the ngb Chebucto dot org site.

    1. Hi Betty, thanks for the Billard information. I have never thought about B and V getting mixed up, but it could easily happen. Thank you!

  8. Ron Leach would you be kind enough to contact me Alexander Payne

    1. Hi Alexander, I have sent your comment and email address on to Ron in case he doesn’t see it here.

  9. Hi Dorothy,

    I would like to clarify your note about Noel Jeddore. You have “Noel Matthews marr
    Bridget Hinks with a son Michael Matthews marr Agnes Jeddore, d/o Noel Jeddore,
    b 1865 Conne River, and Dinah Morris, b abt 1870 Great Jervois.”

    Michael Matthews is my wife’s grandfather and I just spoke with his daughter Mary
    Elizabeth to clarify. We have Michael Frances Matthews as being born in White Bay,
    Newfoundland in 1888. I have his parents listed as John H. Matthews and Bridget
    Fowler. Michael Matthews did marry Agnes Matthews, daughter of Noel Jeddore
    and Dinah Morris. My wife is named after her, her name is Agnes M. Matthews.

    We’re still early into our research of this family line. I appreciate all the great
    information you have here and just wanted to clarify that one point.

    Take care,

    1. Thanks, Ron. I’ve put your info on Michael Matthews in my database.

    2. Hi Dorothy and Ron,

      Bridgit Fowler and Noel (John) Matthews are my great grandparents, too. My grandmother was Veronica Matthews, the youngest of the siblings. Going through our family documents our great grandfather is sometimes listed as Noel and sometimes as John. No idea why he used John for some and Noel for others. My sister has been researching our family’s genealogy and has loads more details.


  10. Hi Dorothy, I am interested in finding out about Alice Young born June 1895, my grandmother who married Albert Alexander born 1893 on Sept 12 1912. I have her family here but she is not listed She should have been the 11th child. Please see below. It is like she never existed. Ernestine or Vanentine or Tiny is her father and Anne Bennoit was her mother.
    Ernestine Young “Valentine or Tiny” b. 1856 West Bay, bapt. 7/9/1869 Immaculate Conception R.C. Church, Sandy Point, m. Nancy Benoit “Anne” b. 18/5/1862 Fox Is. River, Nfld d. ca. 1940 in De Grau, Nfld., d/o Louis Benoit & Domitille Gaudet.
    (1) Rosalee LeJeune m. 14/11/1897 at Conception Bay, Driscoll Jacobum s/o Richard and Bridgett Brown
    (2) William Young b. 9/2/1876
    (3) Victor T. Young b. 9/2/1876 Clam Bank Cove m. Rose ____ b. 1885 Winterhouse
    Children: Joseph, David, Mary, Louis, Walter, Francis and Genevieve Young
    (4) Mary Jane Young b. 16/2/1884 Stephenville, Nfld d. 17/5/1977 Stephenville, Nfld. m. 22/9/1901 Edmond Jesso s/o Pierre Jesso ,
    i) John Edward Jesso “Jack Edmond” b. 15/2/1904 Clam Bank Cove, Nfld d. 11/12/1966 m. Angela Jesso b. Lower Cove, NL d/o William Jesso & Martha White
    Children: Gordon, Ronald, Larry, Arsene, Vina, Daniel, Angela, Doug, Robert, Mary, Dot. Jesso
    ii) Daniel Jesso b. Sheaves Cove, Nfld. m1) Geraldine Jesso m2) Mary Agatha Benoit
    iii) Mary Cecilia Jesso b. Clam Bank Cove, Nfld. m. John Phillip Chaisson
    iv) Genevieve Jesso m. John Edward Benoit
    v) Arther Jesso b. _/12/1904 Clam Bank Cove, Nfld m. Louise LeGoynoux
    vi) Anthony Jesso b. _/3/1908 Clam Bank Cove, Nfld. m. Stella Jesso
    vii) Andrew Jesso b. 11/1/1911 Sheaves Cove, Nfld.
    viii) Nancy/Ann Jesso b. 18/11/1912 Sheaves Cove, Nfld. d. 1937 Loretto, Nfld. m. Adolph Benoit
    (ix) Michael Jesso b. 18/9/1902 Clam Bank Cove, Nfld. m. Mary Harmony Benoit
    (5) Joseph V. Young b. 1884 Clam Bank Cove m. Elizabeth ______ b. 1891 Marches Point
    i) Bridget Young b. Clam Bank Cove ii) Augustine Young b. Clam Bank Cove
    (6) Katie Young
    (7) Annie Young b. 2/12/1886, Stephenville, Nfld, d. 1996
    (8) Elizabeth Young b. 4/12/1887
    (9) Peter T. Young b. 30/6/1891 Clam Bank Cove m. Sarah ___ b. 1896 Sheaves Cove
    Children: Emmanuel, Arthur, Vincent, Norman and Aloyouses Young
    (10) Albert Young b. _/6/1893 Clam Bank Cove m. Josephine ______ b. 1897 Salmon Cove
    Children: Richard and Calais Young
    (11) Julia Young b. _/10/1898 Clam Bank Cove
    12) John Francis Young b. 26/7/1899 Clam Bank Cove m. Alice ___ b. 1895 Sheaves Cove
    i) Walter Young b. Cape St George
    ii) John Young b. Cape St George
    iii) Sadies Young b. Cape St George
    iv) Charles Young b. Cape St George
    v) Mathew Young b. Clam Bank Cove
    (13) Ellen Young b. _/1/1901 Clam Bank Cove, Nfld m. James Marche
    (14) Alfred Young b. _/6/1903 Clam Bank Cove, Nfld.
    (15) Anthony Young b. _/2/1906 Clam Bank Cove, Nfld d. 5/5/1989 Sheaves Cove.

    1. Hi Teri, thanks for the info on the family of Tiny Young and Nancy/Ann Benoit. And, sorry, while I have them and your grandparents, Alice Young and Albert Alexander, I do not have anything showing Alice as d/o Tiny and Nancy/Ann. I have Albert’s parents as Andre Alexander and Rosalie Cammie but no parents entered for Alice. On Ancestry trees, I found a daughter of Tiny and Nancy/Ann’s named as “Sarah Jane (Alice) Young” but the birthdate given for her is way too early to be correct. For Alice Young, I found another birthdate of Oct. 1893 and that she had a sister Ann (marr Quigley) and a brother Herbert/Hubert (marr Jane Young). You probably have already seen that on a Rootsweb gen forum.

  11. Hi Dorothy

    I have information on the Fraize family, I’m also researching Richard Thomas Parrill of Pines (Points) Cove

    1. Hi again Ephraim, googling Richard Parrill, I found this FTM tree with Richard Thomas Parrill married to Leona Frazer. On and in Ancestry discussion forums, I saw her name as Lenora Fraize. I still can’t link him or her to anyone in my database, but I hope this helps a bit.

      1. I am related to Leonora Fraize, who married Richard Parrill. Would love to share information!!!

        Linda (Fraize) Kirby

      2. Thank You Dorothy, this is a link that I’m trying to prove, I’ve also been informed that Richard Thomas Parrill (Peril) is actually of native ancestry which would be interesting, that would mean 4 of my great grandparents are at least part native North American.

        1. HI Ephraim, I am wondering if you are related to Pateys of St. Anthony…Lillian Gertrude Patey married to John Henry Cave of Change Grandparents..from what I understand there is native ancestry per my info,,would love to hear back..much thanks in davance 🙂

    2. Hi Ephraim. I am a Fraize and also researching the Fraize family! Just spent some time on the west coast of Newfoundland and visited Pines Cove! Also found the graves for Richard and Leonora. Would love to share information!

      Linda (Fraize) Kirby

    3. HI Ephraim, I am wondering if you are related to Pateys of St. Anthony…Lillian Gertrude Patey married to John Henry Cave of Change Islands..tks in avance 🙂

      1. Hi there Sharon,
        I’m not sure if you’re still around but I’m looking for information on the Pateys from St. Anthony. Let’s swap info!

      2. I am a cousin of Sharon, you can email me at and I will give a information on the Pateys from St. Anthony back to 1864, and I have more back to the 1600s in England if you still are need it.

        1. I have been informed that Gertrude Lillian Cave and my grandmother (Emma Patey – St Anthony Bight) were sisters. My grandmothers birth certificate has Lillian Patey listed as her mother. She was raised by James and Mary “Mollie” (Martin) Patey. James was previously married to a lady named Selena – spelling as per the census, Probably Selina. Any info appreciated. Thanks.

