Smock Family Tree 2
My late mother-in-law, Marji Smock Stewart, did this genealogy of the Smock family. I have added to it, and it has become too large to put on one page. So…
My late mother-in-law, Marji Smock Stewart, did this genealogy of the Smock family. I have added to it, and it has become too large to put on one page. So…
Final part of Marji Smock Stewart's Finding the Rivers. The years on the farm (1960-1969), the academic years (1968-1982), seven years in Henderson (1985-1992, then ten years moving from place…
Dr. Marji Smock Stewart, my late mother-in-law, wrote her family story for her son and grandsons. She called it "Finding the Rivers." She shared it with other family members too…