  12. Greeting
    I am looking for any information on my grandmothers name Strickland from the Change Islands NFLD all i have is that she married a George Steele my grandfather and I would love to know her roots her first name is Roseanna she was born in nfld and left to reside in Cape Breton where she died so would anyone have info on her background on the Strickland family from NFLD

    Debra Rose

    1. Hi Debra, I have a couple Roseanna Stricklands but none married to George Steele. The ones I have dates for were born mid 1800s, from the south coast. The name in records is sometimes spelled Stickland. If anyone can help out, please do write.

  13. Just wondering if there has ever been a connection Little Bras d’Or, NS from Jean-Marie Alexander and the Pierrot family yet? Is there a website for St. George’s Genealogy society? If so what is it please.
    Thanks in advance

    1. Hi Gertrude, here’s what Jasen Benwah says about the Alexander/Pierrot family:

      “Alexander’s of Bay St George –
      E. R. Scary, noting that the name is common in England, Scotland, Ireland and Jersey, does include reference to a merchant of the name at Sandy Point in 1849, and to John ALEXANDER, a fisherman at Indian Head (St. George’s Bay) in 1871, originally from Chezzetcook, Nova Scolia, and of French stock. Scary further notes that the name is now found almost exclusively on the west Coast, especially at Stephenville and Kippens.

      White notes a family of Pierrots from Bras d’Or settling at St. George’s in I830. The head of the family, Alexandre PIERROT, for reasons unknown, took as its Family name Alexandra; Butler (32-33), taking up this point, insists on writing ALEXENDRE, without apparent justification for the spelling modification. In the 1858 Forrest document, a Desire ALEXANDRE is listed, with a family of 11, and a John M. Alexandre with a family of six. The latter (John) is presumably the same John ALEXANDER noted by Scary.

      The 1871 Petition includes a Desire ALEXANDRA senior and a Desire junior, as well as a PierreALEXANDRIA. Stride reports (Corr., Oct. 1985;) the presence of the names LEJEUNE, ROY, MARCH, JOSSEAUME and Alexandre at St. Pierre between 1764 and 1789, and that the names YOUNG, King, Marsh, Jessam and Alexander, all of French descent, were prominent at Little Bras d’Or in 1818, as they were later in the 19th century at Bay St. George. The name ALEXANDRE is present at St. Pierre in 1765 (Poirier 197) and recurs as part of the band of Acadian exiles. Clearly, names appeared both in their English and French forms, depending on circumstance.”

      This is from his Mi’kmaq names page. I’m guessing the White he refers to is Stephen White (link to his site on my Nfld Mi’kmaq Family History and Genealogy page). Also there are links to the Bay St. George Genealogical Society and the Bay of Islands Gen. Society. Both are well worth joining in order to have access to their extensive materials.

  14. Don,
    Re: Noel Matthews – Howley used this man as a guide for several years in the 1870’s-80’s?. In his “Reminiscences” there is mention of Matthews talking about the Beothuk as repeated from stories told by his mother (no name). So probably she was in Conne River, but maybe not. Unfortunately no specifics on what the stories were. A wife is mentioned by Howley (no name), but no children. Also mentioned is that Matthews can both read and write in English and Mi’kmaq. I found this peculiar in that I don’t believe there was a school in Conne River yet (until 1908) but the first teacher was anne matthews. And he would have had to spend some time with the English to be literate in that language when even many of the English could not read or write at that time (census info). Howley also remarks on the fine job by Matthews in building his house in Bay d’Espoir? as well as a schooner that was in progress. Where did he learn these skills uncharacteristic of structures then found at Conne? Howley does describe Matthews as “very intelligent but surly”. I agree that with the 11 children, there must be many relations still in NL. I am trying to search Matthews from Bay du Nord and am also hitting a brick wall. Maybe help is out there. Also maybe some of my observations need to be clarified. Tks.

    1. Hi Darlene, thanks for the reminder of what is in Howley. An interesting family, to say the least. You earlier commented that you were looking for “John Matthews 1780? from Cape LaHune? Not the one who settled in Burgeo” – I double-checked in Small’s diary and he says the John Matthews in Burgeo had originally come from Cape LaHune. Maybe you’re talking about another one?

  15. So Alexander Stewart lived in KY and he was a slave Owner so more than likely my descendants were slaves who took the name Stewart as their own once they got freedom.

  16. By the way I live in PA now. My family has a history between Arkansas I hear and Kentucky where I was born and PA. We are scattered really. Cali, Texas, Hawaii a relative and her child, Georgia, Everybody has new names from marriage. Also if they were the case what would make relatives such like me if I am a very distant relative from being creole although we aren’t from New Orleans Isn’t all the same mix or bloodlines?

    1. Hi Canal, thanks for the info on your Stewart line. As you see, I haven’t posted anything yet on them. I’m still working on them and will keep a look out for any who fit the descriptions and places you give.

  17. Okay so obviously he wasn’t a slave in the U.S because of the 13th Amendment in 1865. I just want to know my family history. Maybe Stewart just followed the slave descendants? What are the odds of that? I don’t think so but it could be IDK.

  18. This is very interesting. Kind of sucks not knowing where you come from and not having the insight and wisdom of our ancestors. I was born in Louisville Kentucky. Stewart comes from my great great great grandfather who was a black man I hear but sources our that he was Ethiopian He was a mason. His wife was Beatrice Stewart who I hear was Indian. If he was a Stewart and a mason he couldn’t have been a slave. I wish I understood.

  19. Found your site while trying to research my Ancestors in Newfoundland. Thanks for the great advice.

    I’ve been told our family has Native Blood from my Grandmother’s side but so far I haven’t had much luck trying to find out where. Would you happen to have any information on the following people:

    My grandmothers father was Rupert A Hare of North Sydney NS (descended from Samuel Hare of Burgeo/Channel i think) and her mother was Rebecca Billard (descended from Gabriel and Mary Ann Ingram).



    1. Hi Matt, Rupert’s father Samuel Hare (b 1845 Burgeo, marr Julia Gillam) is on ancestry trees as s/o Robert Hare (b 1800 Belfast N Ireland) and Elizabeth (Betsy) Mullet. But Samuel is also listed as s/o James Hare and Mary Northcott or Matthews.

      Rebecca Billard’s father Gabriel (b 1856 Margaree NL) was either s/o Martin Billard (b 1828 d 1911 both Grand Bruit NL) and Harriet or s/o Thomas Billard and Tryphena Kinslow. Thomas was b 1838 Wreck Is NL and d 1894 Louisbourg NS and Tryphena was b 1844 Burgeo and d 1920 Glace Bay NS. Martin and Thomas both were sons of Gabriel Billard (b 1784 St. Malo France d 1863 Wreck Is. NL) and Miriam Durnford (b abt 1798 Francois NL d 1886 Grand Bruit NL). Mary Ann Ingram b 1862 Grand Bruit NL d 1933 Margaree NL) was d/o John Ingram and Susannah.

      As you can see, this is rather confusing and uncertain. I’m not sure that these connections are the right ones, but they might help in looking further.

      1. I believe Mary wife of James Hare may have been a Saunders not a Northcotte or Matthews. She likely came from Fortune Bay as, Joseph Small said in 1925, with her sister Ann Saunders Rhymes. The Saunders family of Fortune bay were Mikmaq and I just got a picture of Samuel Hare your great great grandfather and does he ever look native! Striking features!!

  20. My gggrandfather John Thomas Whelan in the records of St-John’s Anglican church a son is born in 1815 the mother is listed as Lazette Lachance it says he recognizes this boy as his son. This son married my ggrandmother Emilie Fournier-Larose in Quebec city in 1835. I am trying to establish the birth of Lazette and her relationship to me. I would be grateful if you could provide some info on this woman

    1. Hi Georges, I remembered the name Lazette and found your previous query about her on my Nf Mi’kmaq family history page (June 9). Sorry, I still haven’t come across anything more about her. Thanks for the additional information on John Thomas Whalen’s wife. I’ll make a note of that.

  21. Hi Dorothy,
    Trying to research my grandmother Jane Perrier (nee Francois) from Flat Bay, Nl. I was told she was full blooded Mi’kmaq, was wondering if you have any information for me on this. Thank you so much

    1. Hi David, I have her full name as Susan Jane Francis/Francois, b 14 Oct 1885 in Codroy Valley, daughter of Ben Francois/Francis and Mary Young. Ben died abt 1895 and Mary was born 1856 in Flat Bay. Their other children were Alexander, Mary (marr John Webb), Selina (marr Albert Burchell). Google Jane’s sister Mary (Francis) Webb. She was a well-known and respected midwife in Bay St. George. Thanks for writing.

  22. Joe Pitre was married to Martha Arsenault. Her sister was Adele Arsenault and Adele was married to my Grandfather Marc Bernard who was born in 1900 from PEI. My Grandparents had two children there, Florence and Alban. My Grandparents had to move to Manitoba because my Grandmother had TB. They had two more children born in Manitoba, Adrien and Lorraine, who is my Mother. Just wondering if anyone out there can give me more information. Tks Louise

    1. Hi Louise, you may already have the info that I’ve just found on your grandparents. If not, I hope it helps. I don’t have anything else on them. Here is a forum post about the family of Hubert Arsenault and Marie Gallant. They were parents of Nicholas Arsenault who was the father of your Martha and Adele. Their mother was Emilie Martin. (Go to Generation 2, child #5 Nicholas.) Martha is also known as Martine Martha, and her husband Joe Pitre (or Peters) is also in sources as Jadus. With the surnames you’re looking for, Acadien and/or PEI sources should have information, at least up to your grandparents. If Adele’s siblings stayed in the Maritimes, it might be productive to trace your ancestors through them.

  23. Hi Dorothy I am looking for information on my grandfather his name was Thomas Benoit ( Bennett ) born 1896 died 1946 on the job at Dominion Iron & Steel Co Limited in Sydney NS His mother was Catherne Benoit born 1874 in bay of islands father unknown but had a stepfathernamed Patrick Doucet he maried Catherine 1911. Thomas marred my grandmother Elizabeth Hannem in Sydney NS Whitney Pier 1917. We don’t know how he got over to Sydney ns from Nl we don’t know who raised him over here , if he has any bothers or sisters my fathe was only 10 when Thomas passed away.Any information would be great .

  24. Hi Dororthy, I am looking for inform on my grandfather Thomas Benoit (Bennett)this is what i know his mother was Catherine Benoit born 1874 give or take 5 years she married Patrick Doucette july 4Th 1911 he came to Cape Breton when he was young we dont know how he got here or who raised him he married my grandmother Elizabeth Hannem in Sydney Nova Scotia in Whitney Pier he died in 1946 on the job Dominion Iron & Steel Co Limited my father was only 9 and he know nothing about him .

    1. Hi Raylene, I have Catherine Benoit (b 1874 Bay of Islands) marr Patrick Doucette but no children listed for them or her. I can’t find a Thomas Benoit/Bennett that matches as her son. Sorry to be of no help to you or to Daniel in his inquiry about Elizabeth Jane LeBlanc. If anyone can help with either of these, please do!

  25. Hi Dorothy;
    You have given me information on my families genealogy that I doubt I would have been able to track down myself. I will make note of your response and keep it with my family tree records for my growing family to look back on. I will contact the Bay St George Genealogy Society or the St. John’s Archives just out of curiosity.
    Thank-you very much

  26. Hi Dorothy;
    G-grandfather John Lee was in Round Harbour at the time the 1921 census was done. He was born in Round Harbour in 1884 as far as I can see. Elizabeth, not sure of maiden name, was born in Bay De East in 1890. They had three children on this census, Chesley , Charlie and Dorothy. there was also a brother-in-law Robert Wilmott staying with them at this time. The heading that has the checkmark is “State whether person is a Micmac Indian”. The census page is #290 and g-grandfather John Lee is on line 25. I contacted the Qalipu band in Corner Brook and they were the ones that told me to call Indian Affairs. I don’t know which direction to take, maybe you or one of your readers are able to point me in the right direction.

    1. Hi Trudy, here’s what I have: your John Lee was born 4 Nov 1883, s/o John Robert Lee and Charity Kendall (b 1851). John Robert was s/o John Lee and Mary Chislett (b 1816). That John Lee was s/o William Lee (b 1764 England) and Grace Kendall. Mary Chislett, his wife, was d/o Charles Chislett (b McCallum) and Ann Pardy. Their son John Robert’s wife Charity Kendall was d/o John Kendall (b 1828, s/o John Kendall and Susanna) and Frances Strickland. Their son John (your gr-grandfather) was married to Elizabeth Ann Wilmott (b 30 Jun 1893). Her parents were Henry Charles Wilmott (b 1858) and Martha Jane Wells (b 1869). Robert, the bro-in-law in the census was Elizabeth’s brother. Henry Charles was s/o Henry John Wilmott and Martha Hull (b abt 1839 Great Jervois). Martha was d/o Silas Hull (b abt 1815 Great Jervois) and Susan Allen (b abt 1816 Great Jervois). Susan Allen was d/o John Allen (b 1775) and Elizabeth (b 1777) both born Brambley, Hampshire, England.

      I hope that gives you something to go on. Regarding the checkmark in the column asking “whether person is Micmac” in the 1921 census – that’s what I’m not sure what the significance actually is. Generally, either “yes” or “Micmac” or “mm” is written in the column. The checkmarks seem to be on the forms of some districts and may have nothing to do with that question at all. I’d suggest contacting Bay St. George Genealogy Society or the St. John’s Archives for information on that.

  27. Hi Dorothy;
    In researching my family genealogy I have found my families mic mac connection. On a copy from the Rooms of the 1921 Newfoundland census in the district of Fortune Bay,my g-grandfather John Lee and my g-grandmother Elizabeth Lee were checked off as mic mac. I made a couple phone calls that kept referring me to Ottawa. I called the Dept. of Indian and Northern Affairs and was told that it wasn’t any good for me to apply because I was too many generations away to register. I am finding this hard to believe. Would you or any of your readers know if this is fact or was I just getting the brush off? Also, if my grandmother, who is living doesn’t register, can my mother still register?

    1. Hi Trudy, have you talked to the Qalipu band office? I don’t know the rules for applying well enough to say, but I think there are different processes for applying directly to Indian Affairs or through the Qalipu band. I have another question for you though. On the 1921 census, you say John and Elizabeth Lee “were checked off” – do you mean literally a checkmark? I ask because I read on a Nf Mi’kmaq Facebook page that check marks in that column don’t mean yes. Either “yes” is written or “Micmac” is written. The checkmarks, it is thought, might be a tally of something else kept by the enumerator. The Bay St. George Genealogy Society could explain that better to you.

      In my lists, I do not have a John Lee marked as Mi’kmaq in the 1921 census. If you could give me some more information, I’ll see if I can find anything on them. Where in Fortune, Elizabeth’s maiden name, years of birth/death, the name of their daughter (your grandmother). I have a couple John Lees married Elizabeths, but don’t know if they’re the same as yours.

  28. Dorothy
    I was born and raised in Kippens Newfoundland in 1947. I’ve put together a fair amount of family information….more on my mother’s side than my father’s, because basically I hit a brick wall.
    My great grandfather was Edward Gaudon there the trail stops…..I looked through some census information from the late 1800’s and found “Edward Gandon” fisherman….
    Is there any way you can help.

    1. Hi Genevieve, can you give me some more info? When did your Edward Gaudon live, who was he married to, name of their child who is your grandparent, your father’s name, etc. I have a couple people with that name but don’t know if they might be yours.

  29. Hi,
    My grand father was john robert kendell and also my grandmother was Ada Penny, but married Frank Kendell in Woodyhead cove, they use to call it.
    Can you tell me about my Indian geneology, every time I look in the mirror, I see an Indian. Even the Indians ask me what tribe I am from, please help.

  30. Hi, just came across this thread in researching my family tree… Very interesting to me were the posts by Judy re: Susannah Tuffin because she was my great great grandmother funny enough…. Isaac Pollard born May 13, 1879 is her son & my father’s grandfather and Jane Pollard b. 12 Feb 1865 is her daughter & my mother’s grandmother. What a small world!!! :)))). In case you are confused, yes my mom’s grandmother and my dad’s grandfather were brother & sister… I am originally from Harbour Deep, NL living in Fort McMurray, AB. Really appreciate reading this thread, thank you :).

  31. just wondering how much micmac blood was in my grandfather marc bernard from pei. he was born 1900. married adele arsenault. also, did she have micmac blood in her too?

  32. my grandfather marc bernard was from pei. he was born in 1900. he married adele arsenault. two of their children were born there. florence and alban. my grandparents had to move to manitoba because my grandmother had tb. i was just wondering if you know anything more about them. tks louise

  33. hi–for dorthy and annett—i found this– Elizabeth Young b./5/1884 Stephenville, Nfld. d./7/1956 m. Henry Francis Bennoit/Bennett b./7/1882 Stephenville, Nfld. d. 1974 s/o Honore Benoit & Christine LeBlanc
    —the name change from benoit to bennet is common and makes it so much more fun to track someone–lol–hope this helps some–
    —found on this site-

  34. Hi Dorothy : I’m trying to find a little more info on my new found family,The Benoits. Honore Benoit Born Feb.1845 and his wife Christine Leblanc Born Aug.1847 in St.Georges,N.L. I can find 4 kids only (Elizabeth my line) George, Marie & Henry. Honore’s father was Paul Benoit and wife Victorie Leblanc ,both from Cape Breton,N.S. It seems like a small family for the Benoits and the times ? I have the birth dates for the above people and who they married. I’m hoping you can give me some dates of when they died and where there buried.

    1. Hi Annette, I have only these 4 children for them as well. Some of the Ancestry trees have a Eugene, but I think that might be a confusion with Elizabeth’s name as Elizabeth Eugenie. The only date of death I have is for son Henry Francis Benoit – 3 May 1974, buried Shallop Cove (NLGenWeb). Christine (aka Catherine) was listed as widow in the 1921 census, living with daughter Elizabeth. Hope this helps.

      1. Hi Annette
        My ancestors are from George Benoit who married Sepherine LeBlanc. They were born in Margree, CB. George is a brother to Paul . Sepherine and Victoria were sisters.

  35. i am looking for information on james park. he was married to a susan? they had a son james richard (voys beach, born 1866) who married jessie parsons. i got his name from james’s birth certificate but cannot get anything further up this line. i am tryng to find out if he is a descendant of the robert park that was married to a mary (jo i believe, she was later married to john brooks).

  36. looking for copy of kirk r.butt volune 3 edition,,or place where it can be bought————-ty

    1. Hi Lorraine, according to another poster, Tidespoint had copies available again. As for your question about websites for Mi’kmaq surnames, the Bras d’Or Indian Band Council site has a lot of family history information that connects to Nfld Mi’kmaq (links to it and Butt’s book are on my Nfld Mi’kmaq Family History and Genealogy page).

  37. I am trying to find information on some Morris family members. I am looking for sister Susanna Morris born 9 Aug 1883 in Conception Bay NFL and Mary Ann Morris (DOB unknown) died 1907. Their father was John Morris. The sisters both married the same man, John J. Butts, born 8 Sep 1866 in Conception Bay NFL. First Mary Ann in abt. 1905 and then after her death Susanna married John abt 1908. John was married 3 times. His first wife was Mary Ann Morrison they were married 8 Jan 1888 in St. Joseph’s, Bras D’or, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. I believe the Morris sisters marriages also took place in Nova Scotia. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Hi Brandi, so glad you got Kirk Butt’s book. That’s good news if they’ve got it in stock again. On your Morris sisters, I have nothing, nor do I on John Butts. I have some people from Conception Bay, but only if they’re connected to western or central Newfoundland which is my focus. If I come across them, I’ll let you know and maybe somebody reading can help. Thanks for writing.

  38. I have a copy of the book “Early Settlers of Bay St. George” by Kirk Butt. Volume 1- I purchased it online through in the summer.

  39. I hope you can help, I am looking for information on Jessie King born July 24 1855 St Francis Harbour Labrador. her parents were Jonathon and Mary King and i cannot find previous records for them.
    Also Mary Jane King born 1842 in Carbonear who was the mother of Rueben Bennett born march 2 1878 Bell Island. Family lore has it that Rueben was part Mi’kmaq and would spend time with on the land with other Mi’kmaq.

    1. Is this email still valid. I am replying to a post 2012. Reuben was my great grandfather. I hope this email is still valid.

  40. Doing back ground check my grandmothers family Randells from Grandvach NL my mother always said that her grandmother had native blood, Mary Ann Randell her mother name Susan Randell / Susan Dove, my grandmothers grandmother was Priscilla Short, Are the 4 names that we are trying to check.

  41. looking for info on james moore sept 20 1803 who married jane gallop in 1812 looking for native link.. also there is reuben samms 1799 and sarah matthews , wondering if either of these people were of native origin.

    1. Hi Boyd, I have James Moore as born in Darvon (Devon?), England and marr Jane Gallop 19 Sep 1830. Jane is d/o William Gallop and Mary Kearley. No parents for William, but Mary was d/o Edward Kearley and unknown.

      Reuben Samms, b 1799, was s/o Thomas Samms, b 1778 England, and Catherine Poole, b 1773 Bay Chaleur. She was d/o William Poole and Mary unknown. I have Reuben marr to a Sarah but no surname. The Ancestry leaf gives no surname for her either. Was it Matthews?

      So to answer your question about native link in them: James Moore and Reuben Samms go directly to England. And the others, I don’t know and am not seeing anything leaping out at me. Hope this helps a bit.

  42. Hi Dorothy, do you have any information on Matthew Morris, Born, August, 1890, Stanleys Cove and Carolin Morris, Born 1879? I believe these are my Grandfathers Parents who were both passed away by the time he was 6 years old. I believe his mother, Carolin Morris’s Parents are Silas Morris and Elisabeth Morris (Rose). I believe his Father, Matthew Morris’ parents are Ben Morris and Mary Morris (Hagger). I haven’t been able to find anything else on the Morris’s. I know that there were quite a few Morris’ around the ST. Albans area whre my Grandfather was from. Thanks, Mark

    1. Hi Mark, I found a lot of info on the Morrises on, I think, the BOI Gen Society site (link above) but couldn’t really figure out your people from it. In my database, I have Benjamin Morris (no dates) marr Mary Hagerty with sons Thomas b 4 Jun 1875 and Hugh Joseph b 23 Sep 1876. No Matthew, but the dates of birth are feasible. Benjamin Morris was s/o John Morris and Mary Fudge (no dates). John Morris was s/o Robert Morris and Elizabeth (surname unknown). Robert had a brother Benjamin b 1818, but no parents entered.

      I have a Caroline Morris, b 27 Jan 1876, d/o AMBROSE Morris, b 1848, and Margaret Hull, b 1852. Ambrose and Margaret also had a son Silas, b 1870, and marr Elizabeth Rose. I have no husband entered for Caroline. If she is your Caroline, she’s Silas’ sister not daughter. But there’s quite an age gap between your Matthew b 1890 and Caroline b 1879 or 1876. I have 3 children entered for Silas and Elizabeth: Alice b abt 1902, Frances b Jan 1902 and Stanley b Oct 1906. Maybe there’s a Caroline too but I don’t have her entered. Ambrose Morris’ parents were Benjamin Morris b 1818 (brother of Robert mentioned above) and Dinah House.

      On your Pico question, I can’t find any by those names with any connection between them.

  43. Hi Dorothy;

    I am trying to find information on Noel MATTHEWS originally from Conne River. He moved at the turn of the century to Indian Point/Mattis Island with his wife and 11 children. One site states he still has family in this area. However, after this move, I can’t find any other information on him or his family. I am especially interested in the names of his children. Thank you.

    1. Hi Don, I have a Noel Matthews marr Bridget Hinks with a son Michael Matthews marr Agnes Jeddore, d/o Noel Jeddore, b 1865 Conne River, and Dinah Morris, b abt 1870 Great Jervois. I don’t know if this is the same Noel or not and have no other info. Like you, I can’t find much. In case you haven’t seen a copy of it, I just found an online version of Frank Speck’s 1922 Beothuk and Micmac, which refers to Noel. I’ve put a link to it on my Mi’kmaq Books post (Feb 22/12).

  44. Hi Dorothy..Wondering if natives could have hailed from Conception Bay, Brigus area to Western Newfoundland. Thomas Kennedy, Robert Gushue, Ballam?

    Thx for helping.

  45. hi dorothy
    looking for info about phoebe powell,rachel boyd and frances powell.lived in merrits to be of aboriginal decent.trying to find out for family history.lived in the 1800s and would like to trace history further then rachel boyd,my gr,gr,gr.grand-mother.any info would be appreciated,thanks

  46. hi i like to know where i can check out to see if,gaulton,ball,mcneil ,have indian status,,,please ty,,

    1. Hi Lorraine, and all wondering about whether specific families have status, you’re best checking with the Qalipu office (contact info on their website).

  47. Hi Dorothy
    Just a correction for the Anger Family Tree. William Colin Laur, son of Verna and Colin Laur married Catherine Lister, not Lidster as you have posted.

    1. Hi Catherine, I corrected it. Thanks for pointing that out.

  48. Hi Dorothy,
    Looking for information on Lenora Fraize that married a Richard Parrill of Pines Cove,Lenora was the daughter of John and Elizabeth Fraize. I know Elizabeth as a Babb from Carbonear. Lenora was born May 19 1856 and died July 14 1913. She is buried in Savage Cove NL. Any information would be appreciated.

  49. Hi Dorothy,
    I am looking for Jane’s maiden name or parents name. who married Hugh Bagg parents of William Bagg b oct.08/1840 d apr. 07/1906 married sept 22/1860 to maria pennell b jan 11/1831 d dec. 05/1812.

    1. Hi Catherine, I don’t have your Jane’s maiden name or parents. But I do have a couple generations more in between her and husband Hugh Bagg and William Bagg marr Maria Pennell. I have Hugh Baggs, b 1759 Our Cove, marr Jane b 1863. They had son William Baggs marr Sarah Currie, and they had son John Baggs marr Hannah, and they had son William Henry Baggs marr Marie Pennell. Does that seem right to you?

  50. I see many comments about Samms in Nfld. Trying to see if there is a credible link to Natives. My great grandfather was Benjamin Samms but unlike the above poster he was married to a Rachel Kendall I believe.
    Any idea where I can continue my search?

    1. Hi Cathy, I have your Benjamin Samms (marr Rachel Kendall) as b abt 1888 d 8 May 1956 Codroy Valley. He was s/o Thomas Samms, b 1855 Codroy Valley d 3 Apr 1914 Lark Hr, marr 11 Sep 1883 Channel-PAB Elizabeth Ball. Thomas was s/o Benjamin Samms, b abt 1814 Codroy d 11 Dec 1870 Channel-PAB, marr Mary Deborah (called Deborah) surname unknown. Benjamin was s/o Thomas Samms, b 1778 Sundon Bedford England, marr Catherine Poole, b 1773 Bay Chaleur. Catherine was d/o William Poole, b Bay Chaleur, marr Mary surname unknown. William had siblings John Poole b abt 1760 and Elizabeth Poole.

      So you need to find out more about the women they married, I think. Hope these dates and places give you some help.

  51. Hi Dorothy,

    We are looking for some geneology books called “Early Settlers of Bay St. George” by Kirk Butt. We are want to buy Volume 1 and Volume 2, used or new. Any idea where we could look? Our search on the Internet has been to no avail.


    1. Hi Kevin, you’re right. I can’t find any sites that actually have Kirk Butt’s BSG books for sale either. While looking, I came across another book I’ve never heard of – also it seems unavailable. It’s “Descendants of Alex White from Stephenville Crossing” by Richard A. White 1964. BSGGS has a link to a 2007 scan of it but the link says it’s been moved or deleted. If anyone knows of any copies available of either of these (print or electronic) would you please post the information? Thanks.

  52. I am wondering if you have anything on John Matthews (Mathews) b1796 in NL? I know he was Mi’kmaq but don’t have a document to prove it. Can you shed some light on this?
    Thank you

    1. Hi Donna, I’m guessing you’re talking about John Matthews marr Sarah Baggs? I don’t know his parents’ names. Can you tell me how you know he was Mi’kmaq? I know a lot of people are looking for information on him. Thanks.

  53. Can you provide any info on the following wondering if there is any aboriginal connection.

    John Campbell born 1842 Pictou, NS his parents were John and Christine (maiden name not known). He was married to Sarah McEwen born 1843 in Pictou, NS. Her parents were Patrick and Jane (maiden name not known). John and Sarah moved to NL in 1891 to run the lighthouse at Cape Norman, Northern Peninsula.

    Also looking for John Wheeler born around 1860 lived in Greenspond, Central NL His parents were Joseph Wheeler and Marion Dooling of Wings. He married Susan Burry born around 1865. Her parents were William Burry and Christine Burry.

    Also looking for Sam Elliott and Mary Ann Bessey grandparens of Ebert Pilgrim of Raleigh, NL

    Also Annie (Ann) Clarke mother of Wesley Adolphus Pilgrim father of Ebert Pilgrim .

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

  54. hi i like to know if kettles,,,gaulton are of natives status,,,,or site i can use to find the info,,,,,,,,,,,ty

  55. Dorothy, I am looking for information on John Pittman who married a Johanna Genge . They lived in Anchor point NL

    1. Hi Frank, thanks to ancestry and a Genge family tree on it, I found your John Pittman. It says he was b 1826 Dorsetshire England and d 30 Mar 1890, marr abt 1849 to Johanna Genge, b 1827 Anchor Point d 28 Apr 1858 d/o William Abraham Genge 1793-1865 and Margaret Buckle 1799-1871. Nothing more on him.

  56. We were wondering if you have any information on the YOUNG family …we think james young sr (JAQUES LEJEUNE) is my husbands G G G grandfather..we have been trying to find the link …the names we have are james young jr..william young ..and john young ..the daughter is MINIRA young (minnie young/Durnford)

    1. Hi Darlene, the info I have on Minnie Young’s family came from Dr. Litchman’s site (listed above) in “Publications”. I have her born 24 Mar 1916 Grey River d bef 1921, d/o John Young, 6 May 1866 Little River – 30 Jan 1946 Grey River (changed name of place), and Elizabeth Ann Lushman, d/o Francis Lushman and Mary Ann Warren. John was s/o William Young, abt 1842 – 31 Jan 1916, and Sarah Styles b 16 Sep 1839. William was s/o James Young b 1837 and Elizabeth. I don’t have anything further back so don’t know if they’re connected to Jacques LeJeune family.

    2. Lejeune is usually mîkmaw
      I can help
      For contribution

    3. Lejeune has micmac

  57. I was wondering if you found any info on the whole Samms’ family secret of what Deborah Mary ? last name was. She was married to Benjamin Samms. I am trying to find the indian link. Thanks…BTW…this site is great!

  58. Hi Judy, sorry but I have nothing on your Pittmans, Tuffins or Pollards. But with the information you provided, I’m sure if anyone else can help, they will let us know.

  59. Hi,I am researching the Pittman family. If anyone has any information on Elias and Charlotte Pittman of Grandvache, NL (who were their parents, children?)
    They had a daughter Phoebe Ann born on Apr 30 1865 married Abraham Cassell on Aug. 24 1882
    We were told that there is native blood in the family, but cannot prove it.
    Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

  60. Wondering if you know if there is any mi’kmaq blood in this family.

    Name: Susannah TUFFIN

    Note: There is no documented proof that Sussanah is James’ daughter. However, there were no other Tuffin families documented in Herring Neck at that time, and James had five young girls living with him at the time of the 1836 census.

    Father: James TUFFIN b: BEF 27 DEC 1793 in Sturminster Newton, Dorset, England c: 27 DEC 1793 in Sturminster Newton, Dorset, England
    Mother: Elizabeth

    Marriage 1 John POLLARD married Susanna Tuffin
    Married: 13 NOV 1860 in Herring Neck Cove, Newfoundland

    Lucy POLLARD
    Thomas POLLARD
    William POLLARD
    Sylvester POLLARD
    Albert POLLARD b: BEF 19 APR 1861 in Green Cove, Herring Neck, Newfoundland c: 19 APR 1861 in Green Cove, Herring Neck, Newfoundland
    Reuben POLLARD b: BEF 19 DEC 1862 in Green Cove, Herring Neck, Newfoundland c: 19 DEC 1862 in Green Cove, Herring Neck, Newfoundland
    Jane POLLARD b: BEF 12 FEB 1865 in Green Cove, Herring Neck, Newfoundland c: 12 FEB 1865 in Green Cove, Herring Neck, Newfoundland
    Isaac POLLARD b: 13 MAY 1879 in Herring Neck, Newfoundland, Canada

    1869 29-Jul Hr Deep POLLARD Lucy dau of John & Susan (John Pollard mar Susanna Tuffin in Herring Neck in 1860)

    1889 Sep-21 Hr Deep Elias CASSELL (age 25, fisherman) Lucy POLLARD (age 20) wittness John J Clemens & John Elgar Elias was the son of George Cassell, Lucy the dau of John Pollard

  61. Hi Dorothy, the Annie White I am referring to is Annie or Anna White (maybe Leblanc, I think her father was Peter Leblanc and mother Marie O`Brien) The info I have has her birthdate Dec 1884 at Stephenville, NL. She married H Maynard (is Harry or Henry Maynard, not sure which) H Maynard was born June 1867 at Bonne Bay, NL. I have no date of death for either. But from what I can gather H Maynard was Church of England and Annie White was Roman Catholic. I also have that they married 1901 at Birchy Cove, NL. I have the marriage certificate of their daughter Beatrice Maynard and they are listed as H. Maynard and Annie White. I also have a marriage certificate of Henry Maynard and Anna Leblanc, daughter of Peter Leblanc and Marie O`Brien, dated 28 May 1901 at the Sacred Heart Parish Roman Catholic Church. In other resources such as census he is listed as Harry Maynard. Hope this isn`t too confusing but this is what I have. Do you know of this Annie White…….thanks

  62. I was wondering what you could share on the Stewart family and the Windecker family – when I googled the combination your website came up. I am related to John Windecker Stewart born 1798 in NY or PA – his father is Samuel Stewart born in Connecticut but that is all I know. I got this info from John Windecker Stewart’s obit. Any connections?

    1. Hi Jeanne, it seems it’s just coincidence – the connection of the two names on my site that is. In my Anger material, I have a Mary Magdalen Windecker marr Frederick Anger. He was born in Penn. and died near Fort Erie, Ontario. She was d/o Henry Windecker b abt 1737 d abt 1814 marr Dorothy Pickert. Henry was s/o Joann Georg Windecker b 15 Oct 1715 Schoharie NY marr Anna Walrath b 15 Jul 1715 Schoharie NY. Joann Georg was s/o Johann Hartmann Windecker b 5 Nov 1676 Dudelheim, Germany marr Anna Catharina Birx. And that’s as far back as I have them.

      I have several sisters and one brother ent’d for Mary Magdalen Windecker (b 1771), but I have no wife or children for that brother, George. I haven’t done any work with the Stewart material I have, but when I do I will keep an eye out for a Windecker connection. Thanks for telling me.

  63. Hi Dorthy,
    I am looking for information on the parents of Albert Brown. Maybe you can find something from the info.of this posting.I am searching this for myself and Family. Albert Brown is my great grandparent. His Daughter Mary was my grandmother.(If any of my family have info.on this please contact me).
    Thomas LARKIN & Louisa PATEY of Big Brook & Wild Bight
    ancestralfamilytrees (View posts) Posted: 6 Jul 2007 1:54AM
    Classification: Query
    Surnames: LARKIN, BROWN, PATEY

    Also any info on their parents? When did Louisa die? I have read that Thomas died Apr 10 1928 in Wild Bight.

    Here he is with daughter Martha LARKIN & her husband Albert BROWN in 1921 CENSUS:

    Name Sex rela. Status Birth D. Age Birth Pl.

    LARKEM; Thomas M Head Widower 1847 Mar 74 St Anthony Bight
    LARKEM; Stephen M Son Single 1899 Nov 22 Wild Bight
    BROWN; Albert Sr. M SIL Married 1871 Apr 50 Western Brook
    BROWN; Martha F Dau Married 1878 Jun 43 Big Brook
    BROWN; Samuel M Gson Single 1900 Nov 21 Wild Bight
    BROWN; Thomas M Gson Single 1902 May 19 Wild Bight
    BROWN; James M Gson Single 1905 May 16 Wild Bight
    BROWN; Albert Jr. M Gson Single 1910 May 11 Wild Bight
    BROWN; Abraham M Gson Single 1918 Apr 3 Wild Bight
    BROWN; Mary F Gdau Single 1904 Sep 17 Wild Bight
    BROWN; Louisa F Gdau Single 1908 Feb 13 Wild Bight
    BROWN; Fannie F Gdau Single 1911 Oct 10 Wild Bight
    BROWN; Charles Jr. M Gson Single 1921 ? 1M Wild Bight

    Thomas Larkin was a lay minister for the Anglican Church in the Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland; he baptized many of his grandchildren.

  64. I was wondering if you had any information on Annie white from stephenville

    1. Hi Doug, do you mean Annie Gabriel (1909-1983) marr Richard White? If so, she was d/o Frederick Gabriel and Margaret Cormier. Frederick b 1871 was s/o Joseph Gabriel and Mary Rachel Gillam. Joseph b abt 1840 was s/o Andre ‘Teech’ Gabriel and Mary Ann Hall (b 1822 d 16 Jul 1894). Andre b 1809 was s/o Joseph Gabriel and Joanna. If it’s a different Annie, tell me what you can and I’ll see if I have anything.

      And, if I may, to let others who have posted comments and questions – thanks and I have gone through them all and, sorry, I haven’t got anything useful. But if I find anything, I’ll let you know.

  65. Hi Dot
    How are you , not sure if you remember me. I am Audrey’s Stanford’s Daughter off Glenwood . I still have the Mocasions you made for Devin when he was Born. Oh and happy belated birthday!!! we have the same birthdate. lol!!

    Dot my husband Kevin Collis son off Amelia Rumbolt. His ancestor Elizabeth (Bradbury )Rumbolt is his Gr-Gr-Gr-Grandmother. His Grandmother & Grandfather are Milicent Bird & Joesph Rumbolt they are here on this site are they eligbile to register with the Qalipu Band.Are they of Mik maq ancestry. His mother Amelia & Father Edwin been here in Glenwood since the 70’s.

    Look forwarding to hearing from Yuh!!!



    1. Hi Connie, what a nice surprise! Of course I remember you but forgot we have the same birthday, so belated happy birthday to you too. Sorry to be so long replying. I haven’t got back to genealogy stuff yet but when I do I’ll let you know if I have anything on Kevin’s family. I remember giving Devin a teeny pair of moccasins – did I actually make them? Wow! Say hi to everybody for me and thanks so much for writing.

  66. Hi Dorothy,

    I been researching my family tree and i was wordering if you had any information on Elizabeth Brown, she was married to James Williams, born 1830 and live in Current Island, (Northern Peninsula) Newfoundland. My grandmother said that she was a mi’kmaq, but I can’t seen to find anything about her. Her parents name was Novilee Deerchild and Josph Brown…any information would be great..


    1. Marly, did you find the information that you were looking for concerning Elizabeth Brown? I see your post is several years ago in 2012. I am also a descendant of Elizabeth Brown through her second marriage to William A. B. Genge, after James William died about 1860. Our records show that Elizabeth died 15 July 1893 in Newfoundland. If you have found other information on the family of Novilee Deerchild we would love to hear from you.

  67. Hi, I am tracing roots for my niece. She was given these names. John Drover and Annie Gosse (Gross)? as well as their son
    Thomas Drover who married Elfreda(Alfreda) George.
    My niece was told that the Elfreda George is somehow connected Mi’Kmaq nation. Thomas and Elfreda Drover had some children in Heart’s Content and Dildo NFLD, but at some point them moved to Cape Breton Nova Scotia

    1. Hi Liz, I have nothing on your people – sorry!

  68. Hi…
    Wondering if you were asked or found proof that the Jane Matthews (Mathieus) line was from the descent of micmac blood?? There seems to be no “proof”…


    1. Hi Laura, you’ll see especially on the Nfld Mi’kmaq genealogy page that there has been lots of discussion on Jane Matthews. It seems that she was Mi’kmaq from descriptions of her children, and we know that her husband Ralph Brake was not. But no, there is no “proof” or knowledge of who her parents were. Thanks for writing.

  69. Dorothy,
    I am researching the Upper Canada Militia who served on the Niagara Frontier during the War of 1812. I have a Frederick Anger Jr. who served in the 3rd Lincoln (recruited from Bertie Twp.) and another Frederick Anger who served in the 2nd York living about half way between Niagara (on the Lake) and York. I also have records for other Anger men in the 3rd Lincoln. When I looked at the Upper Canada Land Petitions I found 3 Frederick Angers living in Bertie Twp., with 3 different fathers, who were of an age to serve in the militia. Two of them were known as Junior, which at the time meant a younger man and not necessarily a son. I now have a puzzle that I cannot resolve concerning which Frederick served where. If you would like more details about this puzzle and militia records for the Anger men please contact me at with the subject “1812 Anger men”.

    1. Thank you for this information, Fred. And thanks too for reminding me it’s time to start thinking about the War of 1812. Reenactments will soon be starting – in Canada anyway 😉

  70. HI, I’m researching Michael Organ and Sarah Mathews and wondering if there is any one willing to share info, pictures, etc.. I’ve just started and would appreciate anything your willing to share. Lovely site! You can e-mail me at

    1. Thanks, Debra. If there’s any info you’re specifically looking for, let us know and we’ll see who can help.

  71. Hello Dorothy,

    I was wondering if you could help me. I was wondering if there are any natives within my family. My grandparents were Garfield A. Young and Lillian Burt. Garfield’s parents were Elias Young (parents Andrew Thomas Young and Susanna (Susan) Dove) and Hannah Lowe (parents Jabez Lowe and Mary Ann Philpott)
    Lillian’s parents were Fred Burt (parents Richard Burt Jr and Louisa Boyd) and Gertrude Mugford. Gertrude Mugford’s parents were Mark Mugford and Phoebe Poole (these two would be my great great grandparents.) Phoebe Poole’s parents were Simon Poole and Rachel Watkins. Rachel Watkins parents were Henry Watkins and Lucy Wheeler. Lucy Wheeler’s parents were William Wheeler and Lydia Moors. I was wondering if you know anything about any of these families.

    So on Garfield’s side: Garfield’s parents were Elias Young (parents Andrew Thomas Young and Susanna (Susan) Dove) and Hannah Lowe. Andrew Thomas Young’s parents were David Young and Lydia ?????. Lydia only lived to 26 years so David remarried. Seems as though David and Lydia only had one child……Andrew Thomas. David Young’s parents were John Young and Elizabeth Tilley/Tilsie. This is how far I got on the Young’s side.

    These families came from Carter’s Cove, Chancecove, New World Island, Twillingate area.

    Any help would be appreciated, thank you for your time!

    1. Hi Breena, I’m sorry but I have nothing on the people you name. Maybe someone reading this will be able to help and I’ll let you know if I find anything. Thanks for providing such detailed information.

  72. hello Dorothy,
    I am looking for some infomation on Jeanne Park, she married Oliver Julien October 8, 1860. They were married in St.Georges by Alex Belanger. Witness were Frank Joe, Noel Joe and PeterMichel and Ernest Garnier.

    Thank you for your time.

    Bertha McEachren

    1. Hi Bertha, I have only the same info that you have. I too got it from the church records. Sorry!

  73. I am also trying to find Louisa Strickland or Blake of Twillingate. Louisa had a brother by the name of George Blake. so I am not sure if there were two different fathers or if the surname Strickland is incorrect. Louisa Married William John Rice and had two childreen. George Rice and Winnifred Rice. When John died she then married a James Pinksen a brother of John Charles Pinksen Jr and lived in Seal Cove. Louisa died on October 25, 1965 in Seal Cove. Louisa also had an son for a Reuban Small and named this son Neilson Small from Jacksons Arm in Wild cove, Newfoundland.
    Thank you

  74. It is only one child I am having trouble finding. And yes she did have two names (Margeurite Francoise Benoit), she also was known as Fanny Benoit, according to the Duval section of the Micmac Shore. It also mentions in this writing that Charles and “Fanny” had a son named Alexander. Therefore I assumed there were documents somewhere to prove this. The name Francoise does show up on some birth records as the mother, with this in mind, I have searched using all possible names or combinations thereof. Thank you.

  75. I had this book from the library and read it , on page 149, there is a list of family heads Bay St. George/ Pout au Port…..Charles Duval is on the list as having 8 people in the family. There are no names listed for his children. Did not see any information on his family in detail throughout the book? Were the family members listed on pg 155 ? And what edition of the book did you see this in? Is there more than one edition? Thank you.

    1. Hi Pauline, I don’t know of any more than one edition of Bennett’s Trail of French Ancestors. And yes, it’s only the references to Charles Duval on pp 149 and 155 that I remember. It was the p 155 reference to his wife as Francoise Benoit that I wondered about since you had mentioned Marguerite Benoit as his wife. I wondered if she had both names or was 2 different people, thinking maybe that’s why you were having trouble tracking down his children.

  76. What document do you have exactly that states he is the son of Charles Duval? Even that would help. Thanks

    1. Hi Pauline, I don’t have any documents I’m afraid. A source for Charles Duval and Francoise Benoit is in Don Bennett’s Trail of French Ancestors, p 155, in a “partial list of Frenchmen immigrating to Bay St. George/Port au Port”. Information is said to be from Church records and the 1911 and 1921 censuses.

  77. Wondering if you have information linking Alexander Duval to Charles Duval and Margeurite Benoit or know where I can find it? He is their son but we cannot find a birth certificate for him. Thank you

    1. Hi Pauline, I have Alexander Duval (b 1844, d bef 1921) as s/o Charles Duval (b 1820 Cape Breton, d 10 Sep 1844 Humbermouth) and Francoise, Fanny, Benoit (b abt 1820). Maybe someone else knows whether his mother was Marguerite or Fanny and whether a birth certificate has been found?

  78. I dorothy this web site is amazing. could you tell me if their is any mikmaq descent in the gallop or kearley family thank you.

  79. Hi Dorothy ,i was told about your website through a friend, It is amazing. i was wondering if you could tell me if there is any connection to the Mikmaq through the surnames of Parsons, Vater, ( Conroy) King, Moores, Mercers, or Slade, My family Comes from Carbonear, Nl. But resettled in all different parts of the island But my gg grandparents were Richard Childs & Mary ann Parsons , Her parents were Henry Parsons & Jane Vater they had all there children in Carbonear, But moved to sliverpoint, Bonne bay . I got most of my info about these people from the rumbolt/hann website. it will be greatly appreicated if you can tell me anything Thanks Lana

  80. looking for info on reuben samms ,b.1830 in codroy nl.married grace moore dec.7, 1865. children; maryjane,james,suzannah,wilson,elizabeth,frances,reuben,julia. any info would be appreciated .

    1. Hi Daniel, I have Reuben, with no parents, marr Grace Moore. Her parents are James Moore b 20 Sep 1803 Darvon? (Devon maybe?) England, d 18 Jan 1894 Codroy, and (marr 19 Sep 1830) Jane Gallop b 19 Feb 1812. Jane was daughter of William Gallop & Mary Kearley, daughter of Edward K with brother Thomas b. 1795.

      I have Reuben Samms, born 1830 Codroy, marr to Frances Organ. His parents are Reuben and Sarah (no surname for her). Maybe they’re the same Reuben? Do you know if he was married twice?

  81. looking for info on louisa matthews, b.april 1851 in little bay petites nl. d/o of edward and damaris matthews any info would be appreciated.thank you.

    1. Hi Daniel, I have nothing on her. See my reply on Nf Mi’kmaq page for what I have on Edward and Damerais. I have the other kids you mention but no Louisa, sorry!

  82. lo oking for info on edward matthews and his wife dammaris their childeren lmrtouisa b ba april 1851 in littley petites n.l. thomas hannah b april 17 1840, martha b oct.9,1861 priscilla b.sept.20.1864 any info would be appreciated

  83. For information purposes, the Matthews family came from Cape La Hune. This area is just East of Burgeo and completely isolated.

    1. Hi Walter, I have Sarah Bagg, marr to John Matthews, as being from Cape La Hune. And her husband would be one of the Matthews you’re talking about – the family discussed at length by Joseph Small? Do you know where the other Matthews, the ones that Small says are not related, were from? Thanks.

  84. hi dorothy , Glynis ask about sarah matthews and michael organ wondering if they was indian, they had a son william organ born st johns island, a lot his descendents that applied for the status got it , so that opens the door for all of michaels and sarahs descendents dont you think?
    and i know its not because of who he married because they had to send in pictures of sarahs headstone, it showed michael as her husband. i know where sarahs birth certificate are and most of her children as will, i put this on your site the other day , and for some reason i couldnt find it, do you know what happened to it?

    1. Hi Scott, your earlier message is still there – just have to click on ‘older comments’. Did you see the one for you from Jim saying he couldn’t get your email to work? It’s back there too. Also – tada – notice I put up a new window for Nfld Mi’kmaq. Just did it tonight, so I’ll be changing the links for this and other posts on that topic. I figured things weren’t already confused enough (haha). I hope to use it to organize stuff better rather than have everything only in comments where they can, as you see, get lost from easy view (and get lost completely!).

  85. I’m from the Anger side of your family. Aaron Anger and Mary Jane Buck Anger were my ancestors. Still trying to find out about Mary Jane. I’m very proud of my family origins. I once told a cousin of mine that we could’ve had french connections because countries changed back and forth between each other. Angers is the name of a street I used to live near in Montreal. Also found out that some of my family came here to Yamashish, Quebec after the America Revolution.

    1. Hi Georgette, just had a look online for Mary Jane Buck. Found a Buck family tree page that has a lot of Anger info as well. Here’s the site [I see the link isn’t showing up, but cutting and pasting should do]

      I didn’t find anything on Mary Jane and Aaron on it but there might be names that are useful to you. If you haven’t already seen this site, of course. Somewhere on an Anger site, I found information on those who moved to Quebec, but can’t think of it now. It would be one of those used as source material on mine. I’ve seen the name Angers often in Quebec – I haven’t been sure if it was the same family.

      Thanks for writing – it’s nice to find new family!

  86. Hello!
    I, too, am descended from Adam Hude. Adam’s DAUGHTER Agnes married John Lee and after he died, William Spencer. John and Agnes had a daughter named Agnes who married Burwell (or Burrell?). You can look up the Wills from New Jersey on the Internet. They are sometimes confusing to decipher…..but I think I am correct about the Hudes and the Lees. Some family trees incorrectly call Adam Hude Adam Hyde. The name Hude can also be found as Hood. I live in New Jersey and also have access to the State Archives in Trenton….which are also found on
    If you belong to, please look up my Lee Family Tree. I also have the Lee Family on Family Tree Maker. Thanks so much for allowing me to read your website. I love the way you have designed it!
    Charlene Cranmer

    1. Hi, thanks for explaining the Hood or Hyde thing. I’ve never come across the name Hude and wondered if it had been altered. Both those alternatives make sense, but I’d never thought of them, even though I assume Hude is pronounced Hood. I’m not a member of but I’ve gone in it when they have free entry days. When I can again, I’ll look for your Lee family tree. Thanks!

  87. here is a site i come across awhile back it says there was mi’kmaq at point rich st johns bay and , Ferolle and port au choix, it seems there was a lot around the island …scott Mi’kmaq Celebration, click on Ethnographic Info, then Chronological Record for pdf [DS- sorry I had to remove link to this – it was causing problems on my page, worth checking out the site though.]

  88. here is the wrong one, check it out

    Now we come Uncle John Matthews of the first man to settle here with the exception of Mr. Currie. John came in about 1795 as near as can be ascertained. Old father Matthews came here with his family and settled on Smalls Island known up to 1860 as Slades Island. The wife of this man was a Bagg a daughter of old Mr. Bagg. How many of his family was born here no one knows but only one or two. The sons were Thomas, Hugh, John & William I know no others. There was in 1860 another family of Matthews but do not seem to be of this family names Samuel, Edward and John. The daughters of the old man were Ann, Frances, Maria, Elizabeth, Susan, Ellen and one other who married and went to Bonne Bay long before 1860 name of husband Organ died 1866.

  89. hi dorothy, a lot of stuff is disappearing from the internet , sites gone down, even stuff from joseph smalls diary, here is the right paragraph from the diary

    Now we come to Uncle John Matthews, son of the first man to settle here, with the exception of Mr. Currie [Note: Edward Wix baptized John age 2, Francis age 5, Marianne age 3 and James age 5 months Oct. 3, 1830 at Burgeo to William and Sarah Curry]. Old father Matthews came here with his family in about 1795 as near as can be ascertained, and settled on Small’s Island, known up to 1860 as Slade’s Island. The wife of this man was a [Sarah *Wix 1830] Bagg, a daughter of old Mr. Bagg. How many of his family were born here no one knows, but probably one or two. The sons were Thomas, Hugh, John, and William [Oct. 3, 1830 Wix baptized Anne 23, Sarah 19, Elizabeth 14, John 26, Joseph 5, John? 3 William 15 and Henry 7 months to John and Sarah Matthews]. I know of no others. There was in 1860 another family of Matthews but they do not seem to be of this family. Their [this other Matthews family] names were Samuel, Edward, and John. The daughters of the old man [the first Matthews] were; Ann, Frances, Maria, Elizabeth, Susan, Ellen, and one other who married and went to Bonne Bay long before 1860. The surname of her husband [the one who went to Bonne Bay] was Organ. She [or he] died in 1866.

  90. hi again Dorothy , Jane organ that married Henry thatchell , do you have any thing on her and her parents?….. thanks sgould

    1. Hi, I don’t have Jane Organ or Henry Thatchell. What I’ve got is Michael Organ (b 24 Dec 1803, d 4 Feb 1862 Norris Point) marr Sarah Elizabeth Matthews (b 19 Dec 1811 d 12 Apr 1872 Norris Pt)

      Their children: Frances b 1837; Sarah b 18 Mar 1840; *Unknown* b 25 Feb 1841; Matthew b 26 Oct 1844; Uriah b 26 Oct 1844; George Thomas b 1 Jan 1854.

      Could “Unknown” be Jane?

  91. hi Dorothy, there was Matthews in Cape LaHune in the Burin Peninsula, NL , old man Matthews married Sarah Baggs , old Mr Baggs daughter, from there , what i trying to find out now is the Matthews family that lived in Cape LaHune Mi’kmaq

    again thanks for all the info

    ps anyone that reads please add
    if i’m wrong or if you can add
    anything to help us out


  92. hi i read what you were saying about the matthews, micheal organ married sarah matthews daughter of john (uncle) matthews, thet had a daughter jane who married henry thatchell who can from england. that matthew family is said to be native, do you know any thing on them thanks

    1. Hi Scott. The Burgeo Matthews families confuse me. Joseph Small doesn’t really say where the father “Old Man Matthews” came from. We know there were Mi’kmaq and non-Mi’kmaq Matthews in the same area at the same time. It’s just trying to figure out where the families differ and/or intersect. If I can find anything useful from the Matthews-Thatchell end, I’ll let you know. And, as always, anyone who can help here, please do! Thanks for writing.

  93. Hi
    My family is in the process of doing and submitting their application for our Indian Status with a new band that is trying to establish Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation in Newfoundland, Canada
    My Fathers name is Elyard Harris
    Grandfather Walter Harris
    His mother( My Great Grandmother) Catherine (maiden name Matthews) Harris
    After this I know there is a Edward Matthews
    I was wondering if you could help me establish anymore names and their connection to my Indian ancestery?
    Thank you

    1. Hi Michelle, just did some looking. I don’t have anything directly on your people. But found info on message boards. Some of it is different than what I have for Matthews family, and I don’t know who’s right. (For ex. James Matthews m. Matilda Payne is said by poster to be s/o Edward and Hannah Marie). Others have commented here about the same family. If any of you want to contribute or clarify, please do. I’ll make email contact between you if you like.

      In short, what I found online from Oct 2006 by mdcjt1 is: Catherine Matthews (b 1884 Shoal Hr) marr (20 Nov 1901 Trout River) Stephen Harris.

      Catherine is daughter of Edward Matthews and Hannah Marie ?. Edward was born 18 Jan 1857 Petites, son of John Matthews & Elizabeth, married Hannah Marie 1880 Shoal Brook. Edward’s dad, John Matthews, was born abt 1822 Petites & died 1882 Shoal Brook. Edward’s mother Elizabeth b. 1827 Fortune, d. 1900 Shoal Brook .

      Back to Catherine Matthews & Stephen Harris. Stephen is son of George W. Harris & Jemima Coombs. Catherine & Stephen had several children, among them Walter. Walter married Elsie May Hann, daughter of Edgar Heal Hann (b. Jan 1894 Trout R.) and Mary Agnes Harris (b. Feb 1894 Trout R.) Mary Agnes was d/o John Thomas Harris (b. 22 Feb 1866 Camp River, Labrador) and Irene Payne (b. 26 Dec 1872 Bonne Bay).

      This same message from is on several genforum sites, with different comments on each forum. I found it by googling Catherine Matthews Harris. If I find more, I’ll let you know. Thanks for writing.

  94. hi dorothy
    info that i have on matthews a bit large for this post. if you would send me your email i will forward some of the info to you

    thanks again

    1. Got it, thanks Larry

  95. hi dorothy
    i have been researching the matthews family for years but can’t seem to get past my gggrandfather samuel matthews married to francis curry 1843 in burgeo. they had at least 2 children james and sara. james married matilda payne with 5 children, one, fanny is my grandmother from bonne bay. i have been told that samuels family name may not have been matthews but francis (surname and middle name got switched around). any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you.

    1. Hi Larry, and sorry for taking so long to reply and even sorrier that I haven’t got anything further back that might help you. You probably know all the genforums out there, including the one on on Strickland/Morgan/Matthews.

      When I was looking at it for Strickland info, I saw references to Joseph Small’s diary and the Matthews family of Burgeo. Someone mentioned something I’ve wondered about – the 3 Matthews brothers that Small mentions and says they’re not related to the other Matthews in the area. I too would like to know who they are – they even have the same first names as the other family of Matthews.

      I have never heard about maybe the middle and last name (Francis and Matthew) being switched around – very interesting. Would explain a lot, since it’s very hard to sort the Matthews out, especially the Mi’kmaq connection. About your grandmother Fanny, who was she married to? I’ve got a bunch of Fannys, but not one included as James’ daughter. I’d appreciate it if you could help me put her in her rightful place. Thanks, and if I come across anything helpful to you, I’ll let you know. You’ve got me back into the Matthews!

  96. looking for any info on the muise family tree i thank you for any help you can offer

  97. Hi, I am a descendant of the Mabee family that settled Mabee’s Corners (Vittoria). I guess we must be cousins! Anyway, the Mabee family tree is extensively researched.

    1. Hi, nice to hear from you. Yes, I found a couple sites with loads of information. I’m updating my info from one of them in particular. Haven’t got it done to post here yet – there’s that much material! My grandma’s dad was Clarence Sydney Mabee. I haven’t got the connection yet to Mabee’s Corners. I’m still on the branch that settled Turkey Point. Thanks for writing.

  98. I am the son of Beatrice and Basil Ongena, grandson of John and Mable Walters.
    I am married 20 years to my wife Kelly and have two boys.
    [I live in] Tillsonburg, Ontario, not far from [your grandparents’]. I have really enjoyed your site.
    Dave O

    1. Hi David, thanks for writing. I’ve met your grandmother several times. She is delightful. I’ll add your info to the family tree, thanks for it. I’ve got a story about my grandparents on Pine Street, Tillsonburg on my ‘dog blog'(moved here in 2015).

